Wednesday, August 5, 2020

iTunes Store: Top 25 Books in Humor 2020-08-05

Laura Clery - Idiot artwork Idiot
Life Stories from the Creator of Help Helen Smash
Laura Clery
Genre: Humour
Price: $17.99
Publish Date: September 24, 2019
Publisher: Gallery Books
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

From YouTube star and Facebook Video sensation Laura Clery comes a collection of comedic essays in the vein of We Are Never Meeting in Real Life by Samantha Irby and You’ll Grow Out of It by Jessi Klein. Laura Clery makes a living by sharing inappropriate comedy sketches with millions of strangers on the Internet. She writes songs about her anatomy, talks trash about her one-eyed rescue pug, and sexually harasses her husband, Stephen. And it pays the bills! Now, in her first-ever book, Laura recounts how she went from being a dangerously impulsive, broke, unemployable, suicidal, cocaine-addicted narcissist, crippled by fear and hopping from one toxic romance to the next…to a more-happy-than-not, somewhat rational, meditating, vegan yogi with good credit, a great marriage, a fantastic career, and four unfortunate-looking rescue animals. Still, above all, Laura remains an amazingly talented, adorable, and vulnerable, self-described… Idiot . With her signature brand of offbeat, no-holds-barred humor, Idiot introduces you to a wildly original—and undeniably relatable—new voice.

Kate Chastain - Lucky Charming artwork Lucky Charming
Kate Chastain
Genre: Humour
Price: $7.99
Publish Date: December 05, 2016
Publisher: Kate Chastain
Seller: Draft2Digital, LLC

Blissfully shallow and carefree, Kate Chastain was your typical twenty something college co-ed. Well, until reality gave her a wake-up call in the form of a diploma, that is. At a crossroads after graduation, a serendipitous coincidence convinced Kate to abandon life as she knew it and jump feet first into the world of working on mega yachts. At first, she stumbled her way through life as a stewardess, just trying to adjust to her new surroundings and clumsily ‘learning the ropes’ via trial and error.  Like shit-tons of error.  But now, nearly ten years and a hit reality show later, Kate is finally ready to share the good, the bad, and the downright shocking details about her life at sea with the world’s most rich and famous. It was the summer of 2008 and we were anchored off of St.Tropez. I had only been a yachtie for two seasons when I turned to the Captain’s wife, and said, “You know, I could write a book about all of the insane things we see working on these boats…..the sex, the money, the celebrities….”  My older, more experienced coworker rolled her eyes and laughed. She was quick to dismiss my idea, “Kate, of course we could all write a book about what happens on yachts.  Everyone has said the same thing for years…..but, if you actually did that. If you wrote about what really goes on, you would never get hired on another yacht again. ”  She went back to polishing the crystal wine glass in her hand and I was confused for a second. “But Stacie, if so many people found out about tmy book that I couldn’t get a yacht job, I wouldn't really need one."

Simon Tofield - Simon's Cat: Off to the Vet . . . and Other Cat-astrophes artwork Simon's Cat: Off to the Vet . . . and Other Cat-astrophes
Simon Tofield
Genre: Humour
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: October 29, 2015
Publisher: Canongate Books
Seller: Canongate Books Limited

In the last seven years, Simon's Cat has become a global phenomenon. Star of thirty-nine films, which have been watched over 600 million times, and winner of a dozen major industry awards, Simon's Cat has captured the hearts of a worldwide audience. In this brand new book we see Simon's Cat face any feline's most dreaded scenario - he's off to the vet. And he's not at all happy about it. Sharing its theme with the first ever full colour Simon's Cat feature animation, funded by a record-breaking IndieGoGo campaign, Simon's Cat: Off to the Vet is packed with over 240 pages of hilarious new gags featuring our favourite furry friend and his companions - both old and new.

Simon Tofield - Simon's Cat artwork Simon's Cat
Simon Tofield
Genre: Humour
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: October 06, 2009
Publisher: Penguin Canada
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

Simon Tofield's award-winning short animated films about an inventive, insistent, and perennially hungry feline and his human, Simon, were instant word-of-mouth hits, garnering millions of YouTube views and being forwarded around the world within months of first being posted. Now, Simon's cat is being wrapped up between the covers of an irresistible illustrated book of black-and-white line drawings. It's the perfect gift for feline-loving friends and family.

Helge Timmerberg - Timmerbergs Tierleben artwork Timmerbergs Tierleben
Helge Timmerberg
Genre: Humour
Price: $7.99
Publish Date: June 01, 2014
Publisher: Solibro Verlag
Seller: Bookwire GmbH

»Bis heute hat(Alligator) Eugen noch keinen Besucher gefressen. Keinen, von dem man weiß. Denn was er kriegt, verschlingt er nicht nur mit Haut und Haaren, sondern zur Not auch mit Personalausweis.« Doch keine Angst vor wilden Tieren. Helge Timmerberg ist für uns furchtlos durch die Zoos gezogen und hat sie alle besucht: Eisbär Lars, Hornfisch Heinz oder Walross Antje. Mit großer Sympathie für die Tiere entdeckt Timmerberg bei ihnen menschliche Züge. Er beschreibt ihre unterschiedlichen Liebes- und Jagdtechniken, die verblüffen, erschauern lassen aber immer wieder auch für äußerste Heiterkeit sorgen. Illustriert mit über 50 Farbfotografien von Frank Zauritz, die ungewohnte, ja auch skurrile Seiten der Tiere herausstellen, ist ein Buch entstanden, das nicht nur zum Schmunzeln verleitet, sondern bei dem man auch etwas lernen kann: Nützliches: »Ein Breitmaul-Nashorn streichelt man so: man schlägt es. Was wir streicheln nennen, spürt es leider nicht. Wichtig: mit der flachen Hand schlagen.« Lebensrettendes: »Außerdem gäbe es durchaus eine Möglichkeit, mit einem attackierenden Strauß fertig zu werden. ,Man muss sich seinen Hals greifen, den Kopf nach unten ziehen und zwischen seine Beine halten.' Aber ein Problem bleibt: ,Irgendwann muss man ihn wieder loslassen.'« Tröstliches: »Was lehrt uns das Warzenschwein? Nicht traurig sein. Auch wenn wir glauben, hässlicher als die Nacht zu sein, da draußen gibt es noch immer etwas, das hässlicher ist als wir.« Bärenlogik: »Habe ich einen Bissen genommen, gehört alles Essbare in und um die Hütte mir. Diskussionen darüber können nur aus der Krone eines hohen Baums geführt werden oder mit einem großkalibrigen Gewehr. Kleinkaliber, mit denen man Vögel und Hasen schießt, nützen bei einem Kodiakbären so wenig wie ein beherzt geworfenes Erdbeereis.« Kurzum: Aus Gesprächen mit Tierpflegern, durch stundenlanges Beobachten oder gar einen Besuch im Orang Utan-Käfig ist sie entstanden: Eine echte Liebeserklärung a

Patrick F. McManus - Into the Twilight, Endlessly Grousing artwork Into the Twilight, Endlessly Grousing
Patrick F. McManus
Genre: Humour
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: May 11, 2010
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

Like Twain -- or more contemporary humorists Dave Barry and Garrison Keillor -- Patrick McManus shares the belief that life's eternal verities exist primarily to be overturned. In McManus's world, all steaks should be chicken-fried, strong coffee is drunk by the light of a campfire, and fishing trips consist of men acting like boys and boys behaving like the small animals we've always assumed they were. In this, the tenth hilarious collection of his adventures, wry observations, and curmudgeonly calls for bigger and bigger fish stories, McManus takes on everything from an Idaho crime wave to his friend Dolph's atomic-powered huckleberry picker to the uncertain joys of standing waist-deep in icy water, watching the fish go by.

Erma Bombeck - Eat Less Cottage Cheese and More Ice Cream artwork Eat Less Cottage Cheese and More Ice Cream
Thoughts on Life from Erma Bombeck
Erma Bombeck
Genre: Humour
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: April 02, 2003
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC
Seller: Andrews McMeel Publishing

Even after her death, Erma Bombeck remains one of America's best-loved writers of all time. Eat Less Cottage and More Ice Cream is based on one of her most requested columns. In 1979, someone asked humorist Erma Bombeck, "If you had your life to live over, would you change anything?" Her immediate answer was no, but once she thought about it, she changed her mind. The result was a classic column full of Bombeck's signature wit and warmth. Now the beloved column that has hung on hundreds of refrigerator doors has been cheerily illustrated and designed as a handsome gift book, Eat Less Cottage and More Ice Cream . In it, Bombeck gently reminds us of what is really important in life: "If I had my life to live over again I would have waxed less and listened more." I would have cried and laughed less while watching television . . . and more while watching real life." But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute of it . . . look at it and really see it . . . try it on . . . live it . . . exhaust it . . . and never give that minute back until there was nothing left of it. . . . " Long-time fans of Erma Bombeck will be thrilled to have this favorite column in the form of a beautiful keepsake. Readers discovering Bombeck for the first time will become fans instantly. Eat Less Cottage and More Ice Cream offers wisdom to inspire all of us.

Jim Davis - Garfield Life in the Fat Lane artwork Garfield Life in the Fat Lane
His 28th Book
Jim Davis
Genre: Humour
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: June 24, 2014
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

A fast-food helping of humor!   What is it that makes Garfield America’s favorite feline? Maybe it’s the way he flies through the fat lane without losing his cool or without missing a meal! You’ll marvel as Garfield finds new ways to evade exercise and beat boredom. But it’s nothing that a few airborne sardines can’t cure, and feeding Odie a jar of sticky peanut butter is a sure way to a slobbering good time. So join Garfield and his friends before the food is gone and the fun slows down!

The Captain - F*cking History artwork F*cking History
111 Lessons You Should Have Learned in School
The Captain
Genre: Humour
Price: $13.99
Expected Publish Date: August 11, 2020
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

History that doesn't suck: Smart, crude, and hilariously relevant to modern life. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Too bad it's usually boring as sh*t. Enter The Captain, the ultimate storyteller who brings history to life (and to your life) in this hilarious, intelligent, brutally honest, and crude compendium to events that happened before any of us were born. The entries in this compulsively readable book bridge past and present with topics like getting ghosted, handling haters, and why dog owners rule (sorry, cat people). Along the way you'll get a glimpse of Edith Wharton's sex life, dating rituals in Ancient Greece, catfishing in 500 BC, medieval flirting techniques, and squad goals from Catherine the Great. You'll learn why losing yourself in a relationship will make you crazy--like Joanna of Castile, who went from accomplished badass to Joanna the Mad after obsessing over a guy known as Philip the Handsome. You'll discover how Resting Bitch Face has been embraced throughout history (so wear it proudly). And you'll see why it's never a good idea to f*ck with powerful women--from pirate queens to diehard suffragettes to Cleo-f*cking-patra. People in the past were just like us--so learn from life's losers and emulate the badasses. The Captain shows you how.

Darrell Dennis - Peace Pipe Dreams artwork Peace Pipe Dreams
The Truth about Lies about Indians
Darrell Dennis
Genre: Humour
Price: $17.99
Publish Date: October 18, 2014
Publisher: Douglas and McIntyre (2013) Ltd.
Seller: Perseus Books, LLC

Darrell Dennis is a stereotype-busting, politically incorrect Native American/Aboriginal/Shuswap (Only he’s allowed to call himself an “Indian.” Maybe. Under some circumstances). With a large dose of humour and irreverence, he untangles some of the truths and myths about First Nations: Why do people think Natives get free trucks, and why didn’t he ever get one? Why does the length of your hair determine whether you’re good or bad? By what ratio does the amount of rain in a year depend on the amount of cactus liquor you consume? In addition to answering these burning questions, Dennis tackles some tougher subjects. He looks at European-Native interactions in North America from the moment of first contact, discussing the fur trade, treaty-signing and the implementation of residential schools. Addressing misconceptions still widely believed today, Dennis explains why Native people aren’t genetically any more predisposed to become alcoholics than Caucasians; that Native religion doesn’t consist of worshipping rocks, disappearing into thin air, or conversing with animals; and that tax exemptions are so limited and confusing that many people don’t even bother. Employing pop culture examples, personal anecdote and a cutting wit, Darrell Dennis deftly weaves history with current events to entertain, inform and provide a convincing, readable overview of First Nations issues and why they matter today.

Manon Mathews - Funny How It Works Out artwork Funny How It Works Out
Manon Mathews
Genre: Humour
Price: $12.99
Publish Date: July 07, 2020
Publisher: Masterless Press, LLC
Seller: Ingram DV LLC

For comedian and content creator Manon Mathews, comedy is life. It took more than luck for her hilarious antics on Vine to open the door for her career. Years of routinely embarrassing herself, improv classes, some stints as an amateur standup comic, unrelenting dedication, and a life-altering night out that forced her to change her ways-that's what set her on the path to manifesting her dream life. Making people laugh with hilarious skits isn't the only way Manon chooses to be of service. Sharing nuggets of motivational and spiritual wisdom on her @ManonFestation spirituality account is also how she provides for her followers. Now Manon recounts her wackiest moments, questionable decisions, lessons learned over the years, romantic tales, and the screenplay that is the story of her marriage in hopes that she can help others find the lessons in their journeys so that they too can grow from their pasts and manifest their best lives.

Mindy Kaling - Why Not Me? artwork Why Not Me?
Mindy Kaling
Genre: Humour
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: September 15, 2015
Publisher: Crown
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

#1  NEW YORK TIMES  BESTSELLER • From the author of Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? and creator of The Mindy Project and Never Have I Ever comes a hilarious collection of essays  about her ongoing journey to find contentment and excitement in her adult life. “This is Kaling at the height of her power.”— USA Today In Why Not Me?, Kaling shares insightful, deeply personal stories about falling in love at work, seeking new friendships in lonely places, attempting to be the first person in history to lose weight without any behavior modification whatsoever, and believing that you have a place in Hollywood when you’re constantly reminded that no one looks like you.   In “How to Look Spectacular: A Starlet’s Confessions,” Kaling gives her tongue-in-cheek secrets for surefire on-camera beauty, (“Your natural hair color may be appropriate for your skin tone, but this isn’t the land of appropriate– this is Hollywood, baby . Out here, a dark-skinned woman’s traditional hair color is honey blonde.”) “Player” tells the story of Kaling being seduced and dumped by a female friend in L.A. (“I had been replaced by a younger model. And now they had matching bangs.”) In “Unlikely Leading Lady,” she muses on America’s fixation with the weight of actresses, (“Most women we see onscreen are either so thin that they’re walking clavicles or so huge that their only scenes involve them breaking furniture.”) And in “Soup Snakes,” Kaling spills some secrets on her relationship with her ex-boyfriend and close friend, B.J. Novak (“I will freely admit: my relationship with B.J. Novak is weird as hell.”)   Mindy turns the anxieties, the glamour, and the celebrations of her second coming-of-age into a laugh-out-loud funny collection of essays that anyone who’s ever been at a turning point in their life or career can relate to. And those who’ve never been at a turning point can skip to the parts where she talks about meeting Bradley Cooper.

Catherine Belknap & Natalie Telfer - Cat and Nat's Mom Truths artwork Cat and Nat's Mom Truths
Embarrassing Stories and Brutally Honest Advice on the Extremely Real Struggle of Motherhood
Catherine Belknap & Natalie Telfer
Genre: Humour
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: March 12, 2019
Publisher: Penguin Canada
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

#1 Globe and Mail Bestseller Hilarious best friends Cat and Nat created a massive online community of moms by sharing their ultra-real and just a bit R-rated dispatches from the mom trenches. From what not to eat a few days postpartum (chicken wings) to the most effective ways to dodge post-partum sex, Cat & Nat's Mom Truths shares everything no one will tell you about having kids. Mixing memoir, humor, and advice, Cat and Nat tell never-before-told stories about the stress, guilt, joy, and laundry (oh the laundry!) of being a mom in their first book. With seven kids between them and millions of fans on social media, they get real about the parts of parenting that somehow don't make the Instagram feed. Sharing their outrageous humor, fearless myth-busting, and genuine comfort on every page, they walk you from pregnancy to the toddler years and beyond. And they dole out ridiculously honest advice, like what you think you need at the hospital when you have your first baby (lip gloss) versus what you actually need (hemorrhoid pillow), and how worried you should really be about germs (less than you are). Fearless crusaders against the perfection myth and all the gluten-free, sugar-free baking it entails, Cat and Nat assure you that you're already doing a great job, making this an essential companion for moms everywhere.

Allie Brosh - Hyperbole and a Half artwork Hyperbole and a Half
Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened
Allie Brosh
Genre: Humour
Price: $2.99
Publish Date: October 29, 2013
Publisher: Gallery Books
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

#1 New York Times Bestseller “Funny and smart as hell” (Bill Gates), Allie Brosh’s Hyperbole and a Half showcases her unique voice, leaping wit, and her ability to capture complex emotions with deceptively simple illustrations. FROM THE PUBLISHER: Every time Allie Brosh posts something new on her hugely popular blog Hyperbole and a Half the internet rejoices. This full-color, beautifully illustrated edition features more than fifty percent new content, with ten never-before-seen essays and one wholly revised and expanded piece as well as classics from the website like, “The God of Cake,” “Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving,” and her astonishing, “Adventures in Depression,” and “Depression Part Two,” which have been hailed as some of the most insightful meditations on the disease ever written. Brosh’s debut marks the launch of a major new American humorist who will surely make even the biggest scrooge or snob laugh. We dare you not to. FROM THE AUTHOR: This is a book I wrote. Because I wrote it, I had to figure out what to put on the back cover to explain what it is. I tried to write a long, third-person summary that would imply how great the book is and also sound vaguely authoritative—like maybe someone who isn’t me wrote it—but I soon discovered that I’m not sneaky enough to pull it off convincingly. So I decided to just make a list of things that are in the book: Pictures Words Stories about things that happened to me Stories about things that happened to other people because of me Eight billion dollars* Stories about dogs The secret to eternal happiness* *These are lies. Perhaps I have underestimated my sneakiness!

Trixie Mattel & Katya - Trixie and Katya's Guide to Modern Womanhood artwork Trixie and Katya's Guide to Modern Womanhood
Trixie Mattel & Katya
Genre: Humour
Price: $16.99
Publish Date: July 14, 2020
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

*A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER* The RuPaul's Drag Race legends, stars of UNHhhh , and expert biological women share the secrets of their feminine mystique in this satirical guide to beauty and homemaking.  Drag superstars Trixie Mattel and Katya have long captivated fans with their stunning looks, onscreen chemistry, and signature wit. In Trixie and Katya's Guide to Modern Womanhood , the pair channel that energy into an old-school etiquette guide for ladies. In essays, conversations, and how-to sections peppered with hilarious, gorgeous photos, Trixie and Katya will advise readers on beauty and fashion and tackle other vital components of a happy home, such as money, self-love, and friendship; sharing advice and personal stories in high-concept fashion.  Informative, humorous, and heartwarming, Trixie and Katya's Guide to Modern Womanhood is the book that their fans have been waiting for.

Samantha Irby - Wow, No Thank You. artwork Wow, No Thank You.
Samantha Irby
Genre: Humour
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: March 31, 2020
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

*AN INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER* A Most Anticipated Book according to:  *Elle * Oprah Magazine * Vulture * New York Times * PureWow * AV CLub * Time Magazine * Entertainment Weekly * PureWow * Buzzfeed * The Observer * Bustle * Huffington Post * The Millions * Parade * Electric Literature * Bustle * Lithub * BookRiot * Bitch * Washington Independent * The Rumpus  * and more *  “Stay-up-all-night, miss-your-subway-stop, spit-out-your-beverage funny.... irresistible as a snack tray, as intimately pleasurable as an Irish goodbye.” —Jia Tolentino From Samantha Irby--beloved author of New York Times bestseller We Are Never Meeting in Real Life- -a rip-roaring, edgy and unabashedly raunchy new collection of hilarious essays. Irby is forty, and increasingly uncomfortable in her own skin despite what Inspirational Instagram Infographics have promised her. She has left her job as a receptionist at a veterinary clinic, has published successful books and has been friendzoned by Hollywood, left Chicago, and moved into a house with a garden that requires repairs and know-how with her wife in a Blue town in the middle of a Red state where she now hosts book clubs and makes mason jar salads. This is the bourgeois life of a Hallmark Channel dream. She goes on bad dates with new friends, spends weeks in Los Angeles taking meetings with "tv executives slash amateur astrologers" while being a "cheese fry-eating slightly damp Midwest person," "with neck pain and no cartilage in [her] knees," who still hides past due bills under her pillow.      The essays in this collection draw on the raw, hilarious particulars of Irby's new life.  Wow, No Thank   You. is Irby at her most unflinching, riotous, and relatable.

Sarah Cooper - 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings artwork 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings
How to Get By Without Even Trying
Sarah Cooper
Genre: Humour
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: October 04, 2016
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Seller: Andrews McMeel Publishing

Funny because it's true. From the creator of the viral sensation "10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings" comes the must-have book you never knew you needed, 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings . In it, you will learn how to appear smart in less than half the time it takes to actually learn anything. You know those subtle tricks your coworkers are all guilty of? The constant nodding, pretend concentration, useless rhetorical questions? These tricks make them seem like they know what they’re doing when in fact they have no clue. This behavior is so ingrained, so subtle, and so often mistaken for true intelligence that identifying it, calling it out, or compiling it into an exhaustive digest has never been attempted. Until now. Complete with illustrated tips, examples, and scenarios, 100 Tricks gives you actionable ways to use words like “actionable,” in order to sound smart. Every type of meeting is covered, from general meetings where you stopped paying attention almost immediately, to one-on-one meetings you zoned out on, to impromptu meetings you were painfully subjected to at the last minute. It’s all here. Open this book to any page and find an easy-to-digest trick with an even easier-to-digest illustration, guiding you on: • how to nail the big meeting by pacing and nodding • most effective ways to listen to your coworkers while still completely ignoring them • the key to making your presentations “interactive.” If you hadn’t noticed these behaviors before, you will see them now—from your colleagues, your managers, and soon yourself. Each trick is a mirror to the reality of what happens in meetings, told in the form of hilariously bad advice—advice that you might just want to take. But probably not. But maybe.

Patrick F. McManus - The Grasshopper Trap artwork The Grasshopper Trap
Patrick F. McManus
Genre: Humour
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: September 15, 1986
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
Seller: Macmillan

Patrick F. McManus, the “funniest guy in the Outdoor Life and Field & Stream gang…offers another bag of whimsy in the Great Outdoors”* with The Grasshopper Trap . In this collection of thirty zany stories, spoofing camping, fishing, and other outdoor recreational activities, McManus shares his hilarious wilderness misadventures. From facing an angry bear with an unloaded gun and the folly of running a boat while it’s still on the trailer to not questioning the ingredients found in camp cookout cuisine and the best methods of catching grasshoppers, no one knows how to express Mother Nature’s sense of humor like Patrick F. McManus. “It’s enough to tickle the most rabid member of the National Rifle Association.”—* Kirkus Reviews

Cody Cassidy & Paul Doherty - And Then You're Dead artwork And Then You're Dead
What Really Happens If You Get Swallowed by a Whale, Are Shot from a Cannon, or Go Barreling over Niagara
Cody Cassidy & Paul Doherty
Genre: Humour
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: April 04, 2017
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

A gleefully gruesome look at the actual science behind the most outlandish, cartoonish, and impossible deaths you can imagine   What would happen if you took a swim outside a deep-sea submarine wearing only a swimsuit? How long could you last if you stood on the surface of the sun? How far could you actually get in digging a hole to China? Paul Doherty, senior staff scientist at San Francisco’s famed Exploratorium Museum, and writer Cody Cassidy explore the real science behind these and other fantastical scenarios, offering insights into physics, astronomy, anatomy, and more along the way. Is slipping on a banana peel as hazardous to your health as the cartoons imply?   Answer: Yes. Banana peels ooze a gel that turns out to be extremely slippery. Your foot and body weight provide the pressure. The gel provides the humor (and resulting head trauma). Can you die by shaking someone’s hand?  Answer: Yes. That’s because, due to atomic repulsion, you’ve never actually touched another person’s hand. If you could, the results would be as disastrous as a medium-sized hydrogen bomb. If you were Cookie Monster, just how many cookies could you actually eat in one sitting?  Answer: Most stomachs can hold up to sixty cookies, or around four liters. If you eat or drink more than that, you’re approaching the point at which the cookies would break through the lesser curvature of your stomach, and then you’d better call an ambulance to Sesame Street.

Ben Schwartz & Laura Moses - Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F*cking Idiot artwork Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F*cking Idiot
Ben Schwartz & Laura Moses
Genre: Humour
Price: $12.99
Publish Date: October 17, 2017
Publisher: Hachette Books
Seller: Hachette Digital, Inc.

A hilarious illustrated collection of tips for successfully navigating the dating world as a millennial. For single millennials, this situation is all too familiar: You're on a date. It's going well! Then suddenly your date looks at you like you're a f*cking idiot and you never hear from that person again. Guess you're going to die alone, right? Maybe not! Humble authors Ben Schwartz and Laura Moses have written a book to save the future of the human race: Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F*cking Idiot , a collection of 100 dating tips -- complete with illustrations -- that teaches clueless guys and girls the dos and don'ts of dating. In their book, Ben and Laura cover all the basics, from "Why are you texting in just Emojis, dummy?!" to "Stop playing games, idiot!" and, of course, "PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN, A**HOLE!" Simply put, this book will make you laugh and finally give you a fighting chance at not dying alone.

Bill Watterson - It's a Magical World artwork It's a Magical World
Bill Watterson
Genre: Humour
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: September 01, 1996
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Seller: Andrews McMeel Publishing

When cartoonist Bill Watterson announced that his phenomenally popular cartoon strip would be discontinued, Calvin and Hobbes fans throughout the world went into mourning. Fans have learned to survive -- despite the absence of the boy and his tiger in the daily newspaper. It's a Magical World delivers all the satisfaction of visiting its characters once more. Calvin fans will be able to see their favorite mischief maker stir it up with his furry friend, long-suffering parents, classmate Susie Derkins, school teacher Miss Wormwood, and Rosalyn the baby-sitter. It's a Magical World includes full-color Sundays and has it all: Calvin-turned-firefly waking Hobbes with his flashlight glow; courageous Spaceman Spiff rocketing through alien galaxies as he battles Dad-turned-Bug-Being; and Calvin's always inspired snowman art. There's no better way for Watterson fans to savor again the special qualities of their favorite strip.

Betches - When's Happy Hour? artwork When's Happy Hour?
Work Hard So You Can Hardly Work
Genre: Humour
Price: $16.99
Publish Date: October 23, 2018
Publisher: Gallery Books
Seller: Simon & Schuster Canada

In this “must-read for women everywhere” (Lori Harder, author of A Tribe Called Bliss ), the New York Times bestselling authors of I Had a Nice Time and Other Lies and Nice Is Just a Place in France and founders of give us a guide on how to thrive professionally, get ahead in the workforce, and basically become the Beyoncé of whatever you aspire to do. We get it. You run shit. You can go from being blackout at drunk brunch to being ready to meet your new boyfriend’s parents in two seconds. But how do you go from being the boss of your personal life to taking charge of your career? That’s where the Betches come in. We are dedicated to making you the most successful, betchiest career woman you can be. After all, we only became Betches after we worked like, really hard. And now we’re confident enough to help you become the best. You’re welcome. You can thank us later. As New York Times bestselling author Jessica Knoll says, “I only ever want the cold, hard truth from a betch.” So whether you’re trying to become a CEO, navigate an office hookup, or just save enough money to go to happy hour twice a week, we’re here to help. It’s time to channel your inner Elle Woods, Miranda Priestly, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Per our last email, you better read this.

Wendy Northcutt - The Darwin Awards artwork The Darwin Awards
Evolution in Action
Wendy Northcutt
Genre: Humour
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: November 01, 2000
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

The hilarious  New York Times  bestselling phenomenon and the perfect funny gift!  The Darwin Awards  shares the stories of those human beings who improve the gene pool by removing themselves from it in a sublimely idiotic fashion. Marvel at the thief who tries to steal live electrical wires. Gape at the lawnchair jockey who floats to a height of 16,000 feet suspended by helium balloons. And learn from the man who peers into a gasoline can using a cigarette lighter. All contend for Darwin Awards when their choices culminate in magnificent misadventures. These tales of trial and awe-inspiring error-verified by the author and endorsed by website readers-illustrate the ongoing saga of survival of the fittest in all its selective glory. The Darwin Awards vividly portrays the finest examples of evolution in action, and shows us just how uncommon common sense can be.

Peyo - Les Schtroumpfs - tome 04 - L'Oeuf et les Schtroumpfs artwork Les Schtroumpfs - tome 04 - L'Oeuf et les Schtroumpfs
Genre: Humour
Price: $8.99
Publish Date: June 13, 2013
Publisher: DUPUIS
Seller: Izneo

Qui ne connaît les Schtroumpfs ? Ces gentils lutins bleus à gros bonnet blanc se ressemblent tous, même s'ils ont chacun leur caractère, et parlent une curieuse langue dans laquelle la plupart des mots sont remplacés par schtroumpf ou schtroumpfer. Sous l'autorité débonnaire du grand Schtroumpf, ce sympathique petit peuple organise sa vie et lutte contre l'abominable sorcier Gargamel, qui ne rêve que de les détruire. Une adorable fantaisie qui séduira les plus petits et distraira leurs aînés.

Mindy Kaling - Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) artwork Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)
Mindy Kaling
Genre: Humour
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: November 01, 2011
Publisher: Crown
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

NEW YORK TIMES  BESTSELLER •  In this hilarious instant classic, the  creator of  The Mindy Project  and  Never Have I Ever  invites readers on a tour of her life and her unscientific observations on romance, friendship, and Hollywood. “[Kaling is] like Tina Fey’s cool little sister. Or perhaps . . . the next Nora Ephron.”— The New York Times   Mindy Kaling has lived many lives: the obedient child of immigrant professionals, a timid chubster afraid of her own bike, a Ben Affleck–impersonating Off-Broadway performer and playwright, and, finally, a comedy writer and actress prone to starting fights with her friends and coworkers with the sentence “Can I just say one last thing about this, and then I swear I’ll shut up about it?”    Perhaps you want to know what Mindy thinks makes a great best friend (someone who will fill your prescription in the middle of the night), or what makes a great guy (one who is aware of all elderly people in any room at any time and acts accordingly), or what is the perfect amount of fame (so famous you can never get convicted of murder in a court of law), or how to maintain a trim figure (you will not find that information in these pages). If so, you’ve come to the right book, mostly!   With several conveniently placed stopping points for you to run errands and make phone calls, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? proves that Mindy Kaling really is just a Girl Next Door—not so much literally anywhere in the continental United States, but definitely if you live in India or Sri Lanka.   Praise for  Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? “Where have you been all our lives, Mindy?” — Glamour “Who wouldn’t want to hang out with Mindy Kaling? . . . [ Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? ] is like a mash note to comedy nerds.” — Time Out New York “Very funny.” — Boston Globe