Saturday, January 20, 2024

iTunes Store: Top 25 Books in Politics & Current Events 2024-01-21

Tim Alberta - The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory artwork The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory
American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism
Tim Alberta
Genre: Political Science
Price: $21.99
Publish Date: December 05, 2023
Publisher: Harper
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

A Best in Political Books for 2023 New York Times Bestseller One of Barack Obama's Favorite Books of the Year An Air Mail Best Book of the Year The award-winning journalist and staff writer for The Atlantic follows up his New York Times bestseller American Carnage with this timely, rigorously reported, and deeply personal examination of the divisions that threaten to destroy the American evangelical movement. Evangelical Christians are perhaps the most polarizing—and least understood—people living in America today. In his seminal new book, The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, journalist Tim Alberta, himself a practicing Christian and the son of an evangelical pastor, paints an expansive and profoundly troubling portrait of the American evangelical movement. Through the eyes of televangelists and small-town preachers, celebrity revivalists and everyday churchgoers, Alberta tells the story of a faith cheapened by ephemeral fear, a promise corrupted by partisan subterfuge, and a reputation stained by perpetual scandal. For millions of conservative Christians, America is their kingdom—a land set apart, a nation uniquely blessed, a people in special covenant with God. This love of country, however, has given way to right-wing nationalist fervor, a reckless blood-and-soil idolatry that trivializes the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Alberta retraces the arc of the modern evangelical movement, placing political and cultural inflection points in the context of church teachings and traditions, explaining how Donald Trump's presidency and the COVID-19 pandemic only accelerated historical trends that long pointed toward disaster. Reporting from half-empty sanctuaries and standing-room-only convention halls across the country, the author documents a growing fracture inside American Christianity and journeys with readers through this strange new environment in which loving your enemies is "woke" and owning the libs is the answer to WWJD. Accessing the highest echelons of the American evangelical movement, Alberta investigates the ways in which conservative Christians have pursued, exercised, and often abused power in the name of securing this earthly kingdom. He highlights the battles evangelicals are fighting—and the weapons of their warfare—to demonstrate the disconnect from scripture: Contra the dictates of the New Testament, today's believers are struggling mightily against flesh and blood, eyes fixed on the here and now, desperate for a power that is frivolous and fleeting. Lingering at the intersection of real cultural displacement and perceived religious persecution, Alberta portrays a rapidly secularizing America that has come to distrust the evangelical church, and weaves together present-day narratives of individual pastors and their churches as they confront the twin challenges of lost status and diminished standing. Sifting through the wreckage—pastors broken, congregations battered, believers losing their religion because of sex scandals and political schemes—Alberta asks: If the American evangelical movement has ceased to glorify God, what is its purpose?

Arundhati Roy - Capitalism artwork Capitalism
A Ghost Story
Arundhati Roy
Genre: Political Science
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: April 14, 2014
Publisher: Haymarket Books
Seller: OpenRoad Integrated Media, LLC

The “courageous and clarion” Booker Prize–winner “continues her analysis and documentation of the disastrous consequences of unchecked global capitalism” ( Booklist ). From the poisoned rivers, barren wells, and clear-cut forests, to the hundreds of thousands of farmers who have committed suicide to escape punishing debt, to the hundreds of millions of people who live on less than two dollars a day, there are ghosts nearly everywhere you look in India. India is a nation of 1.2 billion, but the country’s one hundred richest people own assets equivalent to one-fourth of India’s gross domestic product. Capitalism: A Ghost Story examines the dark side of democracy in contemporary India and shows how the demands of globalized capitalism have subjugated billions of people to the highest and most intense forms of racism and exploitation. “A highly readable and characteristically trenchant mapping of early-twenty-first-century India’s impassioned love affair with money, technology, weaponry and the ‘privatization of everything,’ and—because these must not be impeded no matter what—generous doses of state violence.” — The Nation   “A vehement broadside against capitalism in general and American cultural imperialism in particular . . . an impassioned manifesto.” — Kirkus Reviews   “Roy’s central concern is the effect on her own country, and she shows how Indian politics have taken on the same model, leading to the ghosts of her book’s title: 250,000 farmers have committed suicide, 800 million impoverished and dispossessed Indians, environmental destruction, colonial-like rule in Kashmir, and brutal treatment of activists and journalists. In this dark tale, Roy gives rays of hope that illuminate cracks in the nightmare she evokes.” — Publishers Weekly

Conrad Black - The Canadian Manifesto artwork The Canadian Manifesto
How One Frozen Country Can Save the World
Conrad Black
Genre: Public Administration
Price: $19.99
Publish Date: July 13, 2021
Publisher: Sutherland House Books
Seller: Ingram DV LLC

"Black’s Manifesto reminds us who we were and, therefore, who we are. In doing so, he lays the groundwork for us to consider who we might yet become." – Jordan Peterson, University of Toronto, Author of 12 Rules for Life WITH A NEW FOREWORD BY THE AUTHOR Chipper, patient, and courteous, Canada has pursued an improbable destiny as a splendid nation of relatively good and ably self-governing people, but most would agree we have not realized our true potential. Canada's main chance, writes Black, is now before it...and it is not in the usual realms of military or economic dominance. With the rest of the West engaged in a sterile left-right tug of war, Canada has the opportunity to lead the world to its next stage of development in the arts of government. By transforming itself into a controlled and sensible public policy laboratory, it can forge new solutions to the problems of welfare, education, health care, foreign policy, and other governmental sectors, and make an enormous contribution to the welfare of mankind. Canada has no excuse not to lead in this field, argues Black, who offers nineteen visionary policy proposals of his own. He claims that this "is the destiny, and the vocation, Canada could have, not in the next century, but in the next five years of imaginative government.”

McKenzie Wark - Sensoria artwork Sensoria
Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century
McKenzie Wark
Genre: Political Science
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: August 18, 2020
Publisher: Verso Books
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

Design, Politics, the Environment: a survey of the key thinkers and ideas that are rebuilding the world in the shadow of the anthropocene As we face the compounded crises of late capitalism, environmental catastrophe and technological transformation, who are the thinkers and the ideas who will allow us to understand the world we live in? McKenzie Wark surveys three areas at the cutting edge of current critical thinking: design, environment, technology and introduces us to the thinking of nineteen major writers. Each chapter is a concise account of an individual thinker, providing useful context and connections to the work of the others. The authors include: Sianne Ngai, Kodwo Eshun, Lisa Nakamura, Hito Steyerl, Yves Citton, Randy Martin, Jackie Wang, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Achille Mbembe, Deborah Danowich and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Eyal Weizman, Cory Doctorow, Benjamin Bratton, Tiziana Terranova, Keller Easterling, Jussi Parikka. Wark argues that we are too often told that expertise is obtained by specialisation. Sensoria connects the themes and arguments across intellectual silos. They explore the edges of disciplines to show how we might know the world: through the study of culture, the different notions of how we create such things, and the impact that the machines that we devise have had upon us. The book is a vital and timely introduction to the future both as a warning but also as a road map on how we might find our way out of the current crisis.

Naomi Klein - This Changes Everything artwork This Changes Everything
Capitalism vs. the Climate
Naomi Klein
Genre: Public Administration
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: September 16, 2014
Publisher: Knopf Canada
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

WINNER 2014 – Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Non-Fiction Forget everything you think you know about global warming. The really inconvenient truth is that it’s not about carbon—it’s about capitalism. The  convenient  truth is that we can seize this existential crisis to transform our failed system and build something radically better. In her most provocative book yet, Naomi Klein, author of the global bestsellers The Shock Doctrine and No Logo , tackles the most profound threat humanity has ever faced: the war our economic model is waging against life on earth.   Klein exposes the myths that are clouding the climate debate. We have been told the market will save us, when in fact the addiction to profit and growth is digging us in deeper every day. We have been told it’s impossible to get off fossil fuels when in fact we know exactly how to do it—it just requires breaking every rule in the “free-market” playbook: reining in corporate power, rebuilding local economies and reclaiming our democracies. We have also been told that humanity is too greedy and selfish to rise to this challenge. In fact, all around the world, the fight back is already succeeding in ways both surprising and inspiring. Climate change, Klein argues, is a civilizational wake-up call, a powerful message delivered in the language of fires, floods, storms and droughts. Confronting it is no longer about changing the light bulbs. It’s about changing the world—before the world changes so drastically that no one is safe. Either we leap—or we sink.  Once a decade, Naomi Klein writes a book that redefines its era. No Logo did so for globalization. The Shock Doctrine changed the way we think about austerity. This Changes Everything is about to upend the debate about the stormy era already upon us.

Prince Harry - Le Suppléant artwork Le Suppléant
Prince Harry
Genre: Politics & Current Events
Price: $30.99
Publish Date: January 10, 2023
Publisher: Fayard
Seller: Hachette Livre

Traduit de l’anglais par Nathalie Bru et Santiago Artozqui C’est l’une des images les plus marquantes du XXe siècle : deux jeunes garçons, deux princes, marchant derrière le cercueil de leur mère sous les regards éplorés – et horrifiés – du monde entier. Alors que Diana, princesse de Galles, rejoignait sa dernière demeure, des milliards de personnes se demandaient à quoi pouvaient bien penser les princes à cet instant, ce qu’ils ressentaient – et quelle tournure allait prendre leur vie désormais. Pour Harry, voici enfin venu le moment de raconter son histoire. Avant de perdre sa mère, le prince Harry, douze ans, était un enfant insouciant, un Suppléant rieur au côté d’un Héritier plus réservé. Le deuil a tout changé : difficultés à l’école, difficultés à gérer sa colère, à supporter la solitude – et, parce qu’il tenait la presse pour responsable de la mort de sa mère, difficultés à accepter que sa vie se déroule sous les feux des projecteurs. À vingt et un ans, il rejoint l’armée britannique. La discipline lui donne un cadre, et deux déploiements en opération extérieure font de lui un héros dans son pays. Bientôt pourtant, il se sent plus perdu que jamais, victime de stress post-traumatique et d’attaques de panique qui le paralysent. Par-dessus tout, il attend toujours le grand amour. Puis il rencontre Meghan. Le monde s’est passionné pour leur histoire d’amour digne d’Hollywood ; il s’est réjoui lors de leur mariage de conte de fées. Mais dès le début, Harry et Meghan sont harcelés par la presse, contraints de faire face, vague après vague, aux abus, au racisme et aux mensonges. Témoin des souffrances de sa femme, conscient du danger pour leur sécurité et leur santé mentale, Harry n’a pas trouvé meilleur moyen d’empêcher l’histoire de se répéter qu’en fuyant son pays natal. À travers les siècles, rares sont ceux qui ont osé quitter la famille royale. La dernière à avoir essayé, à vrai dire, fut sa mère… Pour la première fois, le prince Harry raconte sa propre histoire. D’une honnêteté brute et sans fard, Le Suppléant est un livre qui fera date, plein de perspicacité, de révélations, d’interrogations sur soi et de leçons durement apprises sur le pouvoir éternel de l’amour face au chagrin.   Le prince Harry, duc de Sussex, est mari, père, acteur dans l’humanitaire et vétéran de guerre. Il milite pour l’écologie et s’engage pour la sensibilisation au bien-être mental. Il vit à Santa Barbara, en Californie, avec sa famille et leurs trois chiens.

Jon Kabat-Zinn - Où tu vas, tu es artwork Où tu vas, tu es
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Genre: Politics & Current Events
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: May 09, 2012
Publisher: JC Lattès
Seller: Hachette Livre

En 1979, le Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn s’associe à l’université du Massachusetts pour créer le Centre de recherche clinique pour la réduction du stress.  Ses méthodes, fondées sur les techniques bouddhiques de la méditation et de la pleine conscience, obtiennent très vite des succès remarquables, tant auprès de grands malades dont les souffrances sont enfin apaisées, qu’auprès de victimes de troubles psychiques qui reprennent goût à la vie. Mais le programme du Dr Kabat-Zinn propose aussi des applications préventives, comme la création d’une consultation pour les minorités urbaines défavorisées, ou l’élaboration d’un travail avec des prisonniers sur la maîtrise de leur agressivité. Avec Où tu vas, tu es , Jon Kabat-Zinn a voulu élargir son public en s’adressant à tous ceux qui se laissent dévorer par le stress et la tension de la vie quotidienne. À ceux-là, toujours plus nombreux, il offre ce petit livre de sagesse qui ne se veut pas une méthode, mais une introduction à la pleine conscience. Débrancher le pilote automatique pour faire de chaque instant de sa vie un moment privilégié, apprendre à se connaître pour retrouver la joie de vivre, voici, tel un message d’espoir, ce que propose ce livre qui a déjà trouvé un très large écho international. Traduit de l’anglais par Yolande du Luart

Adi Schwartz & Einat Wilf - The War of Return artwork The War of Return
How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace
Adi Schwartz & Einat Wilf
Genre: World Affairs
Price: $12.99
Publish Date: April 28, 2020
Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group
Seller: Macmillan

Two prominent Israeli liberals argue that for the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians to end with peace, Palestinians must come to terms with the fact that there will be no "right of return." In 1948, seven hundred thousand Palestinians were forced out of their homes by the first Arab-Israeli War. More than seventy years later, most of their houses are long gone, but millions of their descendants are still registered as refugees, with many living in refugee camps. This group—unlike countless others that were displaced in the aftermath of World War II and other conflicts—has remained unsettled, demanding to settle in the state of Israel. Their belief in a "right of return" is one of the largest obstacles to successful diplomacy and lasting peace in the region. In The War of Return , Adi Schwartz and Einat Wilf—both liberal Israelis supportive of a two-state solution—reveal the origins of the idea of a right of return, and explain how UNRWA - the very agency charged with finding a solution for the refugees - gave in to Palestinian, Arab and international political pressure to create a permanent “refugee” problem. They argue that this Palestinian demand for a “right of return” has no legal or moral basis and make an impassioned plea for the US, the UN, and the EU to recognize this fact, for the good of Israelis and Palestinians alike. A runaway bestseller in Israel, the first English translation of The War of Return is certain to spark lively debate throughout America and abroad.

Neil Howe - The Fourth Turning Is Here artwork The Fourth Turning Is Here
What the Seasons of History Tell Us about How and When This Crisis Will End
Neil Howe
Genre: Political Science
Price: $33.99
Publish Date: July 18, 2023
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

The visionary behind the bestselling phenomenon The Fourth Turning looks once again to America’s past to predict our future in this startling and hopeful prophecy for how our present era of civil unrest will resolve over the next ten years—and what our lives will look like once it has. Twenty-five years ago, Neil Howe and the late William Strauss dazzled the world with a provocative new theory of American history. Looking back at the last 500 years, they’d uncovered a distinct pattern: modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting roughly eighty to one hundred years, the length of a long human life, with each cycle composed of four eras—or “turnings”—that always arrive in the same order and each last about twenty years. The last of these eras—the fourth turning—was always the most perilous, a period of civic upheaval and national mobilization as traumatic and transformative as the New Deal and World War II, the Civil War, or the American Revolution. Now, right on schedule, our own fourth turning has arrived. And so Neil Howe has returned with an extraordinary new prediction. What we see all around us—the polarization, the growing threat of civil conflict and global war—will culminate by the early 2030s in a climax that poses great danger and yet also holds great promise, perhaps even bringing on America’s next golden age. Every generation alive today will play a vital role in determining how this crisis is resolved, for good or ill. Illuminating, sobering, yet ultimately empowering, The Fourth Turning Is Here takes you back into history and deep into the collective personality of each living generation to make sense of our current crisis, explore how all of us will be differently affected by the political, social, and economic challenges we’ll face in the decade to come, and reveal how our country, our communities, and our families can best prepare to meet these challenges head-on.

Andreas Malm - How to Blow Up a Pipeline artwork How to Blow Up a Pipeline
Andreas Malm
Genre: Public Administration
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: January 05, 2021
Publisher: Verso Books
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

Property will cost us the earth The science on climate change has been clear for a very long time now. Yet despite decades of appeals, mass street protests, petition campaigns, and peaceful demonstrations, we are still facing a booming fossil fuel industry, rising seas, rising emission levels, and a rising temperature. With the stakes so high, why haven't we moved beyond peaceful protest? In this lyrical manifesto, noted climate scholar (and saboteur of SUV tires and coal mines) Andreas Malm makes an impassioned call for the climate movement to escalate its tactics in the face of ecological collapse. We need, he argues, to force fossil fuel extraction to stop--with our actions, with our bodies, and by defusing and destroying its tools. We need, in short, to start blowing up some oil pipelines. Offering a counter-history of how mass popular change has occurred, from the democratic revolutions overthrowing dictators to the movement against apartheid and for women's suffrage, Malm argues that the strategic acceptance of property destruction and violence has been the only route for revolutionary change. In a braided narrative that moves from the forests of Germany and the streets of London to the deserts of Iraq, Malm offers us an incisive discussion of the politics and ethics of pacifism and violence, democracy and social change, strategy and tactics, and a movement compelled by both the heart and the mind. Here is how we fight in a world on fire.

Pierre de Senarclens & Yohan Ariffin - La politique internationale artwork La politique internationale
Pierre de Senarclens & Yohan Ariffin
Genre: Politics & Current Events
Price: $25.99
Publish Date: September 08, 2010
Publisher: Armand Colin
Seller: Hachette Livre

5e édition Pierre de Senarclens est professeur de relations internationales à l'université de Lausanne. Il a travaillé plusieurs années au sein du système des Nations unies. Il est l'auteur d'ouvrages portant sur l'histoire et la sociologie politique des relations internationales. Yohan Ariffin, actuellement maître d'enseignement et de recherche à l'université de Lausanne, a été chercheur invité à la London School of Economics, au Victoria & Albert Museum à Londres, et à l'Institut d'études politiques de Paris.

Steve Deace & Daniel Horowitz - Rise of the Fourth Reich artwork Rise of the Fourth Reich
Confronting COVID Fascism with a New Nuremberg Trial, So This Never Happens Again
Steve Deace & Daniel Horowitz
Genre: Political Science
Price: $19.99
Publish Date: February 14, 2023
Publisher: Post Hill Press
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

A Wall Street Journal Bestseller COVID-19 fascism was the worst tyranny in American history, and those responsible must be held accountable so nothing like it ever happens again. COVID-19 was used to launch the worst tyranny in American history, which we’re still facing even now. It was also the worst oppression in global history since the Third Reich. Just as that evil required a reckoning at Nuremberg, this one does as well. In this Nuremberg 2.0, we call witnesses that our elected representatives and law enforcement agents need to hear from in order to know the full extent of the evil, and who is responsible for it—so that this never happens again.

Shibani Mahtani & Timothy McLaughlin - Among the Braves artwork Among the Braves
Hope, Struggle, and Exile in the Battle for Hong Kong and the Future of Global Democracy
Shibani Mahtani & Timothy McLaughlin
Genre: Political Science
Price: $20.99
Publish Date: November 07, 2023
Publisher: Hachette Books
Seller: Hachette Digital, Inc.

Through the eyes of two frontline journalists comes a gripping narrative history of the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement centered around a cast of four core activists, culminating in the 2019 mass protests and Beijing's brutal crackdown.  Hong Kong was an experiment in governance. Handed back to China in 1997 after 156 years of British rule, it was meant to be a carve-out between hostile systems: a bridge between communism and capitalism, authoritarianism and liberal democracy. “One country, two systems” kept its media free, its courts independent and its protests boisterous, designed also to convince Taiwan of a peaceful solution to Beijing’s desire for reunification. Yet this formulation excluded Hong Kong’s own people, their future negotiated by political titans in faraway capitals. In 2019, an ill-conceived law spear-headed by a sycophantic leader pushed millions to take to the streets in one of the most enduring protest movements the world has ever seen. Xi Jinping responded with a draconian national security law that sought not only to end the demonstrations but quash the “problem” of Hong Kongers’ identity and desire for freedom. Reverend Chu, who believed Hong Kong had to carry the spirit of students at Tiananmen Square, saw his silver-haired comrades who birthed the city’s modern pro-democracy movement handcuffed and taken from their homes. Tommy, an art student radicalized into throwing Molotov cocktails, watched “braves” like him brutalized by police before his own arrest prompted him to flee. Finn epitomized the decentralized nature of the movement and its internet-fueled victories, but online anonymity couldn’t stop his life from unravelling. Gwyneth could predict her eventual fate when she chose to give up her career as a journalist to stand for election as an opposition candidate, and did it anyway. In Among the Braves, Shibani Mahtani and Timothy McLaughlin tell the story of Hong Kong’s past, and what the sacrifices of its people mean for global democracy’s shaky foundation.

Michael R. Gordon - Degrade and Destroy artwork Degrade and Destroy
The Inside Story of the War Against the Islamic State, from Barack Obama to Donald Trump
Michael R. Gordon
Genre: Political Science
Price: $14.99
Publish Date: June 14, 2022
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Seller: Macmillan

"This is the ultimate insider's view of perhaps the darkest chapter of the Forever Wars. Michael Gordon knows everyone, was seemingly everywhere, and brings a lifetime of brilliant reporting to telling this crucial story." —Retired U.S. Navy admiral James Stavridis, 16th Supreme Allied Commander of NATO and author of To Risk it All: Nine Crises and the Crucible of Decision An essential account of the struggle against ISIS—and of how Presidents Obama, Trump, and Biden have waged war. In the summer of 2014, President Barack Obama faced an unwelcome surprise: insurgents from the Islamic State had seized the Iraqi city of Mosul and proclaimed a new caliphate, which they were ruling with an iron fist and using to launch terrorist attacks abroad. After considerable deliberation, President Obama sent American troops back to Iraq. The new mission was to “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS, primarily by advising Iraqi and Syrian partners who would do the bulk of the fighting and by supporting them with airpower and artillery. More than four years later, the caliphate had been dismantled, the cities of Mosul and Raqqa lay in ruins, and several thousand U.S. troops remained to prevent ISIS from making a comeback. The “by, with, and through” strategy was hailed as a template for future campaigns. But how was the war actually fought? What were the key decisions, successes, and failures? And what was learned? In Degrade and Destroy , the bestselling author and Wall Street Journal national security correspondent Michael R. Gordon reveals the strategy debates, diplomatic gambits, and military operations that shaped the struggle against the Islamic State. With extraordinary access to top U.S. officials and military commanders and to the forces on the battlefield, Gordon offers a riveting narrative that ferrets out some of the war’s most guarded secrets. Degrade and Destroy takes us inside National Security Council meetings at which Obama and his top aides grapple with early setbacks and discuss whether the war can be won. It also offers the most detailed account to date of how President Donald Trump waged war—delegating greater authority to the Pentagon but jeopardizing the outcome with a rush for the exit. Drawing on his reporting in Iraq and Syria, Gordon documents the closed-door deliberations of U.S. generals with their Iraqi and Syrian counterparts and describes some of the toughest urban battles since World War II. As Americans debate the future of using force abroad, Gordon’s book offers vital insights into how our wars today are fought against militant foes, and the enduring lessons we can draw from them.

Howard J. Ross & JonRobert Tartaglione - Our Search for Belonging artwork Our Search for Belonging
How Our Need to Connect Is Tearing Us Apart
Howard J. Ross & JonRobert Tartaglione
Genre: Political Science
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: May 08, 2018
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Seller: OpenRoad Integrated Media, LLC

Gold Nautilus Award Winner:  “A must-read for anyone who wants to understand the mess we are in today and what we need to do.” —George Halvorson, former CEO, Kaiser Permanente   We are living in a time of mounting political segregation that threatens to tear us apart as a unified society. As we become increasingly tribal, the narratives of life that we get exposed to on a daily basis have become echo chambers in which we hear our beliefs reinforced and others’ beliefs demonized.   At the core of tribalism exists a paradox: As humans, we are hardwired with the need to belong, which ends up making us deeply connected with some yet deeply divided from others. When these tribes are formed out of fear of the “other,” on topics such as race, immigration status, religion, or partisan politics, we resort to an “us versus them” attitude. Especially in the digital age, when we are all interconnected in one way or another, these tensions seep into our daily lives and we become secluded with our self-identified tribes. In this book, global diversity and inclusion expert Howard J. Ross, with JonRobert Tartaglione, explores how our human need to belong is the driving force behind the increasing division of our world.   Drawing upon decades of leadership experience, Ross probes the depth of tribalism, examines the role of social media in exacerbating it, and offers tactics for how to combat it. Filled with tested practices for opening safe and honest dialogue in the workplace and challenges to confront our own tendencies to bond automatically with those who are like us—or seem to be— Our Search for Belonging  is a powerful statement of hope in a disquieting time.

Matthieu Auzanneau - Or noir artwork Or noir
La grande histoire du pétrole
Matthieu Auzanneau
Genre: Politics & Current Events
Price: $18.99
Publish Date: January 07, 2021
Publisher: La Découverte
Seller: Interforum, S.A.

Depuis les premiers puits désormais à sec jusqu'à la quête frénétique d'un après-pétrole, du cartel secret des firmes anglo-saxonnes (les " Sept Sœurs ") jusqu'au pétrole de schiste, Or noir retrace l'irrésistible ascension de la plus puissante des industries. Ce livre éclaire d'un jour inattendu des événements cruciaux – l'émergence de l'URSS, la crise de 1929, les deux guerres mondiales, les chocs pétroliers, les guerres d'Irak, la crise de 2008, etc. –, bousculant au passage beaucoup de fausses certitudes. Le pétrole, notre source primordiale et tarissable de puissance, est présent à l'origine des plus grands déchaînements du siècle passé. Or la fin de ce carburant de l'essor de l'humanité devrait se produire bien avant que ce siècle ne s'achève. De gré ou de force. Et nul ne peut dire où cette fin nous conduira... Prix Spécial 2016 de l'Association des Économistes de l'Énergie

Vince Everett Ellison - Crime Inc. artwork Crime Inc.
How Democrats Employ Mafia and Gangster Tactics to Gain and Hold Power
Vince Everett Ellison
Genre: Political Science
Price: $19.99
Publish Date: October 03, 2023
Publisher: Bombardier Books
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

As seen on Tucker Carlson Murder, rape, sex trafficking, and hate—Crime Inc. explains how the Political Left utilized these tactics of organized crime to gain and maintain power in America. Vince Everett Ellison has written another massive takedown of the Political Left. In Crime Inc. , Vince explains how murder, sex trafficking, defunding the police, and disarming law-abiding citizens are used as tools in a diabolical plan for power. Previously, the Political Left partnered with slave traders, the Confederacy, and the Ku Klux Klan. They now partner with Abortion Murderers, Perverts, Mexican Cartels, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa in their quest to maintain power. Crime Inc. is an indictment. It charges the entire Political Left with the crime of national sabotage and cultural genocide, with American Marxism as their ultimate goal. The Left has sabotaged the Black Community, the Government, Religion, the Arts, Education, the Family, and every institution they have touched in America. If you like the inner cities of Detroit, Memphis, Philadelphia, and Baltimore today, you will love America in ten years if the Left gets their way. Exposing their plans is the best way to stop this criminal activity. Anticipating their plans make you immune to them. Vince Everett Ellison provides the vaccine to the disease of the Left in Crime Inc.

Andrew Schmitz, Charles B. Moss, Troy G. Schmitz, G. Cornelis van Kooten & H. Carole Schmitz - Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness, and Rent-Seeking Behaviour, Third Edition artwork Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness, and Rent-Seeking Behaviour, Third Edition
Andrew Schmitz, Charles B. Moss, Troy G. Schmitz, G. Cornelis van Kooten & H. Carole Schmitz
Genre: Political Science
Price: $74.99
Publish Date: July 10, 2022
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Seller: University of Toronto Press

Costing billions of dollars annually, international trade in agricultural products is impactful and influenced by several factors, including climate change, food policy, and government legislation. The third edition of Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness, and Rent-Seeking Behaviour provides comprehensive economic analyses of the policies that affect agriculture and agribusiness in Canada and the United States. Looking at current agricultural policies, the third edition includes new chapters on food pyramids, climate change, and GMOs, while also highlighting the effect of international policies on Canadian trade, including the problematic US ethanol policy. The new edition addresses current issues, including how the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected agricultural value chains and played a hand in the ongoing growth in opioid use. Including a number of key findings, and discussing current debates on topics including foreign ownership of Canadian farmland, Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness, and Rent-Seeking Behaviour will appeal to students in agricultural economics and policy, as well as policymakers, agricultural firms, energy companies, and readers wishing to reduce their nation’s carbon footprint.

Poulami Roychowdhury - Capable Women, Incapable States artwork Capable Women, Incapable States
Negotiating Violence and Rights in India
Poulami Roychowdhury
Genre: Political Science
Price: $30.99
Publish Date: November 19, 2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Seller: The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford trading as Oxford University Press

In recent decades, the issue of gender-based violence has become heavily politicized in India. Yet, Indian law enforcement personnel continue to be biased against women and overburdened. In Capable Women, Incapable States, Poulami Roychowdhury asks how women claim rights within these conditions. Through long term ethnography, she provides an in-depth lens on rights negotiations in the world's largest democracy, detailing their social and political effects. Roychowdhury finds that women interact with the law not by following legal procedure or abiding by the rules, but by deploying collective threats and doing the work of the state themselves. And they behave this way because law enforcement personnel do not protect women from harm but do allow women to take the law into their own hands.These negotiations do not enhance legal enforcement. Instead, they create a space where capable women can extract concessions outside the law, all while shouldering a new burden of labor and risk. A unique theory of gender inequality and governance, Capable Women, Incapable States forces us to rethink the effects of rights activism across large parts of the world where political mobilization confronts negligent criminal justice systems.

Лев Рубинштейн - Знаки внимания (сборник) artwork Знаки внимания (сборник)
Лев Рубинштейн
Genre: Political Science
Price: $3.99
Publish Date: September 16, 2012
Publisher: LitRes
Seller: LitRes

Поэт, публицист, критик и один из основоположников московского концептуализма Лев Рубинштейн много лет пишет колонки для разных изданий. Честному человеку порой очень сложно смолчать. Просто не каждый способен облекать мысли в слова. Рубинштейн умеет это делать как никто другой. Его колонки всегда точны и остроумны, не зря они моментально расходятся цитатами в социальных сетях. Новая книга Льва Рубинштейна – собрание колонок, написанных им за последние годы для “Граней”, “Большого города”, Esquire и др.

Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf artwork Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler
Genre: Politics & Current Events
Price: $2.99
Publish Date: July 07, 2013
Publisher: Liber Electronicus
Seller: Kamil Jodelko

Mein Kampf written by Adolf Hitler is known as one of the most dangerous books in history. It is a fundamental exposition of Nazi ideology, which caused deaths of milions of people. The publisher would like to inform, that propaganda of any totalitarianism, such as Nazism, Fascism and Communism is not his target and this book should be only perceived as a historical source. Every man wanting to understand the complexity of the World War II should be acquainted with this position. 

Bob Woodward - Fear artwork Fear
Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Genre: Political Science
Price: $12.99
Publish Date: September 11, 2018
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

OVER 2 MILLION COPIES SOLD RUNAWAY #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER SENSATIONAL #1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER “Explosive.” —The Washington Post “Devastating.” —The New Yorker “Unprecedented.” —CNN “Great reporting...astute.” —Hugh Hewitt THE INSIDE STORY ON PRESIDENT TRUMP, AS ONLY BOB WOODWARD CAN TELL IT With authoritative reporting honed through nine presidencies, author Bob Woodward reveals in unprecedented detail the harrowing life inside President Donald Trump’s White House and precisely how he makes decisions on major foreign and domestic policies. Fear is the most intimate portrait of a sitting president ever published during the president’s first years in office. The focus is on the explosive debates and the decision-making in the Oval Office, the Situation Room, Air Force One and the White House residence. Woodward draws from hundreds of hours of interviews with firsthand sources, meeting notes, personal diaries, files and documents. Often with day-by-day details, dialogue and documentation, Fear tracks key foreign issues from North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, the Middle East, NATO, China and Russia. It reports in-depth on Trump’s key domestic issues particularly trade and tariff disputes, immigration, tax legislation, the Paris Climate Accord and the racial violence in Charlottesville in 2017. Fear presents vivid details of the negotiations between Trump’s attorneys and Robert Mueller, the special counsel in the Russia investigation, laying out for the first time the meeting-by-meeting discussions and strategies. It discloses how senior Trump White House officials joined together to steal draft orders from the president’s Oval Office desk so he would not issue directives that would jeopardize top secret intelligence operations. “It was no less than an administrative coup d’état,” Woodward writes, “a nervous breakdown of the executive power of the most powerful country in the world.”

Rachel Maddow - Prequel artwork Prequel
An American Fight Against Fascism
Rachel Maddow
Genre: Political Science
Price: $18.99
Publish Date: October 17, 2023
Publisher: Crown
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Rachel Maddow traces the fight to preserve American democracy back to World War II, when a handful of committed public servants and brave private citizens thwarted far-right plotters trying to steer our nation toward an alliance with the Nazis.   “A ripping read—well rendered, fast-paced and delivered with the same punch and assurance that she brings to a broadcast. . . . The parallels to the present day are strong, even startling.”— The New York Times (Editors’ Choice) Inspired by her research for the hit podcast Ultra, Rachel Maddow charts the rise of a wild American strain of authoritarianism that has been alive on the far-right edge of our politics for the better part of a century. Before and even after our troops had begun fighting abroad in World War II, a clandestine network flooded the country with disinformation aimed at sapping the strength of the U.S. war effort and persuading Americans that our natural alliance was with the Axis, not against it. It was a sophisticated and shockingly well-funded campaign to undermine democratic institutions, promote antisemitism, and destroy citizens’ confidence in their elected leaders, with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the U.S. government and installing authoritarian rule.   That effort worked—tongue and groove—alongside an ultra-right paramilitary movement that stockpiled bombs and weapons and trained for mass murder and violent insurrection.   At the same time, a handful of extraordinary activists and journalists were tracking the scheme, exposing it even as it was unfolding. In 1941 the U.S. Department of Justice finally made a frontal attack, identifying the key plotters, finding their backers, and prosecuting dozens in federal court.   None of it went as planned.   While the scheme has been remembered in history—if at all—as the work of fringe players, in reality it involved a large number of some of the country’s most influential elected officials. Their interference in law enforcement efforts against the plot is a dark story of the rule of law bending and then breaking under the weight of political intimidation.   That failure of the legal system had consequences. The tentacles of that unslain beast have reached forward into our history for decades. But the heroic efforts of the activists, journalists, prosecutors, and regular citizens who sought to expose the insurrectionists also make for a deeply resonant, deeply relevant tale in our own disquieting times.

Albert Memmi - The Colonizer and the Colonized artwork The Colonizer and the Colonized
Albert Memmi
Genre: Politics & Current Events
Price: $9.99
Publish Date: March 09, 2013
Publisher: Plunkett Lake Press
Seller: Patrick Mehr

Written in 1956 when Morocco and Tunisia gained independence from France and soon after the Algerian war had started, this book describes the inescapable bonds between colonizer and colonized. Born in Tunis, Memmi is one of the colonized, but as a Jew, he identified culturally with the colonizer. He moved to France in 1956 and draws on his experience to analyze vividly how colonizer and colonized are mutually dependent, and ultimately both victims of colonialism. “ The Colonizer and the Colonized [is] now regarded as a classic description of the inner dynamics of racism and colonialism, a work that in its economic and political sophistication, its sober perceptions of the interdependence of colonizer and colonized, rivals Franz Fanon’s more famous but more romantic Black Skin, White Masks and The Wretched of the Earth .” — Richard Locke, The New York Times “The subject of colonialism has rarely been treated more lucidly and devastatingly than in this book.” — Library Journal “Widely influential.” — New Yorker “Confiscated by colonial police throughout the world since its 1957 publication, The Colonizer and the Colonized is an important document of our times, an invaluable warning for all future generations.” — Los Angeles Times “Albert Memmi’s characterology of master and servant has a personal as well as a social dimension. The pecking order he describes has its accurate analogues in the lives of middle-class Americans.” — Emile Capouya, Saturday Review

Ronald Kessler - The Trump White House artwork The Trump White House
Changing the Rules of the Game
Ronald Kessler
Genre: Political Science
Price: $15.99
Publish Date: April 03, 2018
Publisher: The Crown Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

The unvarnished and unbiased inside story of President Donald Trump and his White House by New York Times bestselling author Ronald Kessler   Based on exclusive interviews with the president and his staff, The Trump White House: Changing the Rules of the Game  tells the real story of what Donald Trump is like, who influences him, how he makes decisions, what he says about the people around him, and how he operates when the television lights go off, while portraying the inside story of the successes that have already brought solid results as well as the stumbles that have turned off even longtime supporters and undercut his agenda. The Trump White House  reveals:   •  Trump aides Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner have been responsible for Trump’s most disastrous decisions. Trump is aware that his daughter and son-in-law are problems and has hinted to them that they should go back to New York. Seeing Jared on TV, Trump said, “Look at Jared, he looks like a little boy, like a child.”   •  First Lady Melania Trump has a tremendous impact on policy and strategy. She sits in on meetings and is widely admired by aides for her judgment.   •  Kellyanne Conway is the No. 1 White House leaker.   •  Trump’s Secret Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles proposed withdrawing protection from some Trump family members and aides to save money. Horrified White House staffers shot down the idea.   •  Trump has told friends that billionaires are constantly asking him to fix them up with longtime Communications Director Hope Hicks, a former model, but he says he refuses.   •  Trump calls certain reporters directly, feeding them stories attributed to “a senior White House official,” creating the impression that the White House leaks even more than it already does. Never before has an American president had so much impact on the country and the world in so short a time as Donald Trump. Yet no president has stirred so much controversy, dominating media coverage and conversation both pro and con.   Months after Trump took office, consumer confidence hit a seventeen-year high, unemployment plummeted to the lowest level in seventeen years, and the stock market zoomed to repeated record highs.   At the same time, ISIS was nearly defeated, Arab countries banded together to stop financing terrorists and promoting radical Islamic ideology, and Trump’s decision to send missiles into Syria because of its use of chemical weapons and his strident warnings to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made it clear to adversaries that they take on the United States at their peril.   Yet for all the media coverage, Trump remains a cipher. Ronald Kessler has known Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for two decades and understands him better than any other journalist. The book includes an exclusive interview with Trump, the only interview he says he has given or will give for a book as president. Crammed with media-grabbing revelations. The Trump White House is the unvarnished and unbiased inside story that answers the question: Who is Donald Trump?