Wednesday, June 26, 2024

iTunes Store: Top 25 Books in History 2024-06-26

Donald L. Miller & Henry Steele Commager - The Story of World War II artwork The Story of World War II
Donald L. Miller & Henry Steele Commager
Genre: History
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: May 08, 2010
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Seller: OpenRoad Integrated Media, LLC

“A magisterial work” of WWII history, now in a new edition “incorporating vast amounts of new information, interviews with combatants” and more ( Booklist ). Historian Henry Steele Commager wrote The Story of World War II in 1945—on the heels of Allied victory. Its unique blend of historic analysis and firsthand accounts made it an instant classic. Now Donald L. Miller draws on previously unpublished archives to offer a vastly expanded and revised edition that is nothing short of “a major publishing event” (David McCullough). Here are the horror and heroism of World War II in the words of the men who fought it, the journalists who covered it, and the civilians who were caught in its fury. Miller gives us an up-close, deeply personal view of a war that was more savagely fought—and whose outcome was in greater doubt—than readers might imagine. This is the war that Americans at the home front would have read about had they had access to the previously censored testimony of the soldiers on which Miller builds his gripping narrative. Miller covers the entire war—on land, at sea, and in the air—and provides new coverage of the brutal island fighting in the Pacific, the bomber war over Europe, the liberation of the death camps, and the contributions of African Americans and other minorities. He concludes with a suspenseful, never-before-told story of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, based on interviews with the men who flew the mission that ended the war.

Arlen J. Hansen & George Plimpton - Gentlemen Volunteers artwork Gentlemen Volunteers
The Story of the American Ambulance Drivers in the First World War
Arlen J. Hansen & George Plimpton
Genre: History
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: September 01, 2011
Publisher: Arcade
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

They left Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Michigan, and Stanford to drive ambulances on the French front, and on the killing fields of World War I they learned that war was no place for gentlemen. The tale of the American volunteer ambulance drivers of the First World War is one of gallantry amid gore; manners amid madness. Arlen J. Hansen’s Gentlemen Volunteers brings to life the entire story of the men—and women—who formed the first ambulance corps, and who went on to redefine American culture. Some were to become legends—Ernest Hemingway, e. e. cummings, Malcolm Cowley, and Walt Disney—but all were part of a generation seeking something greater and grander than what they could find at home. The war in France beckoned them, promising glory, romance, and escape. Between 1914 and 1917 (when the United States officially entered the war), they volunteered by the thousands, abandoning college campuses and prep schools across the nation and leaving behind an America determined not to be drawn into a “European war.” What the volunteers found in France was carnage on an unprecedented scale. Here is a spellbinding account of a remarkable time; the legacy of the ambulance drivers of WWI endures to this day.

Jack Sacco - Where the Birds Never Sing artwork Where the Birds Never Sing
The True Story of the 92nd Signal Battalion and the Liberation of Dachau
Jack Sacco
Genre: History
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: August 02, 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Seller: OpenRoad Integrated Media, LLC

“This book will find a place with the world War II remembrances of Tom Brokaw and Stephen Ambrose and the film Saving Private Ryan . . . compelling.” — Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist/Fox News contributor In his riveting debut, Where the Birds Never Sing, Jack Sacco recounts the realistic, harrowing, at times horrifying, and ultimately triumphant tale of an American GI in World War II. Told through the eyes of his father, Joe Sacco—a farm boy from Alabama who was flung into the chaos of Normandy and survived the terrors of the Bulge—this is no ordinary war story. As part of the 92nd Signal Battalion and Patton’s famed 3rd Army, Joe and his buddies found themselves at the forefront—often in front of the infantry or behind enemy lines—of the Allied push through France and Germany. After more than a year of fighting, but still only twenty years old, Joe was a hardened veteran, but nothing could have prepared him for the horrors behind the walls of Germany’s infamous Dachau concentration camp. Joe and his buddies were among the first 250 American troops into the camp, and it was there that they finally grasped the significance of the Allied mission. Surrounded and pursued by death and destruction, they not only found the courage and the will to fight, they discovered the meaning of friendship and came to understand the value and fragility of life. Told from the perspective of an ordinary soldier, Where the Birds Never Sing contains first-hand accounts and never-before published photos documenting one man’s transformation from farm boy to soldier to liberator.

Gary Linderer - Eyes Behind the Lines artwork Eyes Behind the Lines
L Company Rangers in Vietnam, 1969
Gary Linderer
Genre: History
Price: $8.99
Publish Date: October 21, 1991
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

In mid-December 1968, after recovering from wounds susatined in a murderous mission, Gary Linderer returned to Phu Bai to comlpete his tour of duty as a LRP. His job was to find the enmy, observe him, or kill him--all the while behind enemy lines, where success could be as dangerous as discovery.

Frédéric Smith - Des Québécois en Normandie artwork Des Québécois en Normandie
Du jour J à la libération de Paris
Frédéric Smith
Genre: History
Price: $24.99
Publish Date: May 28, 2024
Publisher: Editions du Boréal
Seller: Diffusion Dimedia Inc.

Les Canadiens français devenus Québécois ont longtemps entretenu une relation malaisée avec la guerre. Si on a beaucoup fait état des deux crises de la conscription, leur participation même aux grands conflits mondiaux n’a pas eu l’écho qu’elle mérite, et cela au Québec même. Huit décennies après le jour J, l’historien Frédéric Smith entend contribuer à combler cette lacune en relatant la contribution des Canadiens français à la libération de la France. En suivant pas à pas les soldats du Régiment de la Chaudière, du Régiment de Maisonneuve, des Fusiliers Mont-Royal et du 4e Régiment d’artillerie moyenne, Smith nous fait revivre le débarquement de Normandie comme si nous y étions. Il explique les rôles variés des militaires, parachutistes, fantassins, tankistes, aumôniers, artilleurs, infirmières. Il détaille leur équipement et leur armement. Il décrit minutieusement chacune des missions auxquelles les Canadiens ont participé. Il nous fait ressentir leur cohabitation quotidienne avec la mort. En puisant abondamment dans les archives privées recueillies auprès des familles des anciens combattants, de même que dans plusieurs récits personnels aujourd’hui introuvables, Frédéric Smith a choisi de s’intéresser d’abord au facteur humain. C’est au quotidien de chacun de ces hommes – originaires de Sillery, de Montmagny, de Montréal et d’ailleurs au Québec – qu’il s’attarde : aux raisons qui les ont amenés à s’enrôler, eux qui étaient pour la majorité des volontaires; à leur vie en Angleterre pour leur entraînement; aux séquelles psychologiques laissées par l’horreur insoutenable des images imprimées dans leur mémoire. Nous croisons aussi des personnages plus connus, comme les futurs premiers ministres Paul Sauvé et René Lévesque, ou Jacques Dextraze, futur chef d’État-major des forces canadiennes. Enfin, le journal récemment découvert de l’infirmière Paule Vallée permet à Frédéric Smith d’accentuer le rôle souvent négligé des femmes sur le front. Ce passionnant récit de la campagne de Normandie constitue d’abord un hommage au courage des hommes et des femmes d’ici qui se sont engagés pour participer aux grands événements qui façonnaient le monde. Il vient en outre nous rappeler de manière fort opportune l’horreur absolue qui est indissociable de toute guerre. L’ouvrage, qui comporte de nombreuses cartes et photos inédites, bénéficiera de l’intérêt suscité par le 80e anniversaire du Débarquement en 2024.

Albert Speer - Inside The Third Reich artwork Inside The Third Reich
The Classic Account of Nazi Germany by Hitler's Armaments Minister
Albert Speer
Genre: History
Price: $17.99
Publish Date: November 26, 2015
Publisher: Orion
Seller: Hachette Digital, Inc.

The classic eye-witness account of Nazi Germany, by Hitler's Armaments Minister and right-hand man. ' Inside the Third Reich is not only the most significant personal German account to come out of the war but the most revealing document on the Hitler phenomenon yet written. It takes the reader inside Nazi Germany on four different levels: Hitler's inner circle, National Socialism as a whole, the area of wartime production and the inner struggle of Albert Speer. The author does not try to make excuses, even by implication, and is unrelenting toward himself and his associates ... Speer's full-length portrait of Hitler has unnerving reality. The Führer emerges as neither an incompetent nor a carpet-gnawing madman but as an evil genius of warped conceits endowed with an ineffable personal magic' New York Times

Chuck Gross - Rattler One-Seven artwork Rattler One-Seven
A Vietnam Helicopter Pilot's War Story
Chuck Gross
Genre: Military History
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: August 15, 2004
Publisher: University of North Texas Press
Seller: UNT Press

Rattler One-Seven puts you in the helicopter seat, to see the war in Vietnam through the eyes of an inexperienced pilot as he transforms himself into a seasoned combat veteran. When Chuck Gross left for Vietnam in 1970, he was a nineteen-year-old Army helicopter pilot fresh out of flight school. He spent his entire Vietnam tour with the 71st Assault Helicopter Company flying UH-1 Huey helicopters. Soon after the war he wrote down his adventures, while his memory was still fresh with the events. Rattler One-Seven (his call sign) is written as Gross experienced it, using these notes along with letters written home to accurately preserve the mindset he had while in Vietnam. During his tour Gross flew Special Operations for the MACV-SOG, inserting secret teams into Laos. He notes that Americans were left behind alive in Laos, when official policy at home stated that U.S. forces were never there. He also participated in Lam Son 719, a misbegotten attempt by the ARVN to assault and cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail with U.S. Army helicopter support. It was the largest airmobile campaign of the war and marked the first time that the helicopter was used in mid-intensity combat, with disastrous results. Pilots in their early twenties, with young gunners and a Huey full of ARVN soldiers, took on experienced North Vietnamese antiaircraft artillery gunners, with no meaningful intelligence briefings or a rational plan on how to cut the Trail. More than one hundred helicopters were lost and more than six hundred aircraft sustained combat damage. Gross himself was shot down and left in the field during one assault. Rattler One-Seven will appeal to those interested in the Vietnam War and to all armed forces, especially aviators, who have served for their country.

Michael Foss - The World of Camelot artwork The World of Camelot
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Michael Foss
Genre: European History
Price: $2.99
Publish Date: January 29, 2014
Publisher: Michael O'Mara Books
Seller: Michael O Mara Books LTD

Settle into your favorite chair, prop your feet up, and prepare to journey back in time to a world of knights and ladies, grace and bravery, where the chivalric code reigned supreme. Enter Camelot and relive the coming of Arthur and how as a young boy he pulled the sword from the stone and claimed his throne. Meet Merlin, Gawain, Balin le Savage, the Knights of the Round Table, and other legendary figures in exciting tales and colorful illustrations. Witness the marriage of Arthur and Guenevere, and the Queen's later romance with the handsome Lancelot. Watch as history's most famous knights demonstrate their bravery in a fierce joust. See the beginnings of the famous quest for the Holy Grail, and how Sir Galahad, the noblest of all knights, was conceived in trickery. Enjoy stories of magic and enchantment, valor and vengeance, that end with Arthur's death and the downfall of his knights, but remain in people's hearts forever.

Frederic Macler - History of Armenia artwork History of Armenia
Frederic Macler
Genre: Middle Eastern History
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: April 02, 2018
Publisher: Perennial Press
Seller: StreetLib Srl

LYING across the chief meeting-place of Europe and Asia, Armenia suffered immeasurably more from the conflict of two civilizations than it profited by their exchange of goods and ideas. If the West penetrated the East under pressure from Rome, Byzantium, or crusading Europe, if the East moved westwards, under Persian, Arab, Mongol, or Turk, the roads used were too often the roads of Armenia.    This was not all. East and West claimed and fought for control or possession of the country. Divided bodily between Rome and Persia in pre-Christian times, an apple of discord between Persia and the Byzantine Empire during the early part of the Middle Ages, Armenia for the rest of its national history was alternately the prey of Eastern and Western peoples. When the Armenian kingdom was strong enough to choose its own friends, it turned sometimes to the East, sometimes to the West. It drew its culture from both. But, belonging wholly neither to West nor to East, it suffered consistently at the hands of each in turn and of both together...

David McCullough - The Johnstown Flood artwork The Johnstown Flood
David McCullough
Genre: History
Price: $4.99
Publish Date: January 01, 1968
Publisher: Short Books
Seller: Short Books

At the end of the last century, Johnstown, Pennsylvania, was a booming coal-and-steel town filled with hardworking families striving for a piece of the nation's burgeoning industrial prosperity. In the mountains above Johnstown, an old earth dam had been hastily rebuilt to create a lake for an exclusive summer resort patronized by the tycoons of that same industrial prosperity, among them Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, and Andrew Mellon. Despite repeated warnings of possible danger, nothing was done about the dam. Then came May 31, 1889, when the dam burst, sending a wall of water thundering down the mountain, smashing through Johnstown, and killing more than 2,000 people. It was a tragedy that became a national scandal. Graced by David McCullough's remarkable gift for writing richly textured, sympathetic social history,  The Johnstown Flood  is an absorbing, classic portrait of life in nineteenth-century America, of overweening confidence, of energy, and of tragedy. It also offers a powerful historical lesson for our century and all times: the danger of assuming that because people are in positions of responsibility they are necessarily behaving responsibly.

Jay Nordlinger - Children of Monsters artwork Children of Monsters
An Inquiry into the Sons and Daughters of Dictators
Jay Nordlinger
Genre: World History
Price: $15.99
Publish Date: January 10, 2017
Publisher: Encounter Books
Seller: Perseus Books, LLC

What’s it like to be the son or daughter of a dictator? A monster on the Stalin level? What’s it like to bear a name synonymous with oppression, terror, and evil? Jay Nordlinger set out to answer that question, and does so in this book. He surveys 20 dictators in all. They are the worst of the worst: Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, and so on. The book is not about them, really, though of course they figure in it. It’s about their children. Some of them are absolute loyalists. They admire, revere, or worship their father. Some of them actually succeed their father as dictator—as in North Korea, Syria, and Haiti. Some of them have doubts. A couple of them become full-blown dissenters, even defectors. A few of the daughters have the experience of having their husband killed by their father. Most of these children are rocked by war, prison, exile, or other upheaval. Obviously, the children have things in common. But they are also individuals, making of life what they can. The main thing they have in common is this: They have been dealt a very, very unusual hand. What would you do, if you were the offspring of an infamous dictator, who lords it over your country? An early reader of this book said, “There’s an opera on every page”: a drama, a tragedy (or even a comedy). Another reader said he had read the chapter on Bokassa “with my eyes on stalks.” Meet these characters for yourself. Marvel, shudder, and ponder.

Erik Larson - The Demon of Unrest artwork The Demon of Unrest
A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War
Erik Larson
Genre: U.S. History
Price: $18.99
Publish Date: April 30, 2024
Publisher: Crown
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The author of The Splendid and the Vile brings to life the pivotal five months between the election of Abraham Lincoln and the start of the Civil War in this “riveting reexamination of a nation in tumult” ( Los Angeles Times ). “A feast of historical insight and narrative verve . . . This is Erik Larson at his best, enlivening even a thrice-told tale into an irresistible thriller.”— The Wall Street Journal On November 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln became the fluky victor in a tight race for president. The country was bitterly at odds; Southern extremists were moving ever closer to destroying the Union, with one state after another seceding and Lincoln powerless to stop them. Slavery fueled the conflict, but somehow the passions of North and South came to focus on a lonely federal fortress in Charleston Harbor: Fort Sumter. Master storyteller Erik Larson offers a gripping account of the chaotic months between Lincoln’s election and the Confederacy’s shelling of Sumter—a period marked by tragic errors and miscommunications, enflamed egos and craven ambitions, personal tragedies and betrayals. Lincoln himself wrote that the trials of these five months were “so great that, could I have anticipated them, I would not have believed it possible to survive them.” At the heart of this suspense-filled narrative are Major Robert Anderson, Sumter’s commander and a former slave owner sympathetic to the South but loyal to the Union; Edmund Ruffin, a vain and bloodthirsty radical who stirs secessionist ardor at every opportunity; and Mary Boykin Chesnut, wife of a prominent planter, conflicted over both marriage and slavery and seeing parallels between them. In the middle of it all is the overwhelmed Lincoln, battling with his duplicitous secretary of state, William Seward, as he tries desperately to avert a war that he fears is inevitable—one that will eventually kill 750,000 Americans. Drawing on diaries, secret communiques, slave ledgers, and plantation records, Larson gives us a political horror story that captures the forces that led America to the brink—a dark reminder that we often don’t see a cataclysm coming until it’s too late.

Eugen Dollmann & Gerhard L. Weinberg - With Hitler and Mussolini artwork With Hitler and Mussolini
Memoirs of a Nazi Interpreter
Eugen Dollmann & Gerhard L. Weinberg
Genre: History
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: March 21, 2017
Publisher: Skyhorse
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

An insider’s view of Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, and Mussolini. In the years before World War II, Eugen Dollmann arrived in Rome on a scholarship, intending to write a history of the Catholic Church. Instead he joined the Nazi Party and became an interpreter to various members of the German and Italian Fascist hierarchy. In this capacity Dollmann attended the Munich Conference of 1938 and was present at most of the important meetings between Hitler and Mussolini, also witnessing many of the endless squabbles between Mussolini’s son-in-law Galeazzo Ciano and Hitler’s foreign secretary, Joachim von Ribbentrop. He interpreted for Heinrich Himmler during his visits to Rome and was, curiously for one of his temperament, appointed Obersturmführer in the Allgemeine SS. He played a considerable role in the surrender of the German Army in Italy, helping to prevent the execution of Hitler’s scorched-earth orders. The book is full of piquant anecdotes—Himmler’s excavations for the legendary treasure of King Alaric; the visit of Reinhard Heydrich to the House of the Provinces, a brothel frequented by officers and men of means; Hitler’s dread and annoyance at being piloted into his newly conquered Ukraine by Mussolini—to mention only a few. Throughout, Dollmann makes no attempt to conceal or exonerate his association with the Nazis. With Hitler and Mussolini is a fascinating memoir filled with political intrigue, undercover activity, and insights into the biggest personalities connected to the Second World War.

Nahlah Ayed - The War We Won Apart artwork The War We Won Apart
The Untold Story of Two Elite Agents Who Became One of the Most Decorated Couples of WWII
Nahlah Ayed
Genre: History
Price: $16.99
Publish Date: May 28, 2024
Publisher: Penguin Canada
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

INSTANT #1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER Love, betrayal, and a secret war: the untold story of two elite agents, one Canadian, one British, who became one of the most decorated couples of WWII. On opposite sides of the pond, Sonia Butt, an adventurous young British woman, and Guy d’Artois, a French-Canadian soldier and thunderstorm of a man, are preparing for war. From different worlds, their lives first intersect during clandestine training to become agents with Winston Churchill’s secret army, the Special Operations Executive. As the world’s deadliest conflict to date unfolds, Sonia and Guy learn how to parachute into enemy territory, how to kill, blow up rail lines, and eventually . . . how to love each other. But not long after their hasty marriage, their love is tested by separation, by a titanic invasion—and by indiscretion. Writing in vivid, heart-stopping prose, Ayed follows Sonia as she plunges into Nazi-occupied France and slinks into black market restaurants to throw off occupying Nazi forces, while at the same time participating in sabotage operations against them; and as Guy, in another corner of France, trains hundreds into a resistance army. Reconstructed from hours of unpublished interviews and hundreds of archival and personal documents, the story Ayed tells is about the ravaging costs of war paid for disproportionately by the young. But more than anything, The War We Won Apart is a story about love: two secret agents who were supposed to land in enemy territory together, but were fated to fight the war apart.

Monty B - A Sniper's Conflict artwork A Sniper's Conflict
An Elite Sharpshooter?s Thrilling Account of Hunting Insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq
Monty B
Genre: History
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: October 14, 2014
Publisher: Skyhorse
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

"I could make out the head and shoulders of the insurgent as he was firing in the prone position. I aimed for the centre area . . . removed the safety catch and held that point of aim. Then I slowly and deliberately operated my trigger squeezing it gently to the rear. The round impacted into the target just below the shoulder. The target seemed to slide down disappearing out of sight, the rifle muzzle remained pointing uppermost in the air." The author sets the scene with action on a 2004 tour in Iraq where hard lessons were learnt. Next stop Helmand District, Afghanistan, after rigorous training. By now he had been a Sniper Instructor for eight years and his depth of knowledge makes this almost a sniper’s manual. This, combined with his descriptions of the sniper engagements experienced during his Battalion’s action packed tour, make this a thrilling and instructive read. He describes not just the operational background moves and tactics but his emotions—taking life even from distances of a kilometer is traumatic. Intense though the action was, there were long periods of watching and waiting—called Enduring Patience). Snipers work in pairs so relationship and trust are all important. Snipers are elite soldiers and clearly the author is among the best of the best. A Sniper's Conflict is a superb account of professional soldiering at the sharp end. Skyhorse Publishing, along with our Arcade, Good Books, Sports Publishing, and Yucca imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. Our list includes biographies on well-known historical figures like Benjamin Franklin, Nelson Mandela, and Alexander Graham Bell, as well as villains from history, such as Heinrich Himmler, John Wayne Gacy, and O. J. Simpson. We have also published survivor stories of World War II, memoirs about overcoming adversity, first-hand tales of adventure, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

Mario Polèse - Le Miracle québécois artwork Le Miracle québécois
Récit d’un voyageur d’ici et d’ailleurs
Mario Polèse
Genre: History of the Americas
Price: $24.99
Publish Date: October 05, 2021
Publisher: Editions du Boréal
Seller: Diffusion Dimedia Inc.

Le portrait du peuple québécois que je propose ici, à la différence de ce qu’on lit trop souvent, est celui d’un peuple éminemment résilient, habile, qui à travers les hauts et les bas de son histoire a toujours (ou presque) su faire les bons choix comme société. Peu de peuples peuvent en dire autant. Je n’ai pas choisi le mot miracle par hasard. Le miracle est d’abord celui de la cohabitation de deux peuples sur un même territoire et dans une même ville, deux peuples à l’origine séparés par la religion et par la langue. C’est l’histoire de l’effacement du gouffre social entre ces deux peuples, le renversement d’une relation historique de domination. C’est enfin l’histoire d’une révolution culturelle, d’un peuple qui s’est littéralement métamorphosé – qui a transformé ses institutions, changé de mœurs et changé la définition même de la nation – pour compter aujourd’hui parmi les peuples les plus libres, les plus prospères et (oui!) les plus heureux de la planète. Qui est Mario Polèse pour tenir de tels propos ? Né durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale aux Pays-Bas, alors sous occupation allemande, de parents qui ont fui l’Autriche en 1938, il y a passé son enfance jusqu’à l’âge de neuf ans, lorsque la famille a décidé d’émigrer en Amérique, à New York, d’abord, puis à Philadelphie. Arrivé au Canada en 1969, chercheur à Montréal depuis cinquante ans, Mario Polèse a acquis une réputation internationale dans le champ de l’économie urbaine et régionale. En raison de ses origines américaines et européennes, les justes comparaisons entre l’histoire du Québec et celle des États-Unis et de l’Europe lui viennent aisément. Il les présente avec la distance et les nuances qui s’imposent.

Edward Wong - At the Edge of Empire artwork At the Edge of Empire
A Family's Reckoning with China
Edward Wong
Genre: Asian History
Price: $18.99
Publish Date: June 25, 2024
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

“This book’s power comes from Wong’s broad sense of the patterns of Chinese history, reflected in the lives of a father and son, and from his ability to toggle effortlessly between the epic and the intimate.” —Gal Beckerman, The Atlantic “Edward Wong’s exquisite family chronicle achieves a level of humane illumination that only one of America’s finest reporters on China could deliver. In tracing his father’s journey—from Hong Kong to Xinjiang to America—Wong gives us a profound story of modern China itself. Anyone who once was absorbed by the power of Wild Swans will savor this meditation on memory, history, and belonging.” —Evan Osnos, author of Age of Ambition , winner of the National Book Award One of Foreign Policy ’s Most Anticipated Books of 2024 An epic story of modern China that weaves a riveting family memoir with vital reporting by the New York Times diplomatic correspondent The son of Chinese immigrants in Washington, DC, Edward Wong grew up among family secrets. His father toiled in Chinese restaurants and rarely spoke of his native land or his years in the People’s Liberation Army under Mao. Yook Kearn Wong came of age during the Japanese occupation in World War II and the Communist revolution, when he fell under the spell of Mao’s promise of a powerful China. His astonishing journey as a soldier took him from Manchuria during the Korean War to Xinjiang on the Central Asian frontier. In 1962, disillusioned with the Communist Party, he made plans for a desperate escape to Hong Kong. When Edward Wong became the Beijing bureau chief for The New York Times , he investigated his father’s mysterious past while assessing for himself the dream of a resurgent China. He met the citizens driving the nation’s astounding economic boom and global expansion—and grappling with the vortex of nationalistic rule under Xi Jinping, the most powerful leader since Mao. Following in his father’s footsteps, he witnessed ethnic struggles in Xinjiang and Tibet and pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. And he had an insider’s view of the world’s two superpowers meeting at a perilous crossroads. Wong tells a moving chronicle of a family and a nation that spans decades of momentous change and gives profound insight into a new authoritarian age transforming the world. A groundbreaking book, At the Edge of Empire is the essential work for understanding China today.

Annie Jacobsen - Nuclear War artwork Nuclear War
A Scenario
Annie Jacobsen
Genre: Military History
Price: $16.99
Publish Date: March 26, 2024
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

The INSTANT New York Times bestseller Instant Los Angeles Times bestseller “In Nuclear War: A Scenario , Annie Jacobsen gives us a vivid picture of what could happen if our nuclear guardians fail…Terrifying.”— Wall Street Journal There is only one scenario other than an asteroid strike that could end the world as we know it in a matter of hours: nuclear war. And one of the triggers for that war would be a nuclear missile inbound toward the United States.   Every generation, a journalist has looked deep into the heart of the nuclear military establishment: the technologies, the safeguards, the plans, and the risks. These investigations are vital to how we understand the world we really live in—where one nuclear missile will beget one in return, and where the choreography of the world’s end requires massive decisions made on seconds’ notice with information that is only as good as the intelligence we have.   Pulitzer Prize finalist Annie Jacobsen’s Nuclear War: A Scenario explores this ticking-clock scenario, based on dozens of exclusive new interviews with military and civilian experts who have built the weapons, have been privy to the response plans, and have been responsible for those decisions should they have needed to be made. Nuclear War: A Scenario examines the handful of minutes after a nuclear missile launch. It is essential reading, and unlike any other book in its depth and urgency.

Erik Larson - In the Garden of Beasts artwork In the Garden of Beasts
Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin
Erik Larson
Genre: History
Price: $16.99
Publish Date: May 10, 2011
Publisher: Crown
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

Erik Larson, New York Times bestselling author of Devil in the White City, delivers a remarkable story set during Hitler’s rise to power. The time is 1933, the place, Berlin, when William E. Dodd becomes America’s first ambassador to Hitler’s Nazi Germany in a year that proved to be a turning point in history.     A mild-mannered professor from Chicago, Dodd brings along his wife, son, and flamboyant daughter, Martha. At first Martha is entranced by the parties and pomp, and the handsome young men of the Third Reich with their infectious enthusiasm for restoring Germany to a position of world prominence. Enamored of the “New Germany,” she has one affair after another, including with the suprisingly honorable first chief of the Gestapo, Rudolf Diels. But as evidence of Jewish persecution mounts, confirmed by chilling first-person testimony, her father telegraphs his concerns to a largely indifferent State Department back home. Dodd watches with alarm as Jews are attacked, the press is censored, and drafts of frightening new laws begin to circulate. As that first year unfolds and the shadows deepen, the Dodds experience days full of excitement, intrigue, romance—and ultimately, horror, when a climactic spasm of violence and murder reveals Hitler’s true character and ruthless ambition.     Suffused with the tense atmosphere of the period, and with unforgettable portraits of the bizarre Göring and the expectedly charming--yet wholly sinister--Goebbels, In the Garden of Beasts lends a stunning, eyewitness perspective on events as they unfold in real time, revealing an era of surprising nuance and complexity. The result is a dazzling, addictively readable work that speaks volumes about why the world did not recognize the grave threat posed by Hitler until Berlin, and Europe, were awash in blood and terror.

Yuval Noah Harari - Homo Deus artwork Homo Deus
A Brief History of Tomorrow
Yuval Noah Harari
Genre: History
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: September 13, 2016
Publisher: McClelland & Stewart
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

International Bestseller From the author of the international bestseller  Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind  comes an extraordinary new book that explores the future of the human species. Yuval Noah Harari, author of the bestselling  Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind , envisions a not-too-distant world in which we face a new set of challenges. In  Homo Deus , he examines our future with his trademark blend of science, history, philosophy and every discipline in between. Homo Deus  explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century – from overcoming death to creating artificial life. It asks the fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? And how will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? This is the next stage of evolution. This is  Homo Deus . War is obsolete You are more likely to commit suicide than be killed in conflict Famine is disappearing You are at more risk of obesity than starvation Death is just a technical problem Equality is out – but immortality is in What does our future hold?

Yuval Noah Harari - 21 Lessons for the 21st Century artwork 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Yuval Noah Harari
Genre: History
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: September 04, 2018
Publisher: McClelland & Stewart
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

New York Times Bestseller National Bestseller With Sapiens and Homo Deus , Yuval Noah Harari first explored the past, then the future of humankind, garnering the praise of no less than Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg, to name a few, and selling millions of copies in the over 30 countries it was published. In 21 Lessons for the 21st Century , he devotes himself to the present. 21 Lessons For the 21st Century provides a kind of instruction manual for the present day to help readers find their way around the 21st century, to understand it, and to focus on the really important questions of life. Once again, Harari presents this in the distinctive, informal, and entertaining style that already characterized his previous books. The topics Harari examines in this way include major challenges such as international terrorism, fake news, and migration, as well as turning to more personal, individual concerns, such as our time for leisure or how much pressure and stress we can take. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century answers the overarching question: What is happening in the world today, what is the deeper meaning of these events, and how can we individually steer our way through them? The questions include what the rise of Trump signifies, whether or not God is back, and whether nationalism can help solve problems like global warming. Few writers of non-fiction have captured the imagination of millions of people in quite the astonishing way Yuval Noah Harari has managed, and in such a short space of time. His unique ability to look at where we have come from and where we are going has gained him fans from every corner of the globe. There is an immediacy to this new book which makes it essential reading for anyone interested in the world today and how to navigate its turbulent waters.

Stefanos Geroulanos - The Invention of Prehistory: Empire, Violence, and Our Obsession with Human Origins artwork The Invention of Prehistory: Empire, Violence, and Our Obsession with Human Origins
Stefanos Geroulanos
Genre: History
Price: $20.99
Publish Date: April 02, 2024
Publisher: Liveright
Seller: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.

“[A]n incisive and captivating reassessment of prehistory . . . In lucid prose, Geroulanos unspools an enthralling and detailed history of the development of modern natural science. It’s a must-read.” —Publishers Weekly, starred review “An astute, powerfully rendered history of humanity.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review An eminent historian tells the story of how we came to obsess over the origins of humanity—and how, for three centuries, ideas of prehistory have been used to justify devastating violence against others. Books about the origins of humanity dominate bestseller lists, while national newspapers present breathless accounts of new archaeological findings and speculate about what those findings tell us about our earliest ancestors. We are obsessed with prehistory—and, in this respect, our current era is no different from any other in the last three hundred years. In this coruscating work, acclaimed historian Stefanos Geroulanos demonstrates how claims about the earliest humans not only shaped Western intellectual culture, but gave rise to our modern world. The very idea that there was a human past before recorded history only emerged with the Enlightenment, when European thinkers began to reject faith-based notions of humanity and history in favor of supposedly more empirical ideas about the world. From the “state of nature” and Romantic notions of virtuous German barbarians to theories about Neanderthals, killer apes, and a matriarchal paradise where women ruled, Geroulanos captures the sheer variety and strangeness of the ideas that animated many of the major thinkers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, including Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Charles Darwin, and Karl Marx. Yet as Geroulanos shows, such ideas became, for the most part, the ideological foundations of repressive regimes and globe-spanning empires. Deeming other peoples “savages” allowed for guilt-free violence against them; notions of “killer apes” who were our evolutionary predecessors made war seem natural. The emergence of modern science only accelerated the West’s imperialism. The Nazi obsession with race was rooted in archaeological claims about prehistoric IndoGermans; the idea that colonialized peoples could be “bombed back to the Stone Age” was made possible by the technology of flight and the anthropological idea that civilization advanced in stages. As Geroulanos argues, accounts of prehistory tell us more about the moment when they are proposed than about the deep past—and if we hope to start improving our future, we would be better off setting aside the search for how it all started. A necessary, timely, indelible account of how the quest for understanding the origins of humanity became the handmaiden of war and empire, The Invention of Prehistory will forever change how we think about the deep past.

Simon Elliott - Roman Britain's Missing Legion artwork Roman Britain's Missing Legion
What Really Happened to IX Hispana?
Simon Elliott
Genre: Military History
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: March 15, 2021
Publisher: Pen & Sword Books
Seller: OpenRoad Integrated Media, LLC

“Examines all the possible fates of the famous IX legion . . . takes you on a fascinating detective journey through all the corners of the Roman Empire.” — History . . . The Interesting Bits! Legio IX Hispana had a long and active history, later founding York from where it guarded the northern frontiers in Britain. But the last evidence for its existence in Britain comes from AD 108. The mystery of their disappearance has inspired debate and imagination for decades. The most popular theory, immortalized in Rosemary Sutcliffe’s novel  The Eagle of the Ninth , is that the legion was sent to fight the Caledonians in Scotland and wiped out there. But more recent archaeology (including evidence that London was burnt to the ground and dozens of decapitated heads) suggests a crisis, not on the border but in the heart of the province, previously thought to have been peaceful at this time. What if IX Hispana took part in a rebellion, leading to their punishment, disbandment and  damnatio memoriae  (official erasure from the records)? This proposed ‘Hadrianic War’ would then be the real context for Hadrian’s ‘visit’ in 122 with a whole legion, VI Victrix, which replaced the ‘vanished’ IX as the garrison at York. Other theories are that it was lost on the Rhine or Danube, or in the East. Simon Elliott considers the evidence for these four theories, and other possibilities. “A great and fascinating read . . . a page turner . . . The book offers some interesting and intriguing ideas around the fate of the Ninth.” — Irregular Magazine “An historical detective story pursued with academic rigour.” — Clash of Steel “A seminal and landmark study.” — Midwest Book Review

Hampton Sides - The Wide Wide Sea artwork The Wide Wide Sea
Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook
Hampton Sides
Genre: History
Price: $18.99
Publish Date: April 09, 2024
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • NAMED A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR SO FAR FOR 2024 BY THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW • A “thrilling and superbly crafted” ( The Wall Street Journal ) account of the most momentous voyage of the Age of Exploration, which culminated in Captain James Cook’s death in Hawaii, and left a complex and controversial legacy still debated to this day. “Hampton Sides, an acclaimed master of the nonfiction narrative, has taken on Cook’s story and retells it for the 21st century.”— Los Angeles Times On July 12th, 1776, Captain James Cook, already lionized as the greatest explorer in British history, set off on his third voyage in his ship the HMS Resolution . Two-and-a-half years later, on a beach on the island of Hawaii, Cook was killed in a conflict with native Hawaiians. How did Cook, who was unique among captains for his respect for Indigenous peoples and cultures, come to that fatal moment? Hampton Sides’ bravura account of Cook’s last journey both wrestles with Cook’s legacy and provides a thrilling narrative of the titanic efforts and continual danger that characterized exploration in the 1700s. Cook was renowned for his peerless seamanship, his humane leadership, and his dedication to science-–the famed naturalist Joseph Banks accompanied him on his first voyage, and Cook has been called one of the most important figures of the Age of Enlightenment. He was also deeply interested in the native people he encountered. In fact, his stated mission was to return a Tahitian man, Mai, who had become the toast of London, to his home islands. On previous expeditions, Cook mapped huge swaths of the Pacific, including the east coast of Australia, and initiated first European contact with numerous peoples. He treated his crew well, and endeavored to learn about the societies he encountered with curiosity and without judgment. Yet something was different on this last voyage. Cook became mercurial, resorting to the lash to enforce discipline, and led his two vessels into danger time and again. Uncharacteristically, he ordered violent retaliation for perceived theft on the part of native peoples. This may have had something to do with his secret orders, which were to chart and claim lands before Britain’s imperial rivals could, and to discover the fabled Northwest Passage. Whatever Cook’s intentions, his scientific efforts were the sharp edge of the colonial sword, and the ultimate effects of first contact were catastrophic for Indigenous people around the world. The tensions between Cook’s overt and covert missions came to a head on the shores of Hawaii. His first landing there was harmonious, but when Cook returned after mapping the coast of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, his exploitative treatment of the Hawaiians led to the fatal encounter. At once a ferociously-paced story of adventure on the high seas and a searching examination of the complexities and consequences of the Age of Exploration, THE WIDE WIDE SEA is a major work from one of our finest narrative nonfiction writers.

Damien Lewis - The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare artwork The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare
Damien Lewis
Genre: History
Price: $5.99
Publish Date: October 02, 2014
Publisher: Quercus Publishing
Seller: Hachette Digital, Inc.

One of the most remarkable stories in the history of Special Forces' operations - Daily Express In the bleak moments after defeat on mainland Europe in winter 1939, Winston Churchill knew that Britain had to strike back hard. So Britain's wartime leader called for the lightning development of a completely new kind of warfare, recruiting a band of eccentric free-thinking warriors to become the first 'deniable' secret operatives to strike behind enemy lines, offering these volunteers nothing but the potential for glory and all-but-certain death. The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare tells the story of the daring victories for this small force of 'freelance pirates', undertaking devastatingly effective missions against the Nazis, often dressed in enemy uniforms and with enemy kit, breaking all previously held rules of warfare. Master storyteller Damien Lewis brings the adventures of the secret unit to life, weaving together the stories of the soldiers' brotherhood in this compelling narrative, from the unit's earliest missions to the death of their leader just weeks before the end of the war.