Jamie Glowacki—potty-training expert, Pied Piper of Poop, and author of the popular guide, Oh Crap! Potty Training —shares her proven 6-step plan to help you toilet train your preschooler quickly and successfully. Worried about potty training? Let Jamie Glowacki, potty-training expert, show you how it’s done. Her 6-step, proven process to get your toddler out of diapers and onto the toilet has already worked for tens of thousands of kids and their parents. Here’s the good news: your child is probably ready to be potty trained EARLIER than you think (ideally, between 20–30 months), and it can be done FASTER than you expect (most kids get the basics in a few days—but Jamie’s got you covered even if it takes a little longer). If you’ve ever said to yourself: ** How do I know if my kid is ready? ** Why won’t my child poop in the potty? ** How do I avoid “potty power struggles”? ** How can I get their daycare provider on board? ** My kid was doing so well—why is he regressing? ** And what about nighttime?! Oh Crap! Potty Training can solve all of these (and other) common issues. This isn’t theory, you’re not bribing with candy, and there are no gimmicks. This is real-world, from-the-trenches potty training information—all the questions and all the ANSWERS you need to do it once and be done with diapers for good. |
Voici tout ce qu'aucun livre sur la maternité n'a osé te dire jusqu'ici. Fait que respire un bon coup, ouvre grand tes yeux pis prends des notes. La naissance d'un enfant, c'est beau, mais la vérité, c'est que, être mère, ça ne ressemble pas au gros nuage rose bonbon que tu t'étais imaginé. Après avoir parcouru l'ultime bible remise à toutes les futures mamans pour une énième fois, mais toujours en quête de réponses parce que la théorie est souvent ben-ben loin de la réalité, t'as entre les mains le guide de survie que t'attendais pour naviguer dans le merveilleux monde de la maternité. Là-dedans, je te parle des vraies affaires entourant toutes tes préoccupations parentales (grossesse, accouchement, allaitement, couple, etc.) pour que tu comprennes une fois pour toutes que tout ce que tu vis est normal et que la perfection n'existe pas. Un livre à lire sans modération pendant la sieste de ton p'tit et toutes tes pauses pipi, et qui t'invite à te faire confiance, à te déculpabiliser et à te libérer des jugements des autres avec le même ton et le même humour que sur mon blogue. De rien. Ah pis, heille, j'en profite pour répandre la bonne nouvelle drette-là : t'es une mère exceptionnelle. Capiche ? |
"Get this for your pregnant friends, or yourself" ( People ): a hilariously candid account of one woman's quest to bring her post-baby marriage back from the brink, with life-changing, real-world advice. Recommended by Nicole Cliffe in Slate Featured in People PicksA Red Tricycle Best Baby and Toddler Parenting Book of the YearOne of Mother magazine's favorite parenting books of the Year How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids tackles the last taboo subject of parenthood: the startling, white-hot fury that new (and not-so-new) mothers often have for their mates. After Jancee Dunn had her baby, she found that she was doing virtually all the household chores, even though she and her husband worked equal hours. She asked herself: How did I become the 'expert' at changing a diaper? Many expectant parents spend weeks researching the best crib or safest car seat, but spend little if any time thinking about the titanic impact the baby will have on their marriage - and the way their marriage will affect their child. Enter Dunn, her well-meaning but blithely unhelpful husband, their daughter, and her boisterous extended family, who show us the ways in which outmoded family patterns and traditions thwart the overworked, overloaded parents of today. On the brink of marital Armageddon, Dunn plunges into the latest relationship research, solicits the counsel of the country's most renowned couples' and sex therapists, canvasses fellow parents, and even consults an FBI hostage negotiator on how to effectively contain an "explosive situation." Instead of having the same fights over and over, Dunn and her husband must figure out a way to resolve their larger issues and fix their family while there is still time. As they discover, adding a demanding new person to your relationship means you have to reevaluate -- and rebuild -- your marriage. In an exhilarating twist, they work together to save the day, happily returning to the kind of peaceful life they previously thought was the sole province of couples without children. Part memoir, part self-help book with actionable and achievable advice, How Not To Hate Your Husband After Kids is an eye-opening look at how the man who got you into this position in this first place is the ally you didn't know you had. |
'Beautiful, heart-rending, life-affirming' Clare Mackintosh The river can lead you home. Or it can take you under... In their ramshackle Somerset home, its gardens running down to the river, the Sorrells have gathered for a last-minute wedding. Lucy is desperate to reunite her fractured family. Eve is fighting to keep her perfect life together. Their mother, Kit, a famous author whose stories have run dry, still seethes with resentment towards her youngest child. And Margot, who left home eight years ago under a black cloud, is forced to come face to face with her darkness... As the family come together for a week of celebration and confrontation, their relationships are stretched to breaking point. But can you ever heal the wounds of the past? A spellbinding family drama about sisterhood, secrets and forgiveness - this is a truly unforgettable read. *** Readers are being swept away by The River Home : ' Beautiful and gripping ' LIBBY PAGE, bestselling author of The Lido 'A heartwrenching and beautifully written page-turner ' SUSAN ELLIOT WRIGHT 'No one does dark family secrets like Hannah Richell . . . Beguiling , beautifully written and richly evocative , The River Home will sweep you away' VERONICA HENRY 'A tender portrait of a perfectly imperfect family; wise, big-hearted and beautifully written' EMYLIA HALL |
The Godmother of Silicon Valley, legendary teacher, and mother of a Super Family shares her tried-and-tested methods for raising happy, healthy, successful children using Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration, and Kindness: TRICK.   Esther Wojcicki—“Woj” to her many friends and admirers—is famous for three things: teaching a high school class that has changed the lives of thousands of kids, inspiring Silicon Valley legends like Steve Jobs, and raising three daughters who have each become famously successful. What do these three accomplishments have in common? They’re the result of TRICK, Woj’s secret to raising successful people: Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration, and Kindness. Simple lessons, but the results are radical. Wojcicki’s methods are the opposite of helicopter parenting. As we face an epidemic of parental anxiety, Woj is here to say: relax. Talk to infants as if they are adults. Allow teenagers to pick projects that relate to the real world and their own passions, and let them figure out how to complete them. Above all, let your child lead.  How to Raise Successful People  offers essential lessons for raising, educating, and managing people to their highest potential. Change your parenting, change the world. |
If you wish you knew the secrets of raising an obedient, happy, and polite teen...if you wish you could put an end to the arguments, anguish, and stress your teenager is causing in your home...or if you just wish you could get them to clean their room and fill the car with gas every now and then you're going to want to read this carefully. ...Waltons... Or Simpsons? Whether your family is like the Waltons, the Simpsons or the Bundys... Whether you're living in the thirteen hundreds, the eighteen hundreds or the twenty-first century, it's never easy raising a family. Each and every one of us though will have something in common with the mythical characters and our counterparts of yesteryear. To go from baby to toddler to mature adult, there's one stage all kids will definitely need to go through regardless of anything else, and that's adolescence. …Or, in other words, the teenage years… So, Which Teen Is Yours? The anguished teenager, the rebellious teenager, the bookworm, the go-getter, the jock, the cheerleader, the nerd, the mixed up one who's not popular but has the potential…the list of teenage stereotypes is practically endless, and if you look hard enough you'll always find a teenager that will suit one of these stereotypes. If you look harder still though, you'll see that some facet of their personalities will fit each and every one of these stereotypes. This book will help you identify which mold your teenager fits into. You will also learn about: - The teenage "identity crisis" - why it happens, and what you can do about it - Rebels without a clue... it's wired into teens to rebel. But they often don't even know why. How you can cope - Communicating across the chasm. Simple ways you can bridge the age gap, communicate with your teen, and help them to be independent without being delinquent - The guaranteed way to keep track of your teen. - Young love and how to deal with it. When "young love" strikes, it's often in the form of "young lust". How you can save your teen and yourself a lot of heartache. - Facing peer pressure. Despite what your teens say, they need your help with peer pressure. You can help -- if you just know how (hint: it has nothing to do with "just say no"). - How to deal with the big worries: how to "sin-proof" your teen against the deadly forces of alcohol, smoking, drugs, and sex. - The secrets of getting cooperation. Just like a combination lock, if you know the right numbers to press, you can get your teen to do their homework, dress respectably, pick up their room, and even get a job! This book will give you the combination numbers! - Sibling sanity. Siblings (brothers and sisters) can make the teen years even more complicated. You get a roadmap to help you navigate this rough and rocky road. - Dealing with death. It's often in the teen years that we face the hardest of truths: people we love die. Learn to help your child get through this very difficult time. - The Devastation of Divorce - how to behave, what to say, and what to do when helping a teen understand your divorce. How to help your teen through the divorce -- and helping them avoid drugs, alcohol, and "bad influences" during this vulnerable time. - The special challenges of Single Parents. The only thing harder than raising a teen with your spouse's help...is doing it alone. These tips will help. - When hobbies become obsessions. When is it time to be alarmed by your teen's obsession with computers, video games, the Internet, or even TV and books? Learn the answer before it becomes a problem you can't overcome! - And much, much more! Think about what your life will be like when you know these parenting secrets (along with all the other ones revealed in this book). |
CONTAINS A BRAND NEW CHAPTER Sunday Times Number One Bestseller Happy Mum Happy Baby is now a Number One podcast. A positive and uplifting book about what it is to be a mother and all things mum and baby by Celebrity Mum of the Year and phenomenally popular vlogger, author, TV presenter and actress Giovanna Fletcher. Being a mum is an incredible journey, a remarkable experience that changes how we look, how we feel, who we are. As mothers we are strong, protective, proud. We feel a love like no other. But being a parent can be hard too. It challenges us physically, mentally, emotionally. There are the days where just managing to fit a shower in amidst the endless feeding, entertaining young children and surviving on a lack of sleep feels like an achievement. With so many people ready to offer 'advice' on the best way to parent, it can feel like you are getting it all wrong. Since Giovanna and her husband Tom Fletcher have had their sons Buzz and Buddy, they have been sharing glimpses of their family life. With an infectiously positive outlook and happy take on all things mum-related, Giovanna has developed a following of fellow parents and mums-to-be. This is not a book about how to have the perfect family experience - Gi would be the first to admit she is winging it just as much as the rest of us - instead it is an honest, upbeat and incredibly personal account of her own experience of having a family. In Happy Mum, Happy Baby Giovanna shares her own journey through parenthood and in doing so, she looks at what it is to be a mother today, encourages you to be confident in yourself as a parent and celebrates how putting a focus on being a happy and confident mum can really make for a happy baby. |
The instant New York Times bestseller! An NPR Book of the Year From the author of Expecting Better , an economist's guide to the early years of parenting. "The book is jampacked with information, but it’s also a delightful read because Oster is such a good writer." — NPR With Expecting Better , award-winning economist Emily Oster spotted a need in the pregnancy market for advice that gave women the information they needed to make the best decision for their own pregnancies. By digging into the data, Oster found that much of the conventional pregnancy wisdom was wrong. In Cribsheet , she now tackles an even greater challenge: decision-making in the early years of parenting.  As any new parent knows, there is an abundance of often-conflicting advice hurled at you from doctors, family, friends, and strangers on the internet. From the earliest days, parents get the message that they must make certain choices around feeding, sleep, and schedule or all will be lost. There's a rule—or three—for everything. But the benefits of these choices can be overstated, and the trade-offs can be profound. How do you make your own best decision?  Armed with the data, Oster finds that the conventional wisdom doesn't always hold up. She debunks myths around breastfeeding (not a panacea), sleep training (not so bad!), potty training (wait until they're ready or possibly bribe with M&Ms), language acquisition (early talkers aren't necessarily geniuses), and many other topics. She also shows parents how to think through freighted questions like if and how to go back to work, how to think about toddler discipline, and how to have a relationship and parent at the same time.  Economics is the science of decision-making, and Cribsheet  is a thinking parent's guide to the chaos and frequent misinformation of the early years. Emily Oster is a trained expert—and mom of two—who can empower us to make better, less fraught decisions—and stay sane in the years before preschool. |
Pregnancy is an amazing time of life. As a new first-time mother, you may be anxious and confused about what to expect. This guidebook is going to provide you with the information you need to know for every step of your pregnancy.  Inside this guidebook, we are going to explore everything that you need to know, week-by-week, for your first pregnancy. Some of the topics that we will look at in this guidebook include: How to pick out an OB-GYN for your pregnancy. The right nutrition for your pregnancy. Things to do and things to avoid when you are pregnant. What to expect during each stage of your pregnancy, from week four to week forty. How to prepare for the hospital. The different stages of labor and how to prepare for them. How to prepare for a c-section and what happens during it.  What to expect during recovery after giving birth. Common tests the doctor and medical staff will perform on your baby. When you are experiencing your first pregnancy and you need help preparing and knowing what to expect, make sure to check out this guidebook to help you get ready! So what are you waiting for? Scroll up and buy the book now! |
International bestseller As seen in The Wall Street Journal --from free play to cozy together time, discover the parenting secrets of the happiest people in the world What makes Denmark the happiest country in the world--and how do Danish parents raise happy, confident, successful kids, year after year? This upbeat and practical book presents six essential principles, which spell out P-A-R-E-N-T: P lay is essential for development and well-being. A uthenticity fosters trust and an "inner compass." R eframing helps kids cope with setbacks and look on the bright side. E mpathy allows us to act with kindness toward others. N o ultimatums means no power struggles, lines in the sand, or resentment. T ogetherness is a way to celebrate family time, on special occasions and every day. The Danes call this hygge --and it's a fun, cozy way to foster closeness. Preparing meals together, playing favorite games, and sharing other family traditions are all hygge. (Cell phones, bickering, and complaining are not!) With illuminating examples and simple yet powerful advice, The Danish Way of Parenting will help parents from all walks of life raise the happiest, most well-adjusted kids in the world. |
The bestselling author and psychologist whose books have topped 240,000 copies in print now addresses the trait of “high sensitivity” in children–and offers a breakthrough parenting guidebook for highly sensitive children and their caregivers. With the publication of The Highly Sensitive Person , Elaine Aron became the first person to identify the inborn trait of “high sensitivity” and to show how it affects the lives of those who possess it. Up to 20 percent of the population is born highly sensitive, and now in The Highly Sensitive Child, Aron shifts her focus to highly sensitive children, who share the same characteristics as highly sensitive adults and thus face unique challenges as they grow up. Rooted in Aron’s years of experience as a psychotherapist and her original research on child temperament, The Highly Sensitive Child shows how HSCs are born deeply reflective, sensitive to the subtle, and easily overwhelmed. These qualities can make for smart, conscientious, creative children, but with the wrong parenting or schooling, they can become unusually shy or timid, or begin acting out. Few parents and teachers understand where this behavior comes from–and as a result, HSCs are often mislabeled as overly inhibited, fearful, or “fussy,”or classified as “problem children” (and in some cases, misdiagnosed with disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder). But raised with proper understanding and care, HSCs are no more prone to these problems than nonsensitive children and can grow up to be happy, healthy, well-adjusted adults. In this pioneering work, parents will find helpful self-tests and case studies to help them understand their HSC, along with thorough advice on: • The challenges of raising an highly sensitive child • The four keys to successfully parenting an HSC • How to soothe highly sensitive infants • Helping sensitive children survive in a not-so-sensitive world • Making school and friendships enjoyable With chapters addressing the needs of specific age groups, from newborns through teens, The Highly Sensitive Child delivers warmhearted, timely information for parents, teachers, and the sensitive children in their lives. |
— The worldwide bestseller and multiple award winning— The Wonder Weeks. How to stimulate your baby's mental development and help him turn his 10 predictable, great, fussy phases into magical leaps forward describes the incredible mental developmental changes (leaps) and regression periods that all babies go through. Understanding the real reason behind crying, eating and sleeping problems is the only real solution every parent needs. The Wonder Weeks reveals what’s going on inside baby’s mind. Including a bonus chapter with everything about the relationship between sleep and leaps, as well as unique insight into your baby's sleeping behavior. The book includes: Week-by-week guide to baby's behavior When to expect the fussy behavior, what this implies (cranky, clingy, crying (the three C's) behavior) and how to deal with these regression periods (leaps) A description from your baby's perspective of the world around him and how you can understand the changes he's going through Fun games and gentle activities you can do with your child Unique insight into your baby's sleeping behaviour The book is based on the scientific- and parental-world-changing discovery of a phenomenon: all normal, healthy babies appear to be more fussy at very nearly the same ages, regression periods, and sleep less in these phases. These age-related fluctuations in need for body contact and attention (regression periods) are related to major and quite dramatic changes in the brains of the children. These changes enable a baby to enter a whole new perceptual world and, as a consequence, to learn many new skills. This should be a reason for celebration, but as far as the baby is concerned these changes are bewildering. He's taken aback—everything has changed overnight. It is as if he has woken up on a strange planet. He needs you to guide him and understand what he is going through! Get ready to rediscover the world all over again with your baby… Bonus: Sleep, and the lack of sleep... that's something we all have to deal with when we have a baby. The bonus chapter includes everything about the relationship between sleep and leaps, as well as unique insight into your baby's sleeping behavior. Hint: did you know your baby learns (and there's a lot of brain activity) during those little, 'light' sleeps? |
In Final Rounds, James Dodson told the poignant story of the golf trip of a lifetime with his terminally ill father. Now, armed with a fly-fishing rod and reel, he embarks with his seven-year-old daughter on an equally memorable journey across America in search of clear-running streams, swift elusive fish, and the eternal truths that only nature can provide. It has been said that life is what happens while you're waiting to go fishing. Only weeks after his eleven-year marriage abruptly ended in an amicable divorce, James Dodson decided to go on a fly-fishing pilgrimage west. His goal: to heal his wounded spirit and explain as best he could the vagaries of life and love to his beautiful, precocious seven-year-old daughter, Maggie. With his beat-up truck, Old Blue, and his aging retriever, Amos, Dodson and Maggie travel without plans or reservations, following where the spirit--and the lure of America's mighty rivers--leads them, on their way to one of America's grandest treasures: Yellowstone National Park. On the way, Dodson discovers a great deal about fishing, about America, and about the special relationship that exists only between a father and daughter. They travel from the Adirondacks, once a fly-angler's haven, to the mist-shrouded Niagara Falls. From the Michigan lakes where Ernest Hemingway roamed as a boy to small-town county fairs. From the majesty of Mount Rushmore to the mysticism of Harney's Peak, where Black Elk had his legendary visions, to finally the fly-fisherman's paradise of the San Juan River. Together father and daughter are bound by a tie as resilient and unpredictable as a fly-fisherman's line. For as the emotional waters in which they fish become ever more turbulent, Maggie's unspoken feelings of grief, anger, and blame begin to surface--a depth of hurt that forces Dodson to face his own unacknowledged pain and, worse, leaves him feeling helpless to make everything all right in his daughter's life again. Yet if fly-fishing has taught James Dodson anything, it is the rewards of patience, of following the wisdom of the course of the stream, the unexpected revelations reflected in still pools, and, of course, an abiding belief in plain dumb luck. With a little of each, these faithful travelers will find their way home again. Literate, honest, and deeply observant, Faithful Travelers is a beautiful meditation on the bond between parent and child and the nature of love and loss. In Faithful Travelers, James Dodson proves that sometimes life isn't what happens while you're waiting to go fishing: sometimes it happens while you're there. |
Advice from two pediatric nurse moms with over 20 years of experience and eight children between them (including two sets of twins). Who says that babies don't come with instructions? They do now!  Everything that modern parents need to know about caring for babies in the first six months, including:  • Step by step guidelines for getting babies on a routine • Hour by hour schedules at a glance • Feeding instructions for breast, bottle or both!  • What symptoms warrant a trip to the emergency room • How to get your baby to sleep all night so you can too!  Plus, much more!  Advice from two pediatric nurse moms with eight children between them has moms all over the globe hailing this as, "The absolute best baby book ever." |
Janet Lansbury is unique among parenting experts. As a RIE teacher and student of pioneering child specialist Magda Gerber, her advice is not based solely on formal studies and the research of others, but also on her twenty years of hands-on experience guiding hundreds of parents and their toddlers.  “No Bad Kids” is a collection of Janet's most popular and widely read articles pertaining to common toddler behaviors and how respectful parenting practices can be applied to benefit both parents and children. It covers such common topics as punishment, cooperation, boundaries, testing, tantrums, hitting, and more.  “No Bad Kids” provides a practical, indispensable tool for parents who are anticipating or experiencing those critical years when toddlers are developmentally obliged to test the limits of our patience and love.  Armed with knowledge and a clearer sense of the world through our children’s eyes, this period of uncertainty can afford a myriad of opportunities to forge unbreakable bonds of trust and respect. |
An honest and groundbreaking guide to understanding the complicated emotions that develop between stepmothers and children. When faced with often overwhelming challenges, what woman with stepchildren is unfamiliar with that “stepmonster” feeling? Half of all women in the United States will live with or marry a man with children. To guide women new to this role—and empower those who are struggling with it—Wednesday Martin draws upon her own experience as a stepmother. She's frank about the harrowing process of becoming a stepmother, she considers the myths and realities of being married to a man with children, and she counteracts the cultural notion that stepmothers are solely responsible for the problems that often develop. Along the way, she interviews other stepmothers and stepchildren and offers up fascinating insights from literature, anthropology, psychology, and evolutionary biology that explain the little-understood realities of this unique parent-child relationship and—in an unexpected twist—shows why the myth of the Wicked Stepmother is the single best tool for understanding who real stepmothers are and how they feel. |
We all yearn to look back to find we lived a life of significance. But is it even possible anymore? Considering the amount of distraction and pressure that exists in society today, living a fulfilling life may seem like an unachievable dream. But it is not—not with the nine habits outlined in this book. New York Times bestselling author and widely known blogger, Rachel Macy Stafford, reveals nine habits that help you focus on investing in the most significant parts of your life. As your hands, heart, and eyes become open, you will experience a new sense of urgency—an urgency to live, love, dream, connect, create, forgive, and flourish despite the distractions of our culture. By following each daily Hands Free Declaration, you will be inspired to adopt mindful daily practices and new thought-processes that will help you: •         Make meaningful, lasting human connections despite the busyness of everyday life. •         Live in the now despite that inner nudge pushing you out of the moment toward perfection and productivity. •         Protect your most sacred relationships, as well as your values, beliefs, health, and happiness, despite the latent dangers of technology and social media. •         Pursue the passions of your heart without sacrificing your job or your daily responsibilities. •         Evaluate your daily choices to insure you are investing in a life that matters to you. With a Hands Free Life perspective, you will have the power to look back and see you didn’t just manage life, you actually lived it—and lived it well. |
Potty train your child confidently, quickly, and successfully--even as a first-time parent! Are you nervous about potty training? Worried that you don't know enough to see it through to the end? Concerned that you don't have enough time to devote to it? This positive, practical, easy-to-follow guide is here to help. By approaching potty training with a proven program, first-time tips and tricks, the right tools, and a confident mindset, you can cross dirty diapers off your endless to-do list and celebrate your child's transition to the toilet. Here's everything you need to know to get your child out of diapers once and for all! The First-Time Parent's Guide to Potty Training  features:    •    An easy, step-by-step, 3-day program  for ditching diapers, including nap and nighttime training, day care strategies, and on-the-go potty training    •    Troubleshooting advice  for accidents, backsliding, temper tantrums, and more    •    Guidance for  your  child  if they're anxious, willful, or simply reluctant You can potty train your child, and this book will guide you and cheer you on every step of the way. |
'A warm , funny story of sisters and the secrets they keep' Sheila O'Flanagan. 'Warm, funny and well written, with a page-turning plot, this book has everything! I loved it!' Katie Fforde. The four Sutherland sisters have all had very different paths in life, but one secret and a slighty tense production of Jesus Christ Superstar are about to bring them all back together again... When the news that pop-superstar Lexia Sutherland is returning to Westenbury, not everyone is thrilled by the news – including Lexia. There are too many memories she doesn't need to face – or need re-surfacing. Meanwhile, Juno Sutherland just wants a little peace and quiet. As the local village doctor, she's got her priorities in order; kids, job, husband, tenacious pony, a role in the village musical... So when the sexy new locum turns up – and steals her office – the last thing she needed was to be hit with rising temperatures and an over-active imagination. Will these sisters be able to uncover the past, deal with the future and put on the performance of a lifetime? Praise for Julie Houston: 'Julie Houston at her best – heartfelt and hilarious' Sandy Barker. 'Laugh-out-loud hilarious and heartwarming!' Mandy Baggot. 'This book is an absolute gigglefest with characters you'll fall in love with!' Katie Ginger. 'Without a doubt a five-star read' NetGalley Reviewer. 'Absolutely LOVED it' NetGalley Reviewer. 'An excellent read, highly recommended' NetGalley Reviewer. |
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, less than half of the people who get married in the United States remain with their first spouse, and less than 50 percent of children grow up with both biological parents. In short, we live in a society of blended families. Everyone who survives a divorce and enters a new family is vulnerable. George Glass, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist, has designed a book to help parents understand the challenges of beginning new lives with blended families, and to help their children make the necessary adjustments. He explains how to approach unavoidable dilemmas when they occur and offers invaluable lessons about the link between divorce and issues of self-esteem, depression, substance abuse, and relationship failures that often result from the breakup of a family. Gathered from his years in practice and his own personal experience as a member of a blended family, Glass provides practical solutions to everyday problems. Blending a family, Glass explains, is a process, which requires patience. It can take a long time to develop trust, acceptance, and a willingness to overlook transgressions that in the beginning can cause tension. Each chapter offers specific advice to help blended family members improve their communication skills and ease the transitions from separate households into a larger, combined community. Taken together with a steady dose of “Dos and Don’ts,” this book provides an inspiring toolkit for families in need. |
Like many women, Clare Pooley found the juggle of a stressful career and family life a struggle so she left her successful role as a Managing Partner in one of the world's biggest advertising agencies to look after her family. She knew the change wouldn't be easy but she never expected to find herself an overweight, depressed, middle-aged mother of three who was drinking more than a bottle of wine a day, and spending her evenings Googling 'Am I an alcoholic?' This book is the bravely honest story of a year in Clare's life. A year that started with her quitting booze and then being given the devastating diagnosis of breast cancer. By the end of the year she is booze-free and cancer-free, she no longer has a wine belly, is two stone lighter and with a life that is so much richer, healthier and more rewarding than ever before. She has a happier family and a more positive outlook. Sober Diaries is an upbeat, funny and positive look at how to live life to the full. Interwoven within Clare's own very personal and brilliantly comic story is research and advice as she discovers the answers to questions like: How do I know if I'm drinking too much? How will I cope at parties? What do I say to friends and family? How do I cope with cravings? If I stop drinking will I lose weight? What if my partner still drinks? And many more. |
Suzy Giordano, affectionately known as "The Baby Coach," shares her highly effective sleep-training method in this step-by-step guide to let both baby and parent enjoy long, peaceful nights. Full of common sense and specific tips, the Baby Coach's plan offers time- and family-tested techniques to help any baby up to the age of 18 months who has trouble sleeping through the night. Originally developed for newborn multiples, this sleep-training method worked so well with twins and triplets that families with singletons and older babies began asking Suzy to share her recipe for success, resulting in: regular feeding times; 12 hours' sleep at night; three hours' sleep during the day; peace of mind for parent and baby; and less strain on parents - and their marriage. This edition includes a new chapter on implementing the program with babies up to 18 months. |
America's bestselling "baby bible" -- an encyclopedic guide to the first two years of your baby's life. The million-copy bestseller by "the man who remade motherhood" ( TIME ) has now been revised, expanded, and bought thoroughly up-to-date -- with the latest information on everything from diapering to day care, from midwifery to hospital birthing rooms, from postpartum nutrition to infant development. The Searses draw from their vast experience both as medical professionals and pas parents to provide comprehensive information on virtually every aspect of infant care. The Baby Book focuses on the essential needs of babies -- eating, sleeping, develipment, health, and comfort -- as it addresses the questions of greatest concern to today's parents. The topics covered include: preparing for a safe and healthy birthbonding with your babyfeeding your baby rightsoothing your fussy babygetting your baby to sleepunderstanding your baby's developmenttreating common illnessesbabyproofing your homeunderstanding toddler behaviordealing with temper tantrumstoilet trainingworking parentingfirst-aid proceduresand much more Unrivaled in its scope and authority, The Baby Book presents a practical, contemporary approach to parenting that reflects the way we live today. The Searses acknowledge that there is no one way to parent a baby, and they offer the basic guidance and inspiration you need to develop the parenting style that bests suits you and your child. Their book is a rich and invaluable resource that will help you get the most of of parenting -- for your child, yourself, and for your entire family. |
With over 7 million copies sold worldwide, WHAT TO EXPECT THE 1st YEAR is one of the world's bestselling books on infant care - and it has now been updated and revised throughout by Heidi Murkoff. This comprehensive and practical month-by-month guide clearly explains everything parents need to know - or might be worrying about - in the first year with a new baby. The book covers monthly growth and development, feeding for every age and stage, and sleep strategies that really work. It is filled with the most practical tips (how to give a bath, decode your baby's crying, what to buy for baby, and when to return to work) and the most up-to-date medical advice (the latest on vaccines, vitamins, illnesses, SIDS, safety, and more). Featuring dozens of Q&A sections, as well as a first-aid guide and charts on monthly growth and development, feeding and sleeping habits, this is the only book on infant care to address both the physical and the emotional needs of the whole family. Covering the most up-to-date knowledge, both medical and developmental, WHAT TO EXPECT THE 1st YEAR is, above all, down-to-earth and reassuring - and an invaluable aid for all parents of new babies. |
No-nonsense, sanity-saving insights from the Washington Post on Parenting columnist--for anyone who's drowning in parental pressure and advice that doesn't work. Ever feel overwhelmed by the stress and perfectionism of our overparenting culture--and at the same time, still look for solutions to ease the struggles of everyday family life? Parenting coach and Washington Post columnist Meghan Leahy feels your pain. Like her clients and readers, she grew weary of the endless "shoulds" of modern parenting--along with the simplistic rules and advice that often hurt more than help. Filled with insights based on child development and hard-won lessons in the trenches, this honest guide presents a new approach, offering permission to practice imperfect parenting with a strong dose of common sense, empathy, and laughter. You'll gain perspective on trusting your gut, picking your battles, and when to question what's "normal" (as opposed to what works best for your child). Forget impossible standards and dogma, and serving organic salmon to four-year-olds. Forget helicopters, tiger moms, and being "mindful" in the middle of a meltdown (your child's or your own). Instead, discover relatable insights for staying connected to your child and true to the parent you want to be (and already are). |