Saturday, August 17, 2024

iTunes Store: Top 25 Books in Politics & Current Events 2024-08-17

Brian Tyler Cohen - Shameless artwork Shameless
Republicans' Deliberate Dysfunction and the Battle to Preserve Democracy
Brian Tyler Cohen
Genre: Political Science
Price: $18.99
Publish Date: August 13, 2024
Publisher: Harper
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

From the first content creator to interview President Biden, leading progressive voice Brian Tyler Cohen takes a step back from the day-to-day news cycle to explain how American politics has turned into such a dumpster fire—and what Democrats need to do to get us out of it. In Shameless, Brian Tyler Cohen lays bare the long con of the modern Republican Party. While the radical right continues hiding behind gaslighting maneuvers, artificial slogans, and hollow catchphrases, Cohen’s unflinching narrative illuminates the realities and dangers of the ever-widening gulf between the vaunted Republican brand and their actual behavior. With a foreword by Congressman Jamie Raskin, drawing on interviews and insights from Pete Buttigieg, Mehdi Hasan, Jen Psaki, and other luminaries of the Left, Cohen reveals: How Republicans have leaned on their histor­ical branding to give themselves a permission structure to behave antithetically to everything they say;Why the mainstream media has proved itself a willing participant in this ongoing farce— particularly since the rise of toxic, sensational­ist MAGA mania; andWhat lessons Democrats can glean from a clear-eyed view of the landscape we’re operating in—and the steps we must take to rebalance our political landscape. During this all-hands-on-deck moment in our his­tory, Shameless is essential reading for those seeking to understand our dire situation, and a rallying cry for those fighting to preserve democracy.

Victor Davis Hanson - The Dying Citizen artwork The Dying Citizen
How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America
Victor Davis Hanson
Genre: Political Science
Price: $16.99
Publish Date: October 05, 2021
Publisher: Basic Books
Seller: Hachette Digital, Inc.

The New York Times bestselling author of The Case for Trump explains the decline and fall of the once cherished idea of American citizenship. Human history is full of the stories of peasants, subjects, and tribes. Yet the concept of the “citizen” is historically rare—and was among America’s most valued ideals for over two centuries. But without shock treatment, warns historian Victor Davis Hanson, American citizenship as we have known it may soon vanish. In The Dying Citizen , Hanson outlines the historical forces that led to this crisis. The evisceration of the middle class over the last fifty years has made many Americans dependent on the federal government. Open borders have undermined the idea of allegiance to a particular place. Identity politics have eradicated our collective civic sense of self. And a top-heavy administrative state has endangered personal liberty, along with formal efforts to weaken the Constitution. As in the revolutionary years of 1848, 1917, and 1968, 2020 ripped away our complacency about the future. But in the aftermath, we as Americans can rebuild and recover what we have lost. The choice is ours.

Joe Concha - Progressively Worse artwork Progressively Worse
Why Today's Democrats Ain't Your Daddy's Donkeys
Joe Concha
Genre: Political Science
Price: $14.99
Publish Date: July 30, 2024
Publisher: Broadside e-books
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

If John F. Kennedy, Tip O’Neill, or even Bill Clinton were to run as Democrat candidates today, their own party would cancel them in a heartbeat. If the Joe Biden of 1992 were to run today, MSNBC would label him “MAGA Joe.” How did JFK’s party of Catholics and union workers become AOC’s party of privileged Ivy Leaguers with “Queers for Palestine” signs and purple hair? Over the past few decades, Democrats have swung so far to the left that they have little in common with past generations of progressives. In Progressively Worse, bestselling author and Fox News contributor Joe Concha highlights how the Democrats used to: ·        Care about blue collar workers ·        Protest against new wars ·        Defend free speech ·        Criticize the elites and Wall Street ·        Want limits on immigration Now, the party of the hippies is now the party of Hamasniks, and the party of femi­nists now celebrates male athletes in women’s sports. Though spotlights of key influencers like Gavin Newsom, Rashida Tlaib, Keith Olbermann, and Pete Buttigieg, Progressively Worse lays out the facts every American should know about the Democrat party. It’s not even a party anymore. It’s more like the hangover the day after.

Mark Green & Ralph Nader - Fake President artwork Fake President
Decoding Trump's Gaslighting, Corruption, and General Bullsh*t
Mark Green & Ralph Nader
Genre: Political Science
Price: $12.99
Publish Date: September 22, 2020
Publisher: Skyhorse
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

"Read  Fake President ….This book can help us replace Trump with truth." —Gloria Steinem "Terrific new book . Fake President  informs as it entertains."  -- Laurence Tribe ​ An incisive, witty roadmap into the disinformation and betrayals of President Trump—just in time for the impeachment hearings and the 2020 election. Donald Trump was lawfully selected as the US president...but is still a "fake" president because he simply lacks the integrity, intelligence, and stability to perform the duties of the office as the Constitution intended. "If you spend so much time golfing, tweeting, and seething," write Green and Nader, "it's understandable that a POTUS doesn't get around to appointing one-third of all agency inspector generals...Might as well expect a surgeon to be an opera singer." As the House Impeachment Inquiry unfolds based on a similar premise , Fake President  decodes many of his worst scandals and "twistifications" (a Jefferson coinage). And it’s bound to get even worse as the House gets closer to actual Articles of Impeachment and the Fall election approaches. Since it's nearly impossible to keep track of Trump's "daily lava of lies," two of America’s foremost public advocates do that work for you. This is your one-stop shop that explains what the Lyin' King means to our democracy. It’s a cheeky, deadly rebuke of Trump’s incorrigible "fakery"...from his dishonesty about foreign policy to blatant ignorance about the environment to his messianic narcissism. Fake President is an essential guide to help you understand the two biggest news stories of the coming year—impeachment and the 2020 presidential election.

Terence Ball, Richard Dagger & Daniel I O'Neill - Ideals and Ideologies artwork Ideals and Ideologies
A Reader
Terence Ball, Richard Dagger & Daniel I O'Neill
Genre: Political Science
Price: $89.99
Publish Date: July 04, 2019
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Seller: Taylor & Francis Group

Ideals and Ideologies: A Reader is a comprehensive compilation of classic and contemporary readings representing all of the major "isms." It offers students a generous sampling of key thinkers in different ideological traditions and places them in their historical and political contexts. Used on its own or with Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal , the anthology accounts for the different ways people use ideology and conveys the continuing importance of ideas in politics. New to this 11th Edition: Alexander Keyssar, "Voter Suppression, Then and Now" (a distinguished historian traces the tawdry history of attempts, successful and unsuccessful, to disenfranchise voters). Andrew Sullivan, "Democracies End When They Become Too Democratic" (an eminent conservative commentator and author argues that, under certain circumstances, democracies pose a danger to their very own existence). Timothy Egan, "The Dumbed Down Democracy" (a prominent author and columnist argues that American democracy has been "dumbed down" due, in large part, to the absence of civic education in the public school curriculum). Max Boot and David Brooks, "Conservatives Assess Trump" (two leading contemporary conservatives ponder the fundamental ideological problems the current president poses for the movement, and consider the ways in which Donald Trump is—and isn’t—a true conservative). Eugene V. Debs, "Speech to the Conference for Progressive Political Action" (an early 20th-century American socialist and former presidential candidate articulates his vision for a new workers’ party that would challenge capitalism in the United States). Robert Kagan, "This is How Fascism Comes to America" (a prominent neoconservative historian detects disturbing parallels between the rise of Donald Trump and that of various interwar fascists). Erik Loomis, "A New Chapter in the Black Liberation Movement" (an American historian makes the case for Black Liberation with a particularly compelling case study: how prisoners (mainly black) work essentially as slaves in both public and for-profit prisons in the United States). Black Lives Matter, "A Vision for Black Lives: Demands for Black Power, Freedom & Justice" (leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement set forth their basic ideological beliefs and public policy prescriptions). Josephine Livingstone, "The Task Ahead for Feminism" (the author argues that much remains to be done after the #MeToo movement).

Mark Green & Ralph Nader - Wrecking America artwork Wrecking America
How Trump's Lawbreaking and Lies Betray All
Mark Green & Ralph Nader
Genre: Political Science
Price: $12.99
Publish Date: September 22, 2020
Publisher: Skyhorse
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

"Read  Fake President ….This book can help us replace Trump with truth." —Gloria Steinem "Terrific new book . Fake President  informs as it entertains."  -- Laurence Tribe ​   An incisive & witty look at the cost of lies on American lives Wrecking America  is most up-to-date look at Trump's anything-goes "Fascism 2.0" presidency and campaign. It reveals how Trump's daily "twistifications" (a Jefferson coinage) are killing tens of thousands of Americans and millions of American jobs, polluting the air and public debate, selling out his country for personal gain...and trying to "Make the Confederacy Great Again," as he preoccupies himself with golfing, seething, and tweeting.  By four-time presidential candidate Ralph Nader and bestselling author Mark Green,  Wrecking America  organizes Trump's lies and lawbreaking issue-by-issue—focusing on Covid-19 and racial protests. This scathing, witty, accessible paperback is the last up-to-date book on "the Lyin' King" keyed to General Election voters and post-election America. This November will test our 231-year experiment in self-governance like no time since 1860 and 1932. Will it be re-election or realignment? A Fascism for the few or Democracy for all?  The wrecking ball of American Brownshirts or a new progressive backlash and era?

Guy Jacquemelle - Tout savoir sur... Leurs années Sciences Po artwork Tout savoir sur... Leurs années Sciences Po
Comment y entrer, comment en sortir?
Guy Jacquemelle
Genre: Politics & Current Events
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: May 19, 2014
Publisher: Editions Kawa

Michel Rocard, Lionel Jospin, Hubert Védrine, Olivier Duhamel, Laurent Joffrin, Michèle Fitoussi, Jean Christophe Rufin, MarieLaure Sauty de Chalon, Ariane Chemin, David Pujadas, Anne Roumanoff, Raphaëlle Bacqué, Chantal Jouanno, Rama Yade, Loona Corrente et Vincent Galibert évoquent leurs années rue SaintGuillaume. Pourquoi ont-ils fait Sciences Po ? Comment s’y sont-ils préparés ? Que pouvaient-ils répondre aux questions : le Sénat, mythe ou réalité ? Comment sait-on si on est de droite ou de gauche ? Le premier ministre est-il un fusible ou un paratonnerre ? Qui a été la première femme transférée au Panthéon ? Quels sont leurs bons et mauvais souvenirs de la rue Saint-Guillaume ? Quels professeurs les ont marqués ? Quel regard portent-ils aujourd’hui sur cette période et cette école ? Michel Rocard, Lionel Jospin, Hubert Védrine, Olivier Duhamel, Laurent Joffrin, Michèle Fitoussi, Jean-Christophe Rufi n, Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon, Ariane Chemin, David Pujadas, Anne Roumanoff, Raphaëlle Bacqué, Chantal Jouanno, Rama Yade, Loona Corrente et Vincent Galibert racontent leurs années rue Saint-Guillaume. Il y avait bien d’autres façons d’aborder ce livre sur Sciences Po. L’angle choisi ici permet à ces personnalités d’évoquer avec distance ou passion, ironie ou nostalgie, leurs «années Sciences Po». Une même aventure les réunit, qui vient des années studieuses, douloureuses pour certains, dilettantes pour d’autres, passées dans cet antre germanopratin. Et si vous aussi, vous souhaitez préparer l’examen d’entrée, ils vous donnent de précieux conseils. Guy Jacquemelle, a collaboré à L’Express, au Nouvel Observateur et au magazine ELLE. Passionné de nouvelles technologies, il travaille dans le monde du Web et des mobiles depuis 16 ans. Il a également publié trois essais : Le Grand Oral de l’ENA, Citizen Cannes, La Malédiction des start-up et deux romans : La Sandale rouge et Les Années insouciantes Extraits de la table des matières: Introduction Brève histoire de Sciences Po Michel Rocard (SP 1952) Lionel Jospin (SP 1959) Hubert Védrine (SP 1968) Olivier Duhamel (SP 1972) Laurent Joffrin (EF 1974) Michèle Fitoussi (PES 1975) Jean-Christophe Rufin (RI 1979) Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon (SP 1985) Ariane Chemin (PES 1986) David Pujadas (PS 198ES 1986) Anne Roumanoff (PE6) Raphaëlle Bacqué (PES 1987) Chantal Jouanno (SP 1995) Rama Yade (SP 2000) Loona Corrente Vincent Galibert Sciences Po : Mode d’emploi Bibliographie

Tim Marshall - Prisoners of Geography artwork Prisoners of Geography
Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World
Tim Marshall
Genre: Political Science
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: October 27, 2015
Publisher: Scribner
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

In this New York Times bestseller, an award-winning journalist uses ten maps of crucial regions to explain the geo-political strategies of the world powers—“fans of geography, history, and politics (and maps) will be enthralled” ( Fort Worth Star-Telegram ). Maps have a mysterious hold over us. Whether ancient, crumbling parchments or generated by Google, maps tell us things we want to know, not only about our current location or where we are going but about the world in general. And yet, when it comes to geo-politics, much of what we are told is generated by analysts and other experts who have neglected to refer to a map of the place in question. All leaders of nations are constrained by geography. In “one of the best books about geopolitics” ( The Evening Standard ), now updated to include 2016 geopolitical developments, journalist Tim Marshall examines Russia, China, the US, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Japan, Korea, and Greenland and the Arctic—their weather, seas, mountains, rivers, deserts, and borders—to provide a context often missing from our political reportage: how the physical characteristics of these countries affect their strengths and vulnerabilities and the decisions made by their leaders. Offering “a fresh way of looking at maps” ( The New York Times Book Review ), Marshall explains the complex geo-political strategies that shape the globe. Why is Putin so obsessed with Crimea? Why was the US destined to become a global superpower? Why does China’s power base continue to expand? Why is Tibet destined to lose its autonomy? Why will Europe never be united? The answers are geographical. “In an ever more complex, chaotic, and interlinked world, Prisoners of Geography is a concise and useful primer on geopolitics” ( Newsweek ) and a critical guide to one of the major determining factors in world affairs.

Franz Fanon - Les damnés de la terre artwork Les damnés de la terre
Franz Fanon
Genre: Political Science
Price: $4.99
Publish Date: May 30, 2016
Publisher: A verba futuroruM

Dans une préface célèbre, JP SARTRE annonçait : "...Car dans un premier temps de la révolte, il faut tuer..." L'essai de FANON se penche sur la lutte armée contre l'État colonial, sur le colonialisme et l'aliénation qui en découle - n'oublions pas qu'il est psychiatre en premier lieu. Il décrit l'émancipation du Tiers-Monde et les contradictions issues de la prise de pouvoir par la bourgeoisie colonisée et les factions contre les paysans indigènes. Référence des mouvements de libération, ce dernier livre de Franz FANON fut interdit à sa sortie en 1961. Un livre prémonitoire qui retrace l'atmosphère insurrectionnelle des années 50/60, qui revient sur la vérité du fait colonial. Un livre à étudier pour comprendre la société d'aujourd'hui et les aspirations justes des enfants des rebelles.

John Vaillant - The Tiger artwork The Tiger
A True Story of Vengeance and Survival
John Vaillant
Genre: Public Administration
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: August 24, 2010
Publisher: Knopf Canada
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

It's December 1997 and a man-eating tiger is on the prowl outside a remote village in Russia's Far East. The tiger isn't just killing people, it's annihilating them, and a team of men and their dogs must hunt it on foot through the forest in the brutal cold. To their horrified astonishment it emerges that the attacks are not random: the tiger is engaged in a vendetta. Injured and starving, it must be found before it strikes again, and the story becomes a battle for survival between the two main characters: Yuri Trush, the lead tracker, and the tiger itself. As John Vaillant vividly recreates the extraordinary events of that winter, he also gives us an unforgettable portrait of a spectacularly beautiful region where plants and animals exist that are found nowhere else on earth, and where the once great Siberian Tiger - the largest of its species, which can weigh over 600 lbs at more than 10 feet long - ranges daily over vast territories of forest and mountain, its numbers diminished to a fraction of what they once were. We meet the native tribes who for centuries have worshipped and lived alongside tigers - even sharing their kills with them - in a natural balance. We witness the first arrival of settlers, soldiers and hunters in the tiger's territory in the 19th century and 20th century, many fleeing Stalinism. And we come to know the Russians of today - such as the poacher Vladimir Markov - who, crushed by poverty, have turned to poaching for the corrupt, high-paying Chinese markets. Throughout we encounter surprising theories of how humans and tigers may have evolved to coexist, how we may have developed as scavengers rather than hunters and how early Homo sapiens may have once fit seamlessly into the tiger's ecosystem. Above all, we come to understand the endangered Siberian tiger, a highly intelligent super-predator, and the grave threat it faces as logging and poaching reduce its habitat and numbers - and force it to turn at bay. Beautifully written and deeply informative, The Tiger is a gripping tale of man and nature in collision, that leads inexorably to a final showdown in a clearing deep in the Siberian forest.

Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf artwork Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler
Genre: Politics & Current Events
Price: $2.99
Publish Date: July 07, 2013
Publisher: Liber Electronicus
Seller: Kamil Jodelko

Mein Kampf written by Adolf Hitler is known as one of the most dangerous books in history. It is a fundamental exposition of Nazi ideology, which caused deaths of milions of people. The publisher would like to inform, that propaganda of any totalitarianism, such as Nazism, Fascism and Communism is not his target and this book should be only perceived as a historical source. Every man wanting to understand the complexity of the World War II should be acquainted with this position. 

Lawrence Wright - The Looming Tower artwork The Looming Tower
Lawrence Wright
Genre: Political Science
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: August 08, 2006
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • PULITZER PRIZE WINNER • A “heart-stopping account of the events leading up to 9/11” ( The New York Times Book Review ), this definitive history explains in gripping detail the growth of Islamic fundamentalism, the rise of al-Qaeda, and the intelligence failures that culminated in the attacks on the World Trade Center. One of the New York Times ’s 100 Best Books of the 21st Century In gripping narrative that spans five decades, Lawrence Wright re-creates firsthand the transformation of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri from incompetent and idealistic soldiers in Afghanistan to leaders of the most successful terrorist group in history. He follows FBI counterterrorism chief John O’Neill as he uncovers the emerging danger from al-Qaeda in the 1990s and struggles to track this new threat. Packed with new information and a deep historical perspective, The Looming Tower is a sweeping, unprecedented history of the long road to September 11.

Elle Reeve - Black Pill artwork Black Pill
How I Witnessed the Darkest Corners of the Internet Come to Life, Poison Society, and Capture American Politics
Elle Reeve
Genre: Political Science
Price: $20.99
Publish Date: July 09, 2024
Publisher: Atria Books
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

This tour de force of investigative journalism—in the vein of The Next Civil War and Why We’re Polarized —reveals how the battle between the right and left is spilling out from the darkest corners of the internet into the real world with often tragic consequences. Award-winning journalist and CNN correspondent Elle Reeve was not surprised by the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. With years of in-depth research and on-the-ground investigative reporting under her belt, Reeve was aware of the preoccupations of the online far right and their journey from the computer to QAnon, militias, and racist groups. At the same time, Reeve saw a parallel growth of counterforces, with citizen vigilantes using new tools and tactics to take down the far right. This ongoing battle, long fought mainly on the internet, had arrived in the real world with greater and greater frequency. With a sharp eye for detail and a dash of dark humor, Reeve explains the origins of this shocking sweep of political violence. Drawing on countless interviews with sources in the white nationalist movement as well as hundreds of as-yet-unseen documents, she takes us on a surreal journey from the darkest corners of the internet to the most significant and chilling scenes of real-world political violence in generations. A stranger-than-fiction odyssey into the dark heart of what American politics has become, Black Pill is necessary reading for any supporter of democracy.

Robert D. Kaplan - The Coming Anarchy artwork The Coming Anarchy
Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold War
Robert D. Kaplan
Genre: Foreign Policy & International Relations
Price: $14.99
Publish Date: February 13, 2001
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

Robert Kaplan, bestselling author of Balkan Ghosts , offers up scrupulous, far-ranging insights on the world to come in a spirited, rousing, and provocative book that has earned a place at the top of the reading lists of the world's policy makers. The end of the Cold War has not ushered in the global peace and prosperity that many had anticipated. Volatile new democracies in Eastern Europe, fierce tribalism in Africa, civil war and ethnic violence in the Near East, and widespread famine and disease—not to mention the brutal rift developing as wealthy nations reap the benefits of seemingly boundless technology while other parts of the world slide into chaos—are among the issues Kaplan identifies as the most important for charting the future of geopolitics. Historical antecedents in Gibbon's Decline and Fall  and in the legacies of statesmen such as Henry Kissinger contribute to this bracingly prophetic framework for addressing the new global reality. Bold, erudite, and profoundly important, The Coming Anarchy is a compelling must-read by one of today's most penetrating writers and provocative minds.

Tareq Baconi - Hamas Contained artwork Hamas Contained
The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance
Tareq Baconi
Genre: World Affairs
Price: $25.99
Publish Date: May 15, 2018
Publisher: Stanford University Press
Seller: OpenRoad Integrated Media, LLC

“Judicious and impartial, this important work adds nuance to the portrait of one of the Middle East's most divisive players” ( Publishers Weekly ). Hamas is a multifaceted liberation organization that rules Gaza and the lives of the two million Palestinians who live there. Demonized as a terrorist group in media and policy debates, it has been subjected to accusations and assumptions that have helped justify extreme military action in the region. In  Hamas Contained , Tareq Baconi offers the first history of the group on its own terms.  Drawing on interviews with organization leaders, as well as publications from the group, Baconi maps Hamas’s thirty-year transition from fringe resistance to governance. Questioning the conventional understanding of Hamas, he shows how the movement's ideology ultimately threatens the Palestinian struggle and, inadvertently, its own legitimacy.  Baconi demonstrates how Hamas's armed struggle has failed in the face of a relentless occupation, and he argues that Israel's approach of managing rather than resolving the conflict has neutralized Hamas’s demand for Palestinian sovereignty. This dynamic has perpetuated a deadlock characterized by its brutality—and one that has led to the collective punishment of millions of Palestinian civilians.

Thomas Snégaroff & Vincent Lemire - Israël / Palestine - Anatomie d'un conflit artwork Israël / Palestine - Anatomie d'un conflit
Thomas Snégaroff & Vincent Lemire
Genre: Politics & Current Events
Price: $27.99
Publish Date: June 06, 2024
Publisher: Les Arènes
Seller: Interforum, S.A.

Deux peuples pour une même terre ou l'histoire d'une cohabitation impossible ? 75 ans après la première guerre entre Israël et ses voisins arabes, la région s'embrase à nouveau. Thomas Snégaroff et Vincent Lemire remontent aux origines du conflit. En 50 questions et réponses, ils nous donnent les clés pour comprendre. Un texte clair et accessible, avec des cartes, des infographies, des chronologies, des biographies et des documents de référence.

Jane McAlevey - A Collective Bargain artwork A Collective Bargain
Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy
Jane McAlevey
Genre: Political Science
Price: $17.99
Publish Date: January 07, 2020
Publisher: HarperCollins
Seller: OpenRoad Integrated Media, LLC

From longtime labor organizer Jane McAlevey, a vital call-to-arms in favor of unions, a key force capable of defending our democracy For decades, racism, corporate greed, and a skewed political system have been eating away at the social and political fabric of the United States. Yet as McAlevey reminds us, there is one weapon whose effectiveness has been proven repeatedly throughout U.S. history: unions. In A Collective Bargain, longtime labor organizer, environmental activist, and political campaigner Jane McAlevey makes the case that unions are a key institution capable of taking effective action against today’s super-rich corporate class. Since the 1930s, when unions flourished under New Deal protections, corporations have waged a stealthy and ruthless war against the labor movement. And they’ve been winning. Until today. Because, as McAlevey shows, unions are making a comeback. Want to reverse the nation’s mounting wealth gap? Put an end to sexual harassment in the workplace? End racial disparities on the job? Negotiate climate justice? Bring back unions. As McAlevey travels from Pennsylvania hospitals, where nurses are building a new kind of patient-centered unionism, to Silicon Valley, where tech workers have turned to old-fashioned collective action, to the battle being waged by America’s teachers, readers have a ringside seat at the struggles that will shape our country—and our future.

Theodore H. White - The Making of the President 1960 artwork The Making of the President 1960
Theodore H. White
Genre: Political Science
Price: $15.99
Publish Date: October 14, 2009
Publisher: HarperCollins
Seller: OpenRoad Integrated Media, LLC

A Harper Perennial Political Classic, The Making of the President 1960 is the groundbreaking national bestseller and Pulitzer Prize-winning account of the 1960 presidential campaign and the election of John F. Kennedy. With this narrative history of American politics in action, Theodore White revolutionized the way presidential campaigns are reported. Now back in print, freshly repackaged, and with a new foreword written by Robert Dallek, The Making of the President 1960 remains the most influential publication about the election of John F. Kennedy.

Bill Maher - What This Comedian Said Will Shock You artwork What This Comedian Said Will Shock You
Bill Maher
Genre: Political Science
Price: $15.99
Publish Date: May 21, 2024
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

The hilarious and controversial host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher has written his funniest, most opinionated, and most necessary book ever—a brilliantly astute and acerbically funny vivisection of American life, politics, and culture. Some of the smartest commentary about what’s happening in America is coming from a comedian—this comedian being Bill Maher. If you want to understand what’s wrong with this country, it turns out that one of the best informed and most thought-provoking analysts is this very funny pothead. The book was inspired by the “editorial” Bill delivers at the end of each episode of Real Time . These editorials are direct-to-camera sermons about culture, politics, and what’s happening in the world. To put this book together, Maher reviewed more than a decade of his editorials, rewriting, reimagining, and updating them, and adding new material to speak exactly to the moment we’re in. Free speech, cops, drugs, race, religion, the generations, cancel culture, the parties, the media, show biz, romance, health—Maher covers it all. The result is a hugely entertaining work of commentary about American culture in the tradition of Mark Twain, Will Rogers, and H. L. Mencken.

Douglas Murray - The Strange Death of Europe artwork The Strange Death of Europe
Immigration, Identity, Islam
Douglas Murray
Genre: Political Science
Price: $22.99
Publish Date: June 14, 2018
Publisher: Bloomsbury Continuum
Seller: Bookwire Gesellschaft zum Vertrieb digitaler Medien mbH

THE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER A WATERSTONES POLITICS PAPERBACK OF THE YEAR, 2018 The Strange Death of Europe is a highly personal account of a continent and culture caught in the act of suicide. Declining birth-rates, mass immigration and cultivated self-distrust and self-hatred have come together to make Europeans unable to argue for themselves and incapable of resisting their own comprehensive change as a society. This book is not only an analysis of demographic and political realities, but also an eyewitness account of a continent in self-destruct mode. It includes reporting from across the entire continent, from the places where migrants land to the places they end up, from the people who appear to welcome them in to the places which cannot accept them. Told from this first-hand perspective, and backed with impressive research and evidence, the book addresses the disappointing failure of multiculturalism, Angela Merkel's U-turn on migration, the lack of repatriation and the Western fixation on guilt. Murray travels to Berlin, Paris, Scandinavia, Lampedusa and Greece to uncover the malaise at the very heart of the European culture, and to hear the stories of those who have arrived in Europe from far away. In each chapter he also takes a step back to look at the bigger issues which lie behind a continent's death-wish, answering the question of why anyone, let alone an entire civilisation, would do this to themselves? He ends with two visions of Europe – one hopeful, one pessimistic – which paint a picture of Europe in crisis and offer a choice as to what, if anything, we can do next.

Douglas Murray - The War on the West artwork The War on the West
Douglas Murray
Genre: Political Science
Price: $18.99
Publish Date: April 26, 2022
Publisher: Broadside e-books
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

An Instant New York Times Bestseller! China has concentration camps now. Why do Westerners claim our sins are unique? It is now in vogue to celebrate non-Western cultures and disparage Western ones. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning, but much of it fatally undermines the very things that created the greatest, most humane civilization in the world. In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows how many well-meaning people have been fooled by hypocritical and inconsistent anti-West rhetoric. After all, if we must discard the ideas of Kant, Hume, and Mill for their opinions on race, shouldn’t we discard Marx, whose work is peppered with racial slurs and anti-Semitism? Embers of racism remain to be stamped out in America, but what about the raging racist inferno in the Middle East and Asia? It’s not just dishonest scholars who benefit from this intellectual fraud but hostile nations and human rights abusers hoping to distract from their own ongoing villainy. Dictators who slaughter their own people are happy to jump on the “America is a racist country” bandwagon and mimic the language of antiracism and “pro-justice” movements as PR while making authoritarian conquests. If the West is to survive, it must be defended. The War on the West is not only an incisive takedown of foolish anti-Western arguments but also a rigorous new apologetic for civilization itself.

Michael Lewis - The Premonition: A Pandemic Story artwork The Premonition: A Pandemic Story
Michael Lewis
Genre: Political Science
Price: $19.99
Publish Date: May 04, 2021
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Seller: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.

New York Times Bestseller For those who could read between the lines, the censored news out of China was terrifying. But the president insisted there was nothing to worry about. Fortunately, we are still a nation of skeptics. Fortunately, there are those among us who study pandemics and are willing to look unflinchingly at worst-case scenarios. Michael Lewis’s taut and brilliant nonfiction thriller pits a band of medical visionaries against the wall of ignorance that was the official response of the Trump administration to the outbreak of COVID-19. The characters you will meet in these pages are as fascinating as they are unexpected. A thirteen-year-old girl’s science project on transmission of an airborne pathogen develops into a very grown-up model of disease control. A local public-health officer uses her worm’s-eye view to see what the CDC misses, and reveals great truths about American society. A secret team of dissenting doctors, nicknamed the Wolverines, has everything necessary to fight the pandemic: brilliant backgrounds, world-class labs, prior experience with the pandemic scares of bird flu and swine flu…everything, that is, except official permission to implement their work. Michael Lewis is not shy about calling these people heroes for their refusal to follow directives that they know to be based on misinformation and bad science. Even the internet, as crucial as it is to their exchange of ideas, poses a risk to them. They never know for sure who else might be listening in.

John Kenneth Galbraith - The Good Society artwork The Good Society
The Human Agenda
John Kenneth Galbraith
Genre: Public Administration
Price: $17.99
Publish Date: April 30, 1997
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Seller: OpenRoad Integrated Media, LLC

The legendary economist explains how a nation can remain both compassionate and fiscally sound, with “common sense raised to the level of genius” ( The New Yorker ).   This compact, eloquent book offers a blueprint for a workable national agenda that allows for human weakness without compromising a humane culture. Arguing that it is in the best interest of the United States to avoid excessive wealth and income inequality, and to safeguard the well-being of its citizens, he explores how the goal of a good society can be achieved in an economically feasible way.   Touching on topics from regulation, inflation, and deficits to education, the environment, bureaucracy, and the military, Galbraith avoids purely partisan or rigid ideological politics—instead addressing practical problems with logic and well-thought-out principles.   “Carefully reasoned . . . the pragmatically liberal Galbraith [argues] that both socialism and complete surrender to market forces are irrelevant as guides to public action.” — Publishers Weekly

Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt - Tyranny of the Minority artwork Tyranny of the Minority
Why American Democracy Reached the Breaking Point
Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt
Genre: Political Science
Price: $16.99
Publish Date: September 12, 2023
Publisher: Crown
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A call to reform our antiquated political institutions before it’s too late—from the authors of How Democracies Die “[Levitsky and Ziblatt] write with terrifying clarity about how the forces of the right have co-opted the enshrined rules to exert their tyranny.”— The Washington Post ONE OF THE CALIFORNIA REVIEW OF BOOKS ’ TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR • A NEWSWEEK BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR America is undergoing a massive experiment: It is moving, in fits and starts, toward a multiracial democracy, something few societies have ever done. But the prospect of change has sparked an authoritarian backlash that threatens the very foundations of our political system. Why is democracy under assault here, and not in other wealthy, diversifying nations? And what can we do to save it? With the clarity and brilliance that made their first book, How Democracies Die, a global bestseller, Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt offer a coherent framework for understanding these volatile times. They draw on a wealth of examples—from 1930s France to present-day Thailand—to explain why and how political parties turn against democracy. They then show how our Constitution makes us uniquely vulnerable to attacks from within: It is a pernicious enabler of minority rule, allowing partisan minorities to consistently thwart and even rule over popular majorities. Most modern democracies—from Germany and Sweden to Argentina and New Zealand—have eliminated outdated institutions like elite upper chambers, indirect elections, and lifetime tenure for judges. The United States lags dangerously behind. In this revelatory book, Levitsky and Ziblatt issue an urgent call to reform our politics. It’s a daunting task, but we have remade our country before—most notably, after the Civil War and during the Progressive Era. And now we are at a crossroads: America will either become a multiracial democracy or cease to be a democracy at all.

Donald P. Green - Get Out the Vote artwork Get Out the Vote
How to Increase Voter Turnout
Donald P. Green
Genre: Political Science
Price: $37.99
Publish Date: November 17, 2023
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Seller: The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group

What are the most cost-effective ways to increase voter turnout? Whether the ambition is to win elections, promote civic engagement, or bolster the legitimacy of democratic institutions, this question is of enormous significance to those who run and study campaigns. Since the original edition appeared in 2004 Get Out the Vote has become the indispensable guide to understand how to mobilize voters. Combining information from their own extensive field research and the rapidly expanding number of studies conducted by a growing network of scholars and campaign consultants, Donald P. Green and Alan S. Gerber bring scientific rigor to the subject, challenging much of the conventional wisdom about what works and what doesn't in political campaigns. Updated to include the newest research and published in time for the 2024 election cycle, Get Out the Vote will again be the indispensable guide to voter mobilization for campaign managers, consultants, and activists across the political spectrum. In addition, Green and Gerber provide students an accessible introduction to campaign research methodology.