Go behind the scenes of The Umbrella Academy , one of Netflix's most watched shows with a second season debuting July 31st 2020! Dive into the development and production of the first season of the Netflix original series, The Umbrella Academy, with a collection that features hundreds of behind-the-scenes images and exclusive commentary from the creative team. Discover how Netflix's live-action adaption successfully translated Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá's original vision for their comic to the small screen. Whether you're a diehard alumni of the comics or a freshman to the Netflix series, this fantastic tome is one that will not want to miss this vividly designed hardcover volume exposing the idiosyncratic wit and dysfunctional dynamism of Netflix's family of superheroic savants. |
Andy Singleton has been modelling and painting most of his life and has been a professional commission figure painter for some years now. Here he shares his experience and tips of the trade with those collecting Early Imperial Romans. The emphasis is on achievable results and practical advice that is applicable to painting units or whole armies for wargaming purposes in a reasonable time frame, not on spectacular individual display pieces. Most of the figures featured in the numerous illustrations are either 28 or 25mm but the techniques described are easily adaptable to smaller sizes and both plastic and metal figures are covered. Andy’s clear, step-by-step guidance takes the reader through the process from the initial preparation and assembly of the figure, to finishing and basing. Themed chapters cover armour, weapons and equipment, clothing, skin tones, shields and horses. All together it contains all the help you need to recreate your own legions of this most iconic army of ancient history. |
This sheet music features an arrangement for piano and voice with guitar chord frames, with the melody presented in the right hand of the piano part as well as in the vocal line. |
Un grido di dolore universale Ivan Cankar è sicuramente uno dei principali scrittori sloveni e, pure se ha rivolto la sua scrittura anche ad altri temi, ha sempre avuto un interesse particolare nel raccontare il destino di diseredati ed emarginati, il confitto di intellettuali o artisti anticonformisti e idealisti con una società gretta, presentando una scrittura intelligentemente calibrata di elementi realistici e simbolici. Rispetto a questo testo, è l’autore stesso che ce lo rivela, è interessante sottolineare l’origine ‘politica’ del testo: Cankar voleva scrivere solo un libello di propaganda, ma da ciò sarebbe poi scaturita la sua migliore novella, che narra del servo Jernej, che ha lavorato quarant’anni nella fattoria dei Sitar, identificandosi totalmente con essa. Alla morte del vecchio padrone viene mandato via in malo modo dal figlio del defunto. Inizia così il suo peregrinare, nel corso del quale racconta la propria storia a diverse persone e istanze, sempre attendendo che si riconosca il suo diritto: di chi è il podere, di chi l’ha ereditato senza aver fatto nulla o di chi l’ha lavorato per quarant’anni? Nessuno dà ragione al servo, che nella sua sete di giustizia giunge fino a Vienna, pensando ingenuamente di poter esporre il suo caso allo stesso imperatore. Neanche il parroco gli dà la risposta sperata, portandolo infine a dubitare anche della giustizia divina e della stessa esistenza di Dio. Il mite Jernej infine, ormai trasformato interiormente, torna alla fattoria e Cankar conclude il racconto con un finale straordinario. Anche se la storia del servo ribelle ha suscitato interesse in Italia soprattutto in momenti politicamente ‘nevralgici’ del Paese, il suo fascino senza tempo risiede certamente sia nel suo grido di dolore universale, sia nella peculiarità dello stile, ricco di similitudini e personificazioni, di allegorie e parabole ‘bibliche’, che insieme costituiscono forse l’esempio più brillante della prosa ritmica cankariana. L’autore : (Vrhnika 1876 - Lubiana 1918) scrittore sloveno. Patì il carcere (1913) e l’internamento (1914) per la sua propaganda antiaustriaca. Dopo che la sua raccolta poetica Erotica (1899) fu fatta bruciare dalle autorità ecclesiastiche, si dedicò alla prosa e al teatro e pubblicò, fra l’altro, Vignette (1899), schizzi di vita borghese e proletaria, il romanzo La casa di Maria Ausiliatrice (1904), il racconto Il servo Jernej e il suo diritto (1907), considerato il suo capolavoro, il dramma I servi (1910) e i bozzetti Immagini dai sogni (1915-17), ispirati dalla guerra. C. è il prosatore di maggior rilievo della generazione modernista: formatosi al naturalismo, ne superò le limitate scelte tematiche e ideologiche per affrontare non solo le questioni sociali e di costume fino allora ignorate dalla provinciale letteratura slovena, ma anche un’intensa problematica spirituale. |
Peu de temps avant sa mort, Claude Monet écrivait : « Je reste désolé d’avoir été la cause du nom donné à un groupe dont la plupart n’avait rien d’impressionniste. » Manet n’avait-il pas évoqué dans une formule définitive : « Je peins ce que je vois et non ce qu’il plaît aux autres de voir » ? L’auteur, Nathalia Brodskaïa, dégage les contradictions de cette fin du XIXe siècle à travers le paradoxe d’un groupe qui, tout en formant un ensemble cohérent, favorise l’affirmation des individualités artistiques. Entre l’art académique et le commencement de la peinture moderne non figurative, le chemin pour parvenir à la reconnaissance sera long. Nathalia Brodskaïa, après avoir analysé les éléments fondateurs du mouvement, poursuit à travers l’œuvre de chacun des artistes, la recherche « de cette conviction qu’ils avaient de la justesse dans leurs principes et de la valeur dans leur art ». De cette revendication à la différence est née la peinture moderne. |
L'impressionnisme figure parmi les mouvements artistiques les plus connus. Mais ce qui apparaît aujourd'hui comme une peinture de paysage charmante et exquise était en réalité l'un des premiers mouvements d'avant-garde dont les membres avaient décidé de combattre les valeurs de l'art traditionnel. Les peintures de plein air impressionnistes choquaient le public par la technique utilisée, mais aussi par leur apparente banalité. Alors que Monet, Sisley, Pissarro et bien d'autres cherchaient à capturer le caractère éphémère de la lumière, la génération suivante allait rejeter le Naturalisme. En effet, les postimpressionnistes tels que Gauguin, Van Gogh, Cézanne et Seurat privilégiaient le subjectif plutôt que l'objectif et l'éternel plutôt que le concret. Se faisant, ils ont posé les bases formelles de l'art moderne du XXe siècle. Cet ouvrage est un guide visuel à travers les moments cruciaux de l'histoire de l'art et la progression du XIXe siècle vers la modernité. |
The plays in this volume are Loving Daniel Boone, The Holdup, Circus Valentine, Sarah and Abraham, Getting Out, Traveler in the Dark, and Third and Oak. This collection will also include introductory notes by the playwright, original cast and production information. |
Un hommage à BB, la plus célèbre des actrices françaises, un album-souvenir des années Bardot illustré de photos souvent peu connues du grand public. Le livre officiel de la grande exposition parisienne consacrée à Bardot à partir de la rentrée. Un hommage à BB, la plus célèbre des actrices françaises. Petite-fille de son siècle, Brigitte Bardot nous a appris plusieurs décennies durant, à aimer le cinéma, la grâce, la fraîcheur, la drôlerie, l'amour, l'engagement et la lutte. Avec, parfois, des excès mais aussi un débordement de franchise, d'honnêteté et d'inconscience qui la rendent attachante ou irritante. Brigitte Bardot a distillé des mots, régenté une mode, organisé un monde qui n'est plus, après son passage, le même qu'avant. Voilà déjà 36 ans, qu'un beau soir de l'année 1973, Bardot a décidé d'arrêter le cinéma et de ne plus jamais montrer sa tête face à une caméra. Il y a eu et il y aura, de toute éternité, sur la planète, "les années Bardot", prouvant que Brigitte n'a pas fait son temps mais bel et bien façonné toute une époque. Henry-Jean Servat rend hommage à la star de cinéma, à l'une des plus belles femmes de tous les temps, à celle dont tous les hommes ont rêvé. |
Wu Tang is a small mountain range in the northwestern part of Hubei Province of People's Republic of China, just to the south of the city of Shiyan. From these mountains came The Wu Tang Clan, a group of rappers who are physically from Staten Island, New York, but spiritually find there home elsewhere. Wht is Wu Tang? is an unique handmade book and graphic e-book that allegorically grapples with the history of the Clan and their contribution to hip hop through the unlikely personality of Republican presidential candidate and former Texas governor Rick Perry. What is the connection? Wht is Wu Tang? Wht is ? This series of handmade books and e-books made by Paul Chan uses a special technique of overprinting images and texts onto existing sheets of book paper to create works that read like nothing else. The series premiered at the 2011 NY Art Book Fair. Each handmade book exists as an edition of one with one artist proofs, and as an e-book with a unique ISBN available on Apple iBooks. Paul Chan is an artist who lives and works in New York. His work has been exhibited widely in many international shows including: Making Worlds, 53rd Venice Biennale, Venice, 2009; Medium Religion, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2008; Traces du sacrê, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2008 and the Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of Art, New York, 2006. Recent solo exhibitions include Paul Chan: The 7 Lights, Serpentine Gallery, London and New Museum, New 2007–2008. In 2007, Chan collaborated with the Classical Theatre of Harlem and Creative Time to produce a site-specific outdoor presentation of Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot in New Orleans. Chan’s essays and interviews have appeared in Artforum, Frieze, Flash Art, October, Tate etc, Parkett, Texte Zur Kunst, Bomb, and other magazines and journals. |
When we reflect on nature, or the history of humankind, or our own intellectual activity, the first picture presented to us is of an endless maze of relations and interactions, in which nothing remains the same. Everything moves, changes, comes into being and passes out of existence. Wht is nature? uses a special technique of overprinting images and texts onto existing sheets of book paper to create a singular reading experience that captures the perpetual unfolding of nature as both a thing and a property within our reality, which is always already a conceptualized reality. Wht is ? This series of handmade books and e-books made by Paul Chan uses a special technique of overprinting images and texts onto existing sheets of book paper to create works that read like nothing else. The series premiered at the 2011 NY Art Book Fair. Each handmade book exists as an edition of one with two artist proofs, and as an e-book with a unique ISBN available on Apple iBooks. Paul Chan is an artist who lives and works in New York. His work has been exhibited widely in many international shows including: Making Worlds, 53rd Venice Biennale, Venice, 2009; Medium Religion, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2008; Traces du sacrê, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2008 and the Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of Art, New York, 2006. Recent solo exhibitions include Paul Chan: The 7 Lights, Serpentine Gallery, London and New Museum, New 2007–2008. In 2007, Chan collaborated with the Classical Theatre of Harlem and Creative Time to produce a site-specific outdoor presentation of Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot in New Orleans. Chan’s essays and interviews have appeared in Artforum, Frieze, Flash Art, October, Tate etc, Parkett, Texte Zur Kunst, Bomb, and other magazines and journals. |
This artist book, designed by internationally acclaimed artist Paul Chan, brings together for the first time drawings, writings, and fonts he created for “Sade for Sade’s sake”, his monumental project that premiered at the 2009 Venice Biennale. This enhanced ebook includes video clips and never before seen drawings and images. It also features writings by Chan that explore the main ideas behind his project. Using the work of the philosopher Marquis de Sade (1740–1814) as a departure point, Sade for Sade’s sake is a five-hour-and-forty-five-minute video projection as well as a constellation of other works that together evoke the spirit of Sade’s radical critique of freedom and reason for the 21st century. This ebook features: - Over 180 artworks, including never before see drawings and source materials. - 4 video clips from sections of the video projection “Sade for Sade’s sake” shown in November 2009 at Greene Naftali Gallery in New York - Never before published poems and writings by Chan - An interactive table of contents for easy browsing Internationally acclaimed artist Paul Chan lives and works in New York.. His work has been exhibited widely in many international shows including: Making Worlds, 53rd Venice Biennale, 2009; Medium Religion, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2008; Traces du sacrê, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2008; 16th Biennale of Sydney, 2008; 10th International Istanbul Biennial, 2007; and Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 2006. Recent solo exhibitions include: My laws are my whores, Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, 2009; Paul Chan: Three Easy Pieces, Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard University, Cambridge, 2008; Paul Chan: The 7 Lights, Serpentine Gallery, London, and New Museum, New York, 2007–2008; Paul Chan—Lights and Drawings, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. In 2007, Chan collaborated with the Classical Theatre of Harlem and Creative Time to produce a site-specific outdoor presentation of Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot in New Orleans. Chan’s essays and interviews have appeared in Artforum, Frieze, Flash Art, October, Tate etc, Parkett, Texte Zur Kunst, Bomb, and other magazines and journals. |
Now a #1 New York Times Bestseller! In the summer of 2010, photographer Brandon Stanton began an ambitious project -to single-handedly create a photographic census of New York City. The photos he took and the accompanying interviews became the blog Humans of New York. His audience steadily grew from a few hundred followers to, at present count, over eighteen million. In 2013, his book Humans of New York, based on that blog, was published and immediately catapulted to the top of the NY Times Bestseller List where it has appeared for over forty-five weeks. Now, Brandon is back with the Humans of New York book that his loyal followers have been waiting for: Humans of New York: Stories . Ever since Brandon began interviewing people on the streets of New York, the dialogue he's had with them has increasingly become as in-depth, intriguing and moving as the photos themselves. Humans of New York: Stories presents a whole new group of people in stunning photographs, with a rich design and, most importantly, longer stories that delve deeper and surprise with greater candor. Let Brandon Stanton and the Humans of New York he's photographed astonish you all over again. |
The complete works of Oscar Wilde are collected here with an active table of contents to help you easily navigate to each work. Includes all of Wilde’s published works with critical examinations of his each of his major works. A biography of the life and times of Oscar Wilde is also included. The following works are included in this massive anthology: Non-fiction: A Critic in Pall Mall De Profundis Essays & Lectures Intentions Miscellaneous Aphorisms The Soul of Man Under Socialism Novels: The Picture of Dorian Grey Plays: The Duchess of Padua Fragmented and Unfinished Works For Love of the King An Ideal Husband The Importance of Being Earnest Lady Windermere’s Fan Vera, or Nihilists A Woman of No Importance Poems Stories: The Canterville Ghost The Happy Prince and Other Stories A House of Pomegranates Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories Selected Prose Shorter Prose Pieces |
WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE A beautiful, comprehensive volume of Dylan’s lyrics, from the beginning of his career through the present day—with the songwriter’s edits to dozens of songs, appearing here for the first time. Bob Dylan is one of the most important songwriters of our time, responsible for modern classics such as “Like a Rolling Stone,” “Mr. Tambourine Man,” and “The Times They Are a-Changin’.” The Lyrics is a comprehensive and definitive collection of Dylan’s most recent writing as well as the early works that are such an essential part of the canon. Well known for changing the lyrics to even his best-loved songs, Dylan has edited dozens of songs for this volume, making The Lyrics a must-read for everyone from fanatics to casual fans. |
The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Drawing Figures! To draw an anatomical figure, you don't need a stack of weighty anatomy books. Just take it step by step! In How to Draw People , author Jeff Mellem teaches beginning artists how to draw the human figure, from stick figure to anatomically accurate person, in clear, easy-to-follow lessons. More than just a reference, this book provides the step-by-step instruction to teach you to draw the human figure and the anatomical knowledge to draw it realistically. In each chapter, called "levels," you'll learn core concepts for drawing the human figure. Each new chapter builds on the previous one to give you the skills you need to add complexity to your drawing. By the end of each chapter, you will be able to draw the figure with greater detail. By the end of Level 5, you will be able to draw an expressive figure with defined muscle groups in a variety of poses both real and imagined.    • Clear goals to progress from stick figure to anatomically correct    • Exercises and assignments to practice new skills    • Level-Up Checklists in each chapter to assess your skills before moving on With clear step-by-step demonstrations and check-ins along the way, How to Draw People is the beginner's guide to drawing realistic figures. |
*Unofficial Guide Version* Advanced Tips & Strategy Guide. This is the most comprehensive and only detailed guide you will find online. Available for instant download on your mobile phone, eBook device, or in paperback form.  Here is what you will be getting when you purchase this professional advanced and detailed game guide.    - Professional Tips and Strategies.  - Difficulties. - Machines. - Tractors. - Crops. - Difficulties. - Banks and Loans. - Fields. - Repairing Vehicles. - Farm Animals. - Crop Types. - PLUS MUCH MORE! Disclaimer:  This product is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, certified, or sponsored by the Original Copyright Owner. All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing on this ebook are the property of their respective owners. |
Secrets to Painting Beautiful Landscapes Painting the landscape can be fun and rewarding--if you make the right decisions as you paint. After all, it is the artist's greatest challenge to somehow capture a sense of it all--the grandness, the majesty, the splendor of nature--with just a few strokes of paint on a canvas. Popular art instructor Johannes Vloothuis makes the process a whole lot easier with the essential techniques, key concepts and expert advice he shares in this book.    • Learn straightforward strategies to make your paintings more interesting and dramatic, such as simplifying the foreground, composing with abstract shapes and harmonizing colors.    • Discover speci?c techniques for painting landscape elements including mountains, water, foliage, snow and more.    • 9 step-by-step demonstrations walk you through all the techniques necessary to create successful landscape paintings. Landscape Painting Essentials is packed with practical information. You'll make the critical shift from painting what you see to painting as an artist sees. You'll learn to strategically edit shapes, rearrange elements and enhance color. You'll gain a better understanding of what to include in your painting, what to change and what to leave out. Most importantly, you'll gain the skills necessary to turn nature's bounty of inspiration into original, stunning landscape paintings. |
This comprehensive source for learning blues guitar is designed to develop both your lead and rhythm playing. Blues styles covered include Texas, Delta, RandB, early rock and roll, gospel and blues/rock. The book also features: 21 complete solos * blues chords, progressions and riffs * turnarounds * movable scales and soloing techniques * string bending * utilizing the entire fingerboard * using 6ths * chord-melody style * music notation and tab * audio with leads and full band backing * video lessons * and more. This second edition now includes audio and video access online] |
Fifteen years. Two brothers. Angels and demons. A story like no other. And one of the most passionate fan bases of all time.  That’s Supernatural.  There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done: Actors and Fans Celebrate the Legacy of Supernatural is an emotional look back at the beloved television show Supernatural as it wraps up its final season after fifteen unprecedented years on air. With heartfelt chapters written by both the series’ actors and its fans—plus full-color photos and fan illustrations—There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done traces Supernatural’s evolution, the memorable characters created by its writers and brought to life by its talented actors, and the many ways in which the show has inspired and changed the lives of both its viewers and cast. Both a celebration of Supernatural and a way of remembering what made it so special, this book is a permanent reminder of the legacy the show leaves behind and a reminder to the SPN Family to, like the series’ unofficial theme song says, “carry on.” Featuring chapters from Jared Padalecki (“Sam Winchester”) and Jensen Ackles (“Dean Winchester”), which include some of the most heartfelt and emotional things they’ve previously said about Supernatural that they want fans to remember—plus new reflections about Sam and Dean’s legacy, There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done also includes original contributions from:  Richard Speight, Jr. (“Gabriel”) Chad Lindberg (“Ash”) Julie McNiven (“Anna Milton”) Tahmoh Penikett (“Gadreel”) Shoshannah Stern (“Eileen Leahy”) Rick Worthy (“Alpha Vamp”) David Haydn-Jones (“Arthur Ketch”) Lauren Tom (“Linda Tran”) And many more, including a special message from Misha Collins ("Castiel") Edited by Lynn S. Zubernis, a clinical psychologist, professor, and passionate Supernatural fangirl, There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done is the ultimate send-off for this iconic show that has touched and changed the lives of so many fans across all walks of life. |
I have debt, who doesn’t? Why is it that so many people have debt? And I don’t mean student loans or mortgages. I mean the kind of debt that is impossible to pay back, because these debts do not deal in currency: they deal in the elusive transactions that bind people to things, and things to a network of tendencies that strings together to form a semblance of a common good. Can these debts be forgiven? And what would it mean to forgive a debt that cannot be calculated? Through a layering of texts and images, Wht is some debt? tries—rather unsuccessfully but with gusto—to express the inexpressible nature of debt as the fundamental lack that binds the living to time and to each other. Wht is ? This series of handmade books and e-books made by Paul Chan uses a special technique of overprinting images and texts onto existing sheets of book paper to create works that read like nothing else. The series premiered at the 2011 NY Art Book Fair. Each handmade book exists as an edition of one with two artist proofs, and as an e-book with a unique ISBN available on Apple iBooks. Paul Chan is an artist who lives and works in New York. His work has been exhibited widely in many international shows including: Making Worlds, 53rd Venice Biennale, Venice, 2009; Medium Religion, ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2008; Traces du sacrê, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2008 and the Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of Art, New York, 2006. Recent solo exhibitions include Paul Chan: The 7 Lights, Serpentine Gallery, London and New Museum, New 2007–2008. In 2007, Chan collaborated with the Classical Theatre of Harlem and Creative Time to produce a site-specific outdoor presentation of Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot in New Orleans. Chan’s essays and interviews have appeared in Artforum, Frieze, Flash Art, October, Tate etc, Parkett, Texte Zur Kunst, Bomb, and other magazines and journals. |
Quilling is a centuries-old art, which requires just three elements - your fingers, paper strips and glue. This practical guide demonstrates the techniques with step-by-step instructions and photos, and explains the best way to develop your skills and thereby push the creative boundaries of this art. Written by a passionate paper artist, it is a comprehensive guide that will inspire both novice and experienced quillers, as well as mixed media artists wishing to explore the potential of paper filigree work. Projects covered within this book include making vortex coils, pixie-hood loops, huskings, multi-strip open coils, fringed flowers, ring coil tracery patterns, folded ring coils and rolling a perfect spiral-centred coil without the need for a quilling tool. There is also advice on forming letters and abstract shapes with quilling and building 3D models from solid coils. It is beautifully illustrated with 173 colour images. Philippa Reid is a fully Accredited Fellow of the Quilling Guild and edits both the Guild's magazine and blog. |
Intermediate and advanced art students receive a broad vocabulary of effects with this in-depth study of light. The guide offers detailed descriptions that start with the basics — the direction of light, reflections, and shadows — and advance to studies of light in natural and manipulated situations. Examinations of subtler light effects include foreshortening, field effects, multiple light sources, colored light, depicting the light source, and the behavior of light on shiny surfaces. Lavishly illustrated with diagrams and paintings, this volume applies its principles to figure, still life, and landscape paintings. Author Ted Seth Jacobs stresses the importance of comparing real-life vision to the canvas, since no system of rules can substitute for close and careful observation. Jacobs points out common errors, suggest light effects that artists should keep in mind, and discusses how preconceptions can be put aside in order to see the world more clearly. |
The final word in sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll, heavy metal legend Ozzy Osbourne shares his unbelievable story for the first time in this tell-all memoir. "They've said some crazy things about me over the years. I mean, okay: 'He bit the head off a bat.' Yes. 'He bit the head off a dove.' Yes. But then you hear things like, 'Ozzy went to the show last night, but he wouldn't perform until he'd killed fifteen puppies . . .' Now me , kill fifteen puppies? I love puppies. I've got eighteen of the f**king things at home. I've killed a few cows in my time, mind you. And the chickens. I shot the chickens in my house that night. It haunts me, all this crazy stuff. Every day of my life has been an event. I took lethal combinations of booze and drugs for thirty f**king years. I survived a direct hit by a plane, suicidal overdoses, STDs. I've been accused of attempted murder. Then I almost died while riding over a bump on a quad bike at f**king two miles per hour. People ask me how come I'm still alive, and I don't know what to say. When I was growing up, if you'd have put me up against a wall with the other kids from my street and asked me which one of us was gonna make it to the age of sixty, which one of us would end up with five kids and four grandkids and houses in Buckinghamshire and Beverly Hills, I wouldn't have put money on me, no f**king way. But here I am: ready to tell my story, in my own words, for the first time. A lot of it ain't gonna be pretty. I've done some bad things in my time. I've always been drawn to the dark side, me. But I ain't the devil . I'm just John Osbourne: a working-class kid from Aston, who quit his job in the factory and went looking for a good time." |
From the art studios of Manga University, Japan's leading publisher of English-language educational manga, comes an all-new series of mini How to Draw Manga guides.  Each guide consists of about two dozen pages of easy-to-follow tips and basic manga-drawing techniques, all fully illustrated in the award-winning Manga University style! Designed with the beginning artist in mind, this entry-level guide explains the basics of drawing manga hands, and challenges the student to think about how the various parts of the hand come together to form an organic and expressive tool. "How to Draw Manga Hands" features the art of Manga University instructor Koda Tadashi.  |
It took me a lifetime to have the courage and the clarity to write my memoir. I want to tell the story of the moments - the ups and downs, the triumphs and traumas, the debacles and the dreams, that contributed to the person I am today. Though there have been countless stories about me throughout my career and very public personal life, it’s been impossible to communicate the complexities and depths of my experience in any single magazine article or a ten-minute television interview. And even then, my words were filtered through someone else’s lens, largely satisfying someone else’s assignment to define me. This book is composed of my memories, my mishaps, my struggles, my survival and my songs. Unfiltered. I went deep into my childhood and gave the scared little girl inside of me a big voice. I let the abandoned and ambitious adolescent have her say, and the betrayed and triumphant woman I became tell her side. Writing this memoir was incredibly hard, humbling and healing. My sincere hope is that you are moved to a new understanding, not only about me, but also about the resilience of the human spirit. Love, Mariah |