Thursday, November 21, 2019

iTunes Store: Top 25 Books in Religion & Spirituality 2019-11-21

Rob Bell - How to Be Here artwork How to Be Here
A Guide to Creating a Life Worth Living
Rob Bell
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: March 08, 2016
Publisher: HarperOne
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

The popular pastor and New York Times bestselling author of Love Wins and What We Talk About When We Talk About God shows us how to pursue and realize our dreams, live in the moment, and joyfully do the things that make us come alive. Each of us was created for something great—we just need to figure out what it is and find the courage to do it. Whether it’s writing the next great American novel, starting a business, or joining a band, Rob Bell wants to help us make those dreams become reality. Our path is ours and ours alone to pursue, he reminds us, and in doing so, we derive great joy because we are living our passions. How to Be Here lays out concrete steps we can use to define and follow our dreams, interweaving engaging stories, lessons from biblical figures, insights gleaned from Rob’s personal experience, and practical advice. Rob gives you the support and insight you need to silence your critics, move from idea to action, take the first step, find joy in the work, persevere through hard times, and surrender to the outcome. Like Stephen Pressfield’s classic The War of Art, How to Be Here will inspire readers to seek the lives they were created to lead.

Robert Henderson - Unlocking Destinies From the Courts of Heaven artwork Unlocking Destinies From the Courts of Heaven
Dissolving Curses That Delay and Deny Our Futures
Robert Henderson
Genre: Christianity
Price: $0.99
Publish Date: August 20, 2016
Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers
Seller: Destiny Image Publishers

No More Delay! God is passionate about you fulfilling your purpose! In fact, there are books in Heaven that record your destiny and purpose. Their pages describe the very reason you were placed on the Earth. And yet, there is a war against your destiny being fulfilled. Your archenemy, the devil, knows that as you occupy your divine assignment, by default, the powers of darkness are demolished. Heaven comes to Earth as God’s people fulfill their Kingdom callings! In Unlocking Destinies from the Courts of Heaven , Robert Henderson offers a prophetic prayer strategy that shows you how to dissolve the delays and hindrances to your destiny being fulfilled. What does the enemy use most often to delay destinies from being fulfilled? Curses. By using the Courts of Heaven strategy, you will: Recognize the signs of curses operating in your life. Identify the origins of curses that war against your destiny. Revoke the rights of demonic principalities from operating in your life. Learn the secrets to cleansing your bloodline from generational curses. Discover how to legally unlock divine destiny over your life and even, your nation. Bring your appeals before the Courtroom of Heaven!

Ana Werner - Seeing Behind the Veil artwork Seeing Behind the Veil
100 Invitations to Intimate Encounters with the Holy Spirit
Ana Werner
Genre: Christianity
Price: $0.99
Publish Date: September 18, 2018
Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers
Seller: Destiny Image Publishers

Teaching Received through the Seer Anointing, Angelic Visitations, and Heaven Experiences Every day is a fresh invitation to step behind the veil and encounter the Holy Spirit in a new way! In this unique supernatural experience, seer, prophet, and missionary, Ana Werner shares insights she has received through prophetic encounters, angelic visitations, and supernatural visions. These inspirational entries—drawn from Ana’s personal history of encounters with God—are words from Heaven that are sure to infuse every day with hope, encouragement, healing, and assurance of God’s nearness. Including both Scripture passages and prophetic words, these devotionals offer powerful insights on: Dwelling in God’s Presence: living with a consistent awareness of the Holy Spirit’s nearness. Spiritual warfare: how winning spiritual battles can impact your everyday life. Amplifying God’s voice: positioning yourself to hear God’s words just for you. Comfort, strength, courage, and faith: anchors of hope for the daily challenges you face. Angelic activity: how to partner with the Heavenly hosts to release God’s plans for your life. Gain new strength by encountering the supernatural presence of God, every day!

Marshall Shelley - Ministering to Problem People in Your Church artwork Ministering to Problem People in Your Church
What to Do With Well-Intentioned Dragons
Marshall Shelley
Genre: Christianity
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: November 19, 2013
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
Seller: Baker Book House Company

Do you face well-intentioned dragons? Every church has them--sincere, well-meaning Christians who leave ulcers, strained relationships, and hard feelings in their wake. They don't intend to be hostile; they don't consciously plot destruction or breed discontent. But they often do undermine the ministry of the church and make pastors question their calling. Ministering to Problem People in Your Church will guide you in dealing with these challenging people. Based on real-life accounts of battle-scarred veterans, this book helps you go beyond just tolerating problem people to limiting their damage and showing them God's love. You'll discover effective strategies to turn dissidents into disciples. This time-tested book by the editor-in-chief of Christianity Today's Leadership Journal has new chapters on using social media and caring for those with mental illness. It will help you not only preserve your sanity (and maybe your job), but minister more effectively, even to those who make life difficult.

G. Campbell Morgan - The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans artwork The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans
A Commentary of the New Testament
G. Campbell Morgan
Genre: Bible Studies
Price: $2.99
Publish Date: December 19, 2018
Publisher: Pantianos Christian
Seller: Maxime Jensens

This commentary by preacher and theologian G. Campbell Morgan explains Paul’s epistle to the Romans, and how man’s salvation is to be found through Jesus Christ. Informed by his scholarship in the Biblical lore, Morgan presents here a convincing and authoritative account of Paul’s writing in the context of Christian history. The multifaceted message of Paul is one of great significance – recognizing this, Morgan efforts to do justice to every theme and aspect of relevant discussion. Combining a knowledge of Christian theology and doctrine with the biographical coverage of Paul the Apostle’s life and activities, the reader is certain to find this commentary illuminating. Within the Epistle is not merely a declaration of Christ’s significance, but explanations of the Christian creed and how the life of a faithful person should be lived. Given that such details emerged early in the history of Christianity, the Pauline epistle to the Romans is a window to the early history and development of the religion. As one of the earliest dated Christian texts of the New Testament – scholars place its authorship between A.D. 51 and 56 – we receive insights into how the beliefs developed. In all, G. Campbell Morgan delivers here a competent, informative and respectful narration of one of Christianity’s most significant texts.

Dave and Ann Wilson - matrimonio vertical artwork matrimonio vertical
Abraza el secreto que enriquecerá tu matrimonio
Dave and Ann Wilson
Genre: Christianity
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: January 29, 2019
Publisher: Vida
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

El matrimonio vertical relata en español, la experiencia y el viaje de la pareja hacia la sinceridad, el arrepentimiento, la perspectiva y, en última instancia, descubrir el secreto que puede transformar cualquier matrimonio en lo que Dios lo diseñó. La dolorosa y franca confesión de Ann a Dave respecto al verdadero estado de su matrimonio se produjo en el aparcamiento donde ellos pronto ayudarían a iniciar una nueva iglesia. Habían salido a celebrar su décimo aniversario de bodas. A pesar de los planes de Dave para que fuera una noche romántica, Ann expresó la profundidad de su desdicha que le había pasado inadvertida a su esposo, quien nunca sospechó el dolor de ella. A través de las lágrimas de Ann, Dave podía oír el susurro de la voz de Dios, que luchaba con sus propias palabras en un intento por defenderse. Cierra la boca y escucha. Lo que Dave oyó de labios de su amada esposa fue difícil de digerir, pero —tal y como iba quedando manifiestamente claro— ella tenía razón. Al estar iniciando Dave y Ann una iglesia, y al servir él como capellán de los Detroit Lions, su vida se había convertido en reuniones constantes, en estudios bíblicos, en consejería, en mentorías privadas y en viajes. Nunca estaba en casa, se esforzaba al máximo para servir a todos, pero estaba descuidando a Ann y a sus hijos. Ella sentía que él ya no interactuaba con ella en su matrimonio ni en la crianza de sus tres hijos pequeños. El enojo de Ann se transformó en amargura, hasta llegar al punto de que a ella ya no le importaba que él estuviera de viaje. Y el que David fuera completamente ajeno a sus problemas no ayudaba en nada; de modo que ella sentía que a él no le importaba. Este es un problema que muchos matrimonios afrontan de una forma u otra. Pero en medio de esta dolorosa conversación que podría haber puesto punto final a todo, Dios volvió a susurrarle a Dave. En el asiento delantero de su vetusto vehículo, Dave oró en voz alta y se arrepintió ante Dios al darse cuenta de que su relación con él se había enfriado ahora. Se arrepintió por no ser el esposo y el padre que Ann y sus hijos necesitaban. Dios iluminó su corazón con un sencillo secreto del matrimonio que, sin embargo, él había pasado por alto a menudo: solo se puede mantener una relación personal “horizontal” saludable entre un esposo y su esposa cuando la relación personal “vertical” con Cristo está viva y saludable. Lleno de autenticidad, humor, principios bíblicos y relatos contundentes, Dave y Ann revelan el plan de Dios para el matrimonio para todo aquel que está casado, se esté preparando para el matrimonio, o esté desesperado por salvar un matrimonio que se encuentra al borde del desastre. Esta pareja sincera e imperfecta (como el resto de nosotros) revela por qué el matrimonio es tan difícil... y mediante su propia narración personal de los altibajos matrimoniales, revelan el secreto elusivo para hallar y disfrutar del gozo y de la transformación relacional para los cuales Dios nos ha diseñado, con tanta gracia, a cada de uno de nosotros.

Monsenhor Jonas Abib - A Bíblia no meu dia-a-dia artwork A Bíblia no meu dia-a-dia
Monsenhor Jonas Abib
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Price: $2.99
Publish Date: January 01, 2014
Publisher: Editora Canção Nova
Seller: Bookwire Brazil Distribuicao de Livros Digitais LTDA.

A Palavra de Deus, materializada no livro da Bíblia, é uma dádiva para toda a humanidade e para cada um de nós, de maneira muito especial. Contudo, a fim de crescermos em amor com relação à Palavra, é preciso treino e persistência. Em A Bíblia no meu dia-a-dia, Monsenhor Jonas Abib apresenta um excelente método capaz de nos fazer vencedores nessa tarefa. É um "livro de receitas" para todos aqueles que desejam o conhecimento da Palavra de Deus, a intimidade com o seu coração e um encontro verdadeiro com o Senhor.

Steve Fry - I Am artwork I Am
The Unveiling of God
Steve Fry
Genre: Christianity
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: February 14, 2000
Publisher: The Crown Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

I Am: The Unveiling of God is a breath of fresh air in the devotional literature market. Taken from true stories, these forty honest, wonderfully crafted insights will allow the reader to gaze upon the inexpressible beauty of God while discovering a personal connection to a God who desires to be our all in all. Each essay in turn explores a different facet of God and how it plays into our relationship with Him. Bite-sized chapters end with a candid prayer followed by questions to spur further meditation on an attribute of God. I Am is a rare gem that deserves to be on every reader's bookshelf.

Steve Fry - Rekindled Flame artwork Rekindled Flame
The Passionate Pursuit of God
Steve Fry
Genre: Christianity
Price: $14.99
Publish Date: March 01, 2002
Publisher: The Crown Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

As believers, we have a desperate need to cultivate intimacy with our God, a place of blissful union in His love. Now acclaimed worship leader, singer, and teacher Steve Fry shows us how. "The key to knowing God," Fry says, "is worship." From jubilant praise to the very embrace of His heart, the author invites everyone to enter into this mysterious encounter with God's glory. The reader will find practical instruction on meditating in the Scriptures, preparing oneself through praise, and seeking God's face in prayer. If you're dry, distracted, dissatisfied, drained in spirit -- or simply seeking "more" -- this biblical praise and worship primer will rekindle the flame of passionate relationship with Christ. Includes worship CD with three songs by Steve Fry!

Marmaduke William Pickthall (Translator) - The Qur'an (Quran, Koran, Al-Qur'an) artwork The Qur'an (Quran, Koran, Al-Qur'an)
Translated by Marmaduke William Pickthall
Marmaduke William Pickthall (Translator)
Genre: Islam
Price: $0.99
Publish Date: November 05, 2010
Publisher: MobileReference
Seller: MobileReference

The Qur’an ( al-qur’an , literally “the recitation”; also sometimes transliterated as Quran , Qur’an , Koran , Alcoran or Al-Qur’an ) is the central religious text of Islam. Muslims believe the Qur’an to be the book of divine guidance and direction for mankind, and consider the original Arabic text to be the final revelation of God. Islam holds that the Qur’an was revealed to Muhammad by the angel Jibril (Gabriel) from 610 CE to his death in 632 CE. The Qur’an was written down by Muhammad's companions while he was alive, although the prime method of transmission was oral. In 633 CE, the written text was compiled, and in 653 CE it was standardized, distributed in the Islamic empire and produced in large numbers. The present form of the Qur’an is regarded as God's revelation to Muhammad by Muslim believers. Academic scholars often consider it the original version authored or dictated by Muhammad. Muslim tradition agrees that it was fixed in writing shortly after Muhammad's death by order of Umar and Abu Bakr. — Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Randy Alcorn - Heaven artwork Heaven
Randy Alcorn
Genre: Christianity
Price: $23.99
Publish Date: December 08, 2011
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Seller: Tyndale House Publishers

What will heaven be like? Randy Alcorn presents a thoroughly biblical answer, based on years of careful study, presented in an engaging, reader-friendly style. His conclusions will surprise readers and stretch their thinking about this important subject. Heaven will inspire readers to long for heaven while they're living on earth.

U.S. Catholic Church - Catechism of the Catholic Church artwork Catechism of the Catholic Church
Second Edition
U.S. Catholic Church
Genre: Christianity
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: April 15, 1995
Publisher: The Crown Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

Over 3 million copies sold!  Essential reading for Catholics of all walks of life. Here it is - the first new Catechism of the Catholic Church in more than 400 years, a complete summary of what Catholics around the world commonly believe.  The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the Sacraments, Church tradition and teaching, and the lives of saints. It comes with a complete index, footnotes and cross-references for a fuller understanding of every subject. The word catechism means "instruction" - this book will serve as the standard for all future catechisms. Using the tradition of explaining what the Church believes (the Creed), what she celebrates (the Sacraments), what she lives (the Commandments), and what she prays (the Lord's Prayer), the Catechism of the Catholic Church offers challenges for believers and answers for all those interested in learning about the mystery of the Catholic faith. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a positive, coherent and contemporary map for our spiritual journey toward transformation.

John Bevere - Killing Kryptonite artwork Killing Kryptonite
Destroy What Steals Your Strength
John Bevere
Genre: Christianity
Price: $12.99
Publish Date: October 17, 2017
Publisher: Messenger International
Seller: Messenger International

You Can Destroy What Steals Your Strength Just like Superman, who can leap over any hurdle and defeat every foe, followers of Christ have the supernatural ability to conquer the challenges we face. But the problem for both Superman and us is there’s a kryptonite that steals our strength. Of course, both Superman and kryptonite are fictional. But spiritual kryptonite is not. This book offers answers to why so many of us are unable to experience the divine strength that was evident among first-century Christians. In Killing Kryptonite, John Bevere reveals what this kryptonite is, why it’s compromising our communities, and how to break free from its bondage. Not for the faint of heart, Killing Kryptonite is anything but a spiritual sugar high. This is serious truth for any Christ-follower who longs to embrace the challenging but rewarding path of transformation. Includes discussion questions for group study

Levi Lusko - I Declare War artwork I Declare War
Four Keys to Winning the Battle with Yourself
Levi Lusko
Genre: Christianity
Price: $8.99
Publish Date: October 30, 2018
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

In both sports and war, athletes and soldiers must work to have a mental edge to successfully deal with all that they encounter. While success for both is typically defined as overcoming their respective opponents, the reality is that their victories can never happen unless they’ve first won their internal battles. I Declare War is a practical guide for fighting our inner war, the struggle against sin that breaks us down and fills our lives with pain and suffering, in turn making us feel weak and inadequate. With personal stories of his own struggles with night terrors, anxiety, narcissism, and self-doubt, Pastor Levi points readers to the hope and power that God offers in his Word. From stockbrokers and soccer moms to skateboarders and sorority sisters, I Declare War is for anyone who struggles with depression, fear, anxiety, suicide, negative thoughts, addiction, lust, pride, jealousy, resentment, abuse, anger, self-doubt, eating disorders, and/or codependent relationships. Pastor Levi doesn’t offer a quick fix or the perfect life if you follow prescribed steps but, instead, helps guide readers in how to think right so they can live right.

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche & Eric Swanson - Joyful Wisdom artwork Joyful Wisdom
Embracing Change and Finding Freedom
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche & Eric Swanson
Genre: Buddhism
Price: $14.99
Publish Date: April 07, 2009
Publisher: Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

Yongey Mingyur is one of the most celebrated among the new generation of Tibetan meditation masters, whose teachings have touched people of all faiths around the world. His first book, The Joy of Living , was a New York Times bestseller hailed as “compelling, readable, and informed” ( Buddhadharma ) and praised by Richard Gere, Lou Reed, and Julian Schnabel for its clarity, wit, and unique insight into the relationship between science and Buddhism. His new book, Joyful Wisdom, addresses the timely and timeless problem of anxiety in our everyday lives. “From the 2,500-year-old perspective of Buddhism,” Yongey Mingyur writes, “every chapter in human history could be described as an ‘age of anxiety.’ The anxiety we feel now has been part of the human condition for centuries.” So what do we do? Escape or succumb? Both routes inevitably lead to more complications and problems in our lives. “Buddhism,” he says, “offers a third option. We can look directly at the disturbing emotions and other problems we experience in our lives as stepping-stones to freedom. Instead of rejecting them or surrendering to them, we can befriend them, working through them to reach an enduring authentic experience of our inherent wisdom, confidence, clarity, and joy.” Divided into three parts like a traditional Buddhist text, Joyful Wisdom identifies the sources of our unease, describes methods of meditation that enable us to transform our experience into deeper insight, and applies these methods to common emotional, physical, and personal problems. The result is a work at once wise, anecdotal, funny, informed, and graced with the author’s irresistible charm.

Michael Dowd - Thank God for Evolution artwork Thank God for Evolution
How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World
Michael Dowd
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Price: $15.99
Publish Date: June 19, 2008
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

Few issues have revealed deeper divisions in our society than the debate between creationism and evolution, between religion and science. Yet from the fray, Reverend Michael Dowd has emerged as a reconciler, finding faith strengthened by the power of reason. With evidence from contemporary astrophysics, geology, biology, anthropology, and evolutionary psychology, Thank God for Evolution lays out a compelling argument for how religion and science can be mutually enriching forces in our lives. Praised by Nobel laureates in the scientific community and religious leaders alike, Thank God for Evolution will expand the horizon of what is possible for self, for relationships, and for our world.

Joan Hunter - Prayers and Promises for Healing artwork Prayers and Promises for Healing
Joan Hunter
Genre: Christianity
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: April 01, 2016
Publisher: BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC
Seller: BroadStreet Publishing Group LLC

God’s Word is alive and active and our divine weapon against the enemy and the evil in this world. The Bible tells us that Jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full. But sin and sickness plague our world and afflict those God loves. Prayers and Promises for Healing is your guide for inspirational healing promises, intimate prayers, and powerful declarations based on God’s holy Word. Divided into alphabetical healing themes, this resource is an encouraging gift to anyone going through difficulties in health and well-being, providing needed strength and faith in the truth of God’s Word and in the might of Christ Jesus.

Richard Rohr - Oneing artwork Oneing
The Perennial Tradition
Richard Rohr
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: September 12, 2013
Publisher: Franciscan Media
Seller: St. Anthony Messenger Press

It is with great enthusiasm that the Center for Action and Contemplation presents the inaugural edition of Oneing, the bi-annual literary journal of the Rohr Institute. The “Perennial Tradition,” the theme of this first issue of Oneing, is central to the alternative orthodoxy and teaching methodology of the Institute’s Living School for Action and Contemplation.

Scot McKnight - The Blue Parakeet, 2nd Edition artwork The Blue Parakeet, 2nd Edition
Rethinking How You Read the Bible
Scot McKnight
Genre: Christianity
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: June 05, 2018
Publisher: Zondervan
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

Parakeets make delightful pets. We cage them or clip their wings to keep them where we want them. Scot McKnight contends that many, conservatives and liberals alike, attempt the same thing with the Bible. We all try to tame it. McKnight's The Blue Parakeet calls Christians to stop taming the Bible and to let it speak anew to our heart. McKnight challenges us to rethink how to read the Bible, not just to puzzle it together into some systematic belief but to see it as a Story that we're summoned to enter and to carry forward in our day.

G. Campbell Morgan - The Crises of the Christ artwork The Crises of the Christ
The Birth, Baptism, Temptation and Crucifixion of Jesus – How His Character Shaped Man’s Relations with God
G. Campbell Morgan
Genre: Bible Studies
Price: $0.99
Publish Date: December 19, 2018
Publisher: Pantianos Christianity
Seller: Maxime Jensens

G. Campbell Morgan offers his perspective on the life and actions of Jesus Christ, placing his character in the context of man’s relationship with the Lord God. An all-embracing account of the life of Jesus, we are taken chronologically through the existence of the Christ. The circumstances of his birth, his ‘hidden years’ as a youth in Nazareth, his baptism and the temptation he faced in the desert, and the success of his sermons in ancient Judea. His conviction and crucifixion by the Roman occupiers are detailed, as is the Resurrection and finally the Ascension of Jesus to the heavenly realms.  All along the way, G. Campbell Morgan gives us a perspective supported by the very words of scripture, demonstrating how the life and accomplishments of Jesus would influence how mankind interacts with the divine. As well as being the founder of Christianity, the sufferings and trials of Jesus would become a beacon to many – his ultimate sacrifice, dying upon a crucifix for the sake of mankind’s relations with God, was an event of immense gravity. Unlike previous flawed reprints of the text, this edition has been examined and edited to the point of resembling the original publication. The reader may thus enjoy Morgan’s narration to the fullest.

C. S. Lewis - Mere Christianity artwork Mere Christianity
C. S. Lewis
Genre: Christianity
Price: $0.99
Publish Date: January 01, 2014
Publisher: Seedbox Press, LLC
Seller: Seedbox Press LLC

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis is a theological book that provides an explanation and defense of the Christian faith. Lewis discusses the commonalities that unify nearly all Christians at all times.

Magnificat - 2019 Magnificat Advent Companion artwork 2019 Magnificat Advent Companion
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Price: $2.99
Publish Date: August 07, 2019
Publisher: Magnificat
Seller: DIY Media Group DBA BookBaby

Prepare your heart to welcome the Prince of Peace. This Companion follows a practical, page-a-day format and features original meditations on each day's Gospel by one of twenty-four gifted authors. Each year's Advent Companion is different from the last, and contains these one-of-a-kind extras that you won't find anywhere else: - A variety of beautiful and practical blessings - An Advent Penance Service - Specially-commissioned poetry - Advent Stations - Praying the O Antiphons Advent is that sacred season of anticipation and expectation in which we come to terms with the deepest yearning of our soul—a yearning fulfilled only in Jesus Christ. As we wait in longing for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas, we turn over to him all the false satisfactions—the compromises—of our life. To live Advent is to live in the awareness of a Presence that changes us. Our Advent preparation is marked by vigilance—custody of the heart, in which we keep our soul fixed on the Lord. For what we see incarnate in the infant Jesus we desire for ourselves: purity, innocence, childlikeness restored. In the birth of this Child we know the promise of our own spiritual rebirth. This rich spiritual companion will accompany you like a beloved friend through the four weeks of Advent with poignant scriptural reflections for each day of the season. You will also find a wealth of meditative prayers, essays, and poetry, an examination of conscience, and a unique feature: the Advent Stations. If you long for the nearness of God in your life, this invaluable little booklet promises to bring you ever closer to the One who promised: I am with you always (Mt 28:20).

Perfect Creative Group - The Holy Bible – King James Version with Audio artwork The Holy Bible – King James Version with Audio
Perfect Creative Group
Genre: Bibles
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: August 16, 2013
Publisher: Perfect Creative Group
Seller: Perfect Creative Group Inc

"God Bless You!! Today and Throughout Year!!" King James Version Bible with Audio is a pocket Bible solution Great audio quality The Authorized Version, commonly known as the King James Version, the King James Bible or simply the KJV, is an English translation by the Church of England of the Christian Bible begun in 1604 and completed in 1611. First printed by the King's Printer, Robert Barker, this was the third such official translation into English; the first having been the Great Bible commissioned by the Church of England in the reign of King Henry VIII, and the second having been the Bishop's Bible of 1568. In January 1604, King James I of England convened the Hampton Court Conference where a new English version was conceived in response to the perceived problems of the earlier translations as detected by the Puritans, a faction within the Church of England. James gave the translators instructions intended to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its beliefs about an ordained clergy. The translation was by 47 scholars, all of whom were members of the Church of England. In common with most other translations of the period, the New Testament was translated from Greek, the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew text, while the Apocrypha were translated from the Greek and Latin. In the Book of Common Prayer (1662), the text of the Authorized Version replaced the text of the Great Bible - for Epistle and Gospel readings - and as such was authorized by Act of Parliament. By the first half of the 18th century, the Authorized Version was effectively unchallenged as the English translation used in Anglican and other Protestant churches. Over the course of the 18th century, the Authorized Version supplanted the Latin Vulgate as the standard version of scripture for English speaking scholars.

Andy Stanley - Irresistible artwork Irresistible
Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World
Andy Stanley
Genre: Christianity
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: September 18, 2018
Publisher: Zondervan
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

A book for anyone who cares deeply about the future of the church. Once upon a time there was a version of our faith that was practically . . . irresistible. But that was then. Today we preach, teach, write, and communicate as if nothing has changed.  As if “The Bible says it,” still settles it. It’s time to hit pause on much of what we’re doing and consider the faith modeled by our first-century brothers and sisters who had no official Bible, no status, and humanly speaking, little chance of survival. What did they know that we don’t? What made their faith so compelling, so defensible, so irresistible? Buckle up . . . you’re about to find out. More importantly, Andy will invite you to embrace the version of faith that, against all odds, initiated a chain of events resulting in the most significant and extensive cultural transformation the world has ever seen. A version we must embrace if we are to be salt and light in an increasingly savorless and dark world. “More than any other book I’ve read in years, Irresistible has stretched my view of Scripture. I can’t hear or read a passage from the Old or New Testaments without thinking about Andy’s provocative insights. If you and I take this book seriously, our lives and our churches will never be the same.”—Kara Powell, PhD, executive director of the Fuller Youth Institute and coauthor of Growing Young “Irresistible is like a once-in-a-generation shot across the bow. Andy Stanley takes a lifetime of accumulated insight and wisdom about the Christian faith, history, and why the church isn’t connecting with our current culture, and combines them together in a masterpiece work.” —Carey Nieuwhof, author and founding pastor, Connexus Church “Warning: This book will set you and your ministry back—back to the first century and the approach to advancing the gospel modeled by Jesus and the apostles. Andy reminds us that the resurrection was at the center of the first-century apologetic. Then he challenges twenty-first century believers to reclaim it as the center of ours as well. I agree with Andy—this approach changed the world once. I’m convinced it could do so again. Read and apply now!”—Frank Turek, Christian author, public speaker, and radio host “This book challenged me to rethink my thoughts about the Old Testament, discuss with fellow believers what I was learning, do more connecting and less correcting of others, and be salt and light, making things better and brighter. I love how Andy loves people . . . ALL of them.”—John Maxwell, author of The 360 Degree Leader “It’s time for the church to rethink how it presents a timeless gospel to this generation. In Irresistible, Andy Stanley challenges us to make sure we handle the Scriptures with the kind of integrity that compels everyone to seriously consider following Jesus. Any Christian who reads this book will suddenly find themselves embracing the mission of Jesus with a new passion.”—Reggie Joiner, author; founder and CEO of Orange “Andy Stanley takes you on a historic journey to rediscover the first-generation passion of what it means to faithfully follow Christ. This book will knock you off center, push you out of complacency, and reawaken an unshakable faith that cannot be ignored.”—Craig Groeschel, pastor of Life.Church and author of Hope in the Dark—Believing God Is Good When Life Is Not

Max Lucado - Because of Bethlehem (with Bonus Content) artwork Because of Bethlehem (with Bonus Content)
Love Is Born, Hope Is Here
Max Lucado
Genre: Christianity
Price: $8.99
Publish Date: September 13, 2016
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

This eBook includes the full text of the book plus the Max Lucado novella, An Angel's Story.  Max Lucado loves Christmas. Let the sleigh bells ring. Let the carolers sing. The more Santas the merrier. The more trees the better. He loves it because somewhere someone will ask the Christmas questions: What’s the big deal about the baby in the manger? Who was he? What does his birth have to do with me? And the answers he’s found give us all hope. God knows what it’s like to be a human. When we talk to him about deadlines or long lines or tough times, he understands. He’s been there. He’s been here. Because of Bethlehem, we have a friend in heaven. And Christmas begins what Easter celebrates. The child in the cradle became the King on the cross. Because of Bethlehem, we have a Savior in heaven. These are the heart shaping promises of Christmas. Long after the guests have left and the carolers have gone home and the lights have come down, these promises endure. Let’s turn on the lamp, curl up in a comfortable spot, and look into the odd, wonderful story of Bethlehem.  Max has found a lifetime of hope. You will too.