Saturday, July 17, 2021

iTunes Store: Top 25 Books in Professional & Technical 2021-07-17

Dr. Jen Gunter - The Menopause Manifesto artwork The Menopause Manifesto
Own Your Health with Facts and Feminism
Dr. Jen Gunter
Genre: Medical
Price: $14.99
Publish Date: May 25, 2021
Publisher: Random House of Canada
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

#1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER   In her follow-up to the #1 bestseller The Vagina Bible , Dr. Jen Gunter, Canadian OB/GYN and the internet's most fearless advocate for women's health, brings us empowerment through knowledge by countering stubborn myths and misunderstandings about menopause with hard facts, real science, fascinating historical perspective, and expert advice. The only thing predictable about menopause is its unpredictability. Factor in widespread misinformation, a lack of research, and the culture of shame around women's bodies, and it's no wonder women are unsure what to expect during the menopause transition and beyond.      Menopause is not a disease--it's a planned change, like puberty. And just like puberty, we should be educated on what's to come years in advance, rather than the current practice of leaving people on their own with bothersome symptoms and too much conflicting information. Knowing what is happening, why, and what to do about it is both empowering and reassuring.      Frank and funny, Dr. Jen debunks misogynistic attitudes and challenges the over-mystification of menopause to reveal everything you really need to know about: * Perimenopause * Hot flashes * Sleep disruption * Sex and libido * Depression and mood changes * Skin and hair issues * Outdated therapies * Breast health * Weight and muscle mass * Health maintenance screening * And much more!      Filled with practical tips, useful information and startling insights, this essential guide will revolutionize how women experience menopause--and show them how their lives can be even better for it.

Abdellatif Charrouq - Le fruit de la confrontation artwork Le fruit de la confrontation
Abdellatif Charrouq
Genre: Education
Price: $9.99
Publish Date: December 17, 2019
Publisher: Distribulivre
Seller: De Marque, Inc.

Lorsqu’on franchit les limites de nos facultés, on s’aventure dans les ténèbres de l’inconnu. Imaginons ensemble une société basée sur le respect de l’autre. Ceux et celles qui auront la chance de faire partie de cette société doivent être munis du savoir et d’une stratégie d’analyse. Autrement, ils ne feront que contempler le train partir. Ce qui démarque l’individu de cette société est son état d’équilibre. L’amour, l’admiration, le pardon, la réconciliation et d’autres courants qui parcourent son corps auront une autre dimension. Cependant, le couple, la famille et la société seront autres que ce que nous sommes. De l’autre côté des limites de nos facultés, nous serons confrontés à une société encadrée par la magie du courant du respect.

Keyvan Nouri - Handbook of Lasers in Dermatology artwork Handbook of Lasers in Dermatology
Keyvan Nouri
Genre: Medical
Price: $119.99
Publish Date: August 29, 2014
Publisher: Springer London
Seller: Springer Nature B.V.

Dramatic improvements in laser technology have yielded new indications and applications in cutaneous disorders. Existing texts covering lasers in dermatology are often bulky and therefore it has been hard for the dermatologist to find a complete and concise reference that highlights only the specific use of lasers in cutaneous medicine. This handbook has been written to provide a basic structural framework for clinicians and trainees, and clearly outlines laser techniques for each specific dermatologic disorder. Handbook of Lasers in Dermatology comprehensively covers each application of lasers for the skin in a manner that can be easily read by beginners and experts alike. It provides readers with a handy and reliable reference guide that improves patient care and treatment outcomes. It is therefore of interest to all dermatologists who use lasers in their clinical practice.

Daniel M. Weinstock - Profession éthicien artwork Profession éthicien
Daniel M. Weinstock
Genre: Medical
Price: $4.99
Publish Date: May 26, 2011
Publisher: Presses de l'Université de Montréal
Seller: De Marque, Inc.

La société a engendré ces dernières années une demande très importante pour la gouvernance éthique de plusieurs domaines, de la médecine au politique, des affaires à l’éducation. L’objet de ce livre est d’exposer les principaux obstacles qui se présentent à l’éthicien et de proposer des pistes qui permettraient de les éviter. Parmi ces pièges, les plus importants sont les suivants. 1. Le piège de l’« application »: l’éthicien dispose de théories et de principes qu’il est tentant de vouloir tout simplement « appliquer » aux situations concrètes. Mais la relation entre théorie et pratique doit être pensée de manière plus nuancée. 2. Le piège de la partisanerie : la crédibilité de l’éthicien dépend de ce qu’il ne soit pas perçu comme un simple partisan. Mais le désengagement n’est pas non plus une option pour lui. Comment trouver le juste milieu entre ces positions ? 3. Le piège des médias: l’éthicien cherchant à informer les débats publics entrera forcément dans une relation avec les médias. Mais les médias dans une société commerciale ne sont pas motivés uniquement par le souci de la vérité et du bien public. Daniel M. Weinstock est professeur titulaire au Département de philosophie de l’Université de Montréal et directeur du Centre de recherche en éthique de cette université.

Max Tegmark - Life 3.0 artwork Life 3.0
Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Max Tegmark
Genre: Engineering
Price: $12.99
Publish Date: August 29, 2017
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

New York Times  Best Seller How will Artificial Intelligence affect crime, war, justice, jobs, society and our very sense of being human? The rise of AI has the potential to transform our future more than any other technology—and there’s nobody better qualified or situated to explore that future than Max Tegmark, an MIT professor who’s helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial.   How can we grow our prosperity through automation without leaving people lacking income or purpose? What career advice should we give today’s kids? How can we make future AI systems more robust, so that they do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, replacing humans on the job market and perhaps altogether? Will AI help life flourish like never before or give us more power than we can handle?   What sort of future do you want? This book empowers you to join what may be the most important conversation of our time. It doesn’t shy away from the full range of viewpoints or from the most controversial issues—from superintelligence to meaning, consciousness and the ultimate physical limits on life in the cosmos.

Sharan B. Merriam & Laura L. Bierema - Adult Learning artwork Adult Learning
Linking Theory and Practice
Sharan B. Merriam & Laura L. Bierema
Genre: Education
Price: $48.99
Publish Date: September 03, 2013
Publisher: Wiley
Seller: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.

Solidly grounded in theory and research, but concise and practice-oriented, Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice is perfect for master’s-level students and practitioners alike. Sharan Merriam and Laura Bierema have infused each chapter with practical applications for instruction which will help readers personally relate to the material. The contents covers: Adult Learning in Today’s World Traditional Learning Theories Andragogy Self-Directed Learning Transformative Learning Experience and Learning Body and Spirit in Learning Motivation and Learning The Brain and Cognitive Functioning Adult Learning in the Digital Age Critical Thinking and Critical Perspectives Culture and Context Discussion questions and activities for reflection are included at the end of each chapter.

Marie-Helen Goyetche - The Tale of Despereaux (Kate DiCamillo) artwork The Tale of Despereaux (Kate DiCamillo)
Marie-Helen Goyetche
Genre: Education
Price: $14.99
Publish Date: December 01, 2006
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press Ltd
Seller: Directebooks Ltd

In this State Standards-aligned Literature Kit™, we divide the novel by chapters or sections and feature reading comprehension and vocabulary questions. In every chapter, we include Before You Read and After You Read questions. The Before You Read activities prepare students for reading by setting a purpose for reading. They stimulate background knowledge and experience, and guide students to make connections between what they know and what they will learn. The After You Read activities check students' comprehension and extend their learning. Students are asked to give thoughtful consideration of the text through creative and evaluative short-answer questions and journal prompts. Also included are writing tasks, graphic organizers, comprehension quiz, test prep, word search, and crossword to further develop students' critical thinking and writing skills, and analysis of the text. About the Novel: A STORY of a special mouse who is on a dangerous quest to rescue the princess. Despereaux falls in love with a princess even though mice and humans are not supposed to! Caught, Despereaux is sentenced to the dungeon however He escapes and goes looking for his beloved princess. The Princess, however, has already been tricked and has been taken to the dungeon. Despereaux must save his love, and together with the help of his friends, eventually rescues her. As his quest comes to a close, Despereaux realizes that he still cannot marry the princess, however they become friends. The story ends with the king, the princess, and Despereaux eating a feast and living happily together forever. All of our content is aligned to your State Standards and are written to Bloom's Taxonomy.

Gwen Hayes - Romancing the Beat: Story Structure for Romance Novels artwork Romancing the Beat: Story Structure for Romance Novels
Gwen Hayes
Genre: Language Arts & Disciplines
Price: $7.99
Publish Date: April 19, 2016
Publisher: Gwen Hayes
Seller: Draft2Digital, LLC

What makes a romance novel a romance? How do you write a kissing book? Writing a well-structured romance isn't the same as writing any other genre—something the popular novel and screenwriting guides don't address. The romance arc is made up of its own story beats, and the external plot and theme need to be braided to the romance arc—not the other way around. Told in conversational (and often irreverent) prose, Romancing the Beat can be read like you are sitting down to coffee with romance editor and author Gwen Hayes while she explains story structure. The way she does with her clients. Some of whom are regular inhabitants of the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists. Romancing the Beat is a recipe, not a rigid system. The beats don't care if you plot or outline before you write, or if you pants your way through the drafts and do a "beat check" when you're revising. Pantsers and plotters are both welcome. So sit down, grab a cuppa, and let's talk about kissing books.

Manik Joshi - Dictionary of Adjectives: Vocabulary Building artwork Dictionary of Adjectives: Vocabulary Building
Manik Joshi
Genre: Education
Price: $3.99
Publish Date: July 17, 2021
Publisher: Manik Joshi
Seller: Smashwords, Inc.

Around 1000 Useful Adjectives and their Meanings An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives can act as a complement to linking verbs or the verb “to be’. Adjectives are said to be coordinate if they modify the same noun in a sentence. In this book, you will study and learn useful English adjectives along with their meanings. || Sample This: English Adjectives -- A 01 -- aberrant -- unusual or socially unacceptable; departing from an accepted standard [synonyms: abnormal, deviant, nonstandard] 02 -- abiotic -- relating to non-living or non-biological part of an ecosystem in the environment 03 -- able -- skillful or good at sth [synonyms: talented, proficient] 04 -- abominable -- extremely bad or unpleasant and causing a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval [synonyms: appalling, detesting, monstrous, repulsive] 05 -- abortive -- (of an action) failing to produce the intended result [synonyms: failed, fruitless, unproductive, unsuccessful] 06 -- abridged -- a shortened version of an ‘original text’ [synonyms: abbreviated, shortened] 07 -- abrupt -- (a). involving action or change that is sudden, rapid or unexpected in an unpleasant way | (b). speaking in an unfriendly manner 08 -- abstemious -- not allowing yourself to indulge too much in enjoyable activities such as eating food or drinking alcohol [synonym: ascetic] 09 -- abstract -- (a). based on general ideas or principles | (b). existing in thought or as an idea, separated from a physical reality (c). not representing somebody/something in a realistic way and expressing concepts only [synonyms: conceptual, intangible, theoretical] 10 -- abstracted -- thinking deeply about sth and lacking concentration or not paying attention to what is happening around one. [synonyms: absentminded, inattentive, distracted, preoccupied] 11 -- abstractionist -- producing abstract works of art 12 -- abstruse -- complicated and difficult to understand especially when could be explained in an easier way [synonyms: perplexing, puzzling] 13 -- abyssal -- of or belonging to the ocean depths, especially between about 3000 and 6000 meters down 14 -- accusative -- (in some languages such as Latin, Greek and German) the form of a noun, a pronoun or an adjective when it is the direct object of a verb or objects of prepositions. 15 -- ace -- very good [synonyms: top, world-class] 16 -- achy -- affected by an uninterrupted pain that is small in degree 17 -- acid -- (a). having a bitter sharp taste like that of a lemon [synonym: sour] | (b). (of sb’s remarks) critical, rude and unkind [synonym: sarcastic] 18 -- acquisitive -- eager to own to acquire and own money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: covetous, materialistic] 19 -- acrimonious -- (a). (of an argument, a speech, discussion, behavior, etc.) angry and full of strong bitter, sharp or harsh feelings and words | (b). having a strong unpleasant taste or smell 20 -- acyclic -- not forming part of a cycle or not occurring in cycles 21 -- adamantine -- extremely strong; impossible to break or smash 22 -- adaptable -- (a). to able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and different situations or conditions [synonym: flexible] | (b). to able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose 23 -- adaptive -- having an ability to change when necessary in order to deal with different or changing situations 24 -- adept -- good at doing difficult tasks [synonyms: skillful, proficient] 25 -- adulterous -- of or involving physical relationship (intercourse) between a married person and sb who is not their spouse or partner [synonyms: disloyal, treacherous]

Carsten Bachmeyer - Traitement d’une Hernie Inguinale Sans Opération! artwork Traitement d’une Hernie Inguinale Sans Opération!
Instructions Détaillées
Carsten Bachmeyer
Genre: Medical
Price: $9.99
Publish Date: December 27, 2012
Publisher: Books on Demand
Seller: eBoD GmbH

Dans ce livre il s’agit des instructions détaillées pour le traitement de votre hernie inguinale. Il n’est pas nécessaire de l’opérer! Comparable à une déchirure d’un ligament ou à une blessure, la hernie inguinale guérira d’elle-même après que l’aine a été positionnée correctement. On peut y arriver par un changement alimentaire et l’application d‘un bandage herniaire spécial. Grace au changement alimentaire l’intestin n’empêchera plus l’aine de guérir. Dans plusieurs mois, pendant lesquels vous avez respecté le régime alimentaire et appliqué un bandage herniaire spécial, la hernie inguinale se transformera à une aine guérie et stable. Ce livre vise à vous donner des instructions pour traiter la hernie inguinale. Ca marche ! Essayez-le ! Cela vaut la peine. Le danger d’une hernie étranglée est conjuré après quelques jours! A l’aide de ce livre vous avez toujours une longueur d’avance sur tous les spécialistes pour la hernie inguinale dans le monde. Jouez votre carte! C’est à vous maintenant.

Anne Lamott - Bird by Bird artwork Bird by Bird
Some Instructions on Writing and Life
Anne Lamott
Genre: Language Arts & Disciplines
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: September 06, 1994
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

An essential volume for generations of writers young and old,  Bird by Bird  is a modern classic. This twenty-fifth anniversary edition will continue to spark creative minds for years to come. For a quarter century, more than a million readers—scribes and scribblers of all ages and abilities—have been inspired by Anne Lamott’s hilarious, big-hearted, homespun advice. Advice that begins with the simple words of wisdom passed down from Anne’s father—also a writer—in the iconic passage that gives the book its title:   “Thirty years ago my older brother, who was ten years old at the time, was trying to get a report on birds written that he’d had three months to write. It was due the next day. We were out at our family cabin in Bolinas, and he was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books on birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother’s shoulder, and said, ‘Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.’”

Denise Eide - Uncovering the Logic of English artwork Uncovering the Logic of English
A Common-Sense Approach to Reading, Spelling, and Literacy
Denise Eide
Genre: Education
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: December 18, 2013
Publisher: Pedia Learning Inc.
Seller: Logic of English, Inc

Multiple award-winning book on reading and spelling education that will transform how you think about English! Do you know a student who is good at math or science but struggles with reading or spelling? Has a student ever asked you a question about English spelling to which you replied, "That's an exception"? Have you ever abandoned a word while writing because spell check didn't recognize it? Discover this revolutionary method that Dr. Temple Grandin called "really helpful for teaching reading to children who are mathematical pattern thinkers..." Predominant reading methods require students to break the complex code of English without help. This has resulted in low literacy rates and explains why many highly educated professionals cannot spell. By revealing the logical patterns underlying 98% of English words, Uncovering the Logic of English eliminates the need to guess and provides a logical solution to English spelling. Simple answers are given for questions such as:  Why is there a silent final E in have ? Why don't we drop the E in noticeable ? Why is discussion spelled with -sion rather than -tion ? As the rules unfold it becomes apparent how this knowledge is vital to reversing the educational crisis that is plaguing America. This slim volume is easy to read and accessible to parents and classroom teachers. A thorough appendix summarizes the most important concepts for quick reference. Awards: ForeWord Reviews - Finalist 2012 Midwest Book Awards - Winner 2012 Independent Publisher Book Awards - Silver Medalist 2011 Indie Excellence Awards - Gold Medalist 2011 Benjamin Franklin Awards - Finalist 2012

Steve Socransky - Essentials of Point-of-Care Ultrasound artwork Essentials of Point-of-Care Ultrasound
Steve Socransky
Genre: Medical
Price: $34.99
Publish Date: April 25, 2014
Publisher: The EDE 2 Course
Seller: Steven Socransky

Since 2001, The Emergency Department Echo Course and The EDE 2 Course have taught EDE (pronounced “Eddie”) to over 10000 physicians worldwide, including half of the Canadian emergency medicine workforce.  The most distinctive aspect of The EDE Courses has been the focus on image generation. When clinicians first began investigating the possibility of using ultrasound themselves, a big secret was concealed from them: image interpretation is easy. The real challenge is image generation: putting the image on the screen. Before The EDE Courses, physicians learned image generation mostly by trial and error. EDE brought a rigorous methodology to the scanning of each area of the body, dramatically reducing the time needed to master this new skill.   "Essentials of Point-of-Care Ultrasound" combines The EDE Course manuals which have been written and re-written for over a decade to give health-care providers the clearest and most concise approach to bedside ultrasound.  This “how-to” guide contains over 700 illustrations, photos, and ultrasound images which show you how to perform the scan and how to recognize positive and negatives images. As well, the book focuses on how you can incorporate your findings into your clinical decision-making. The book also contains an approach to ultrasound guidance for several commonly performed procedures. This eBook version adds the following functionalities: over 40 videos, slideshows, quizzes, reference hyperlinks to Pub Med, links to EDE blog content, an interactive glossary, chapter summaries, study cards and reader-defined notes, plus the navigation for which eBooks are famous.

Louise Van-Pottelsberghe - A Pong at Oakwood Zoo artwork A Pong at Oakwood Zoo
Jolly Phonics Orange Readers
Louise Van-Pottelsberghe
Genre: Education
Price: $0.99
Publish Date: June 30, 2019
Publisher: Jolly Learning Ltd
Seller: Jolly Learning Ltd

A Pong at Oakwood Zoo is part of the Jolly Phonics Orange Level Readers Set 5. It is the fifth of seven sets of early decodable readers providing a gradual and structured start for children who are just starting to learn to read. Set 5 contains decodable regular words made up from the first five groups of letter sounds: s, a, t, i, p, n c k, e, h, r, m, d g, o, u, l, f, b ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or z, w, ng, v, oo, oo   Other titles included in Set 5 are: A Hospital Visit A Pong at Oakwood Zoo Seven Elves Comprehension questions and discussion topics are provided at the end of the book, as well as guidance for teachers and parents. Light type is used as a guide for those few letters that should not be sounded out, such as the /b/ in ‘lamb’.

Joshua Fletcher - Anxiety: Panicking about Panic artwork Anxiety: Panicking about Panic
Joshua Fletcher
Genre: Medical
Price: $8.99
Publish Date: December 28, 2015
Publisher: Joshua Fletcher
Seller: Smashwords, Inc.

Anxiety Panicking about Panic is a revolutionary, self-help book for people who suffer from the various symptoms of anxiety. The book acts as an informative guide and draws from the experiences of author and counsellor, Joshua Fletcher, who lived with anxiety disorder for years before successfully overcoming the condition. The book is tailored for people who are: experiencing panic attacks, feeling abnormally anxious, ruminating about health, anticipating further panic attacks and questioning why anxiety is present in the first place. Anxiety Panicking about Panic provides quick, easy to access advice and practical strategies, which aim to educate the reader to simplify their world of anxiety in order to successfully tackle it. This book is particularly tailored for people who can associate with the conditions of: - Anxiety - Anxiety Disorder - Generalized Anxiety - Panic Disorder - Agoraphobia - Health Anxiety - Panicking for no reason - Panic Attacks (and anxiety about them happening again) Anxiety: Panicking about Panic addresses the confusion, the various feelings, the many symptoms and the negative externalities that an anxiety and panic disorder can cause. It then immediately addresses these issues so the reader can quickly get their life back on track. This book begins with a comprehensive list of symptoms that relate to anxiety, although it primarily addresses anxiety's main symptoms which consist of unexplainable panic, panic attacks, derealisation, hypochondria, continuous fear and hypersensitivity. Joshua believes that these are the root cause of all of the other physical problems that can arise with anxiety, such as heart palpitations, chest pains, headaches, insomnia, dizziness etc. This book is then split into four main parts: the first part covers the basics of anxiety, panic and what's happening within our mind and bodies when we find ourselves panicking. It is common, when reading this part of the book, that it imparts a strong form of relief for the reader, as it provides an essential tool needed for the recovery process - an understanding of what's actually going on. Part two is a detailed list of the symptoms that can occur with anxiety and panic disorder. It is set out using a 'What?' and 'Why?' format to simplify and explain why such symptoms occur. Part three offers further information and practical advice to keep anxiety and panic at bay and part four is a short 'emergency relief' section written for those who are experiencing a panic attack. This book has already sold thousands of copies worldwide - receiving really positive feedback and changing lives for the better. Tags: anxiety relief, panic disorder help, anxiety book, panic and anxiety self help, anxiety education, anxiety books

Kenhub - Upper Limb: Muscle Charts artwork Upper Limb: Muscle Charts
English Terminology
Genre: Anatomy & Physiology
Price: $5.99
Publish Date: January 18, 2019
Publisher: Kenhub

If you’ve ever attempted to learn the origins, insertions, innervations and functions of all 600+ muscles in the body… you’ll know what a soul-destroying task it can be. That’s why we created muscle anatomy charts ; your condensed, no-nonsense, easy to understand learning solution. Validated and aligned with popular anatomy textbooks, these muscle cheat sheets are packed with high-quality illustrations. You’ll be able to clearly visualize muscle locations and understand how they relate to surrounding structures. A complete list of muscles We’ve created muscle anatomy charts for every muscle containing region of the body: Upper Limb, Lower Limb, Head and Neck, and Trunk Wall. Each chart groups the muscles of that region into its component groups, making your revision a million times easier. For example, upper limb muscles are grouped by shoulder and arm , forearm and hand . Next to each muscle, you’ll find it’s origin(s), insertion(s), innervation(s) and function(s).  Muscle origins and insertions Most muscles are attached to bones either end via tendons. The muscle origin often describes the more proximal attachment point of the muscle, while the muscle insertion point refers to the distal attachment. In our cheat sheets, you’ll find the origin(s) and insertions(s) of every muscle. Finally , a reliable source (and good looking too!). Muscle innervation See at a glance which muscle is innervated by which nerve. The good news? Adjacent muscles which serve similar functions are often innervated by the same nerve, which you’ll find conveniently illustrated on the cheat sheets. Muscle functions Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation… whether you’re a doctor, physiotherapist or yoga teacher, knowing the functions of a given muscle is very important. The problem? With more than 600 muscles in the body, it can feel impossible to keep track of them all. Our muscle anatomy charts make it easier by listing them clearly and concisely. Phew.  What are you waiting for? Get your muscle charts now.

Lisa Mosconi PhD - Brain Food artwork Brain Food
The Surprising Science of Eating for Cognitive Power
Lisa Mosconi PhD
Genre: Neuroscience
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: March 06, 2018
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

How to eat for maximum brain power and health from an expert in both neuroscience and nutrition. Like our bodies, our brains have very specific food requirements. And in this eye-opening book from an author who is both a neuroscientist and a certified integrative nutritionist, we learn what should be on our menu.      Dr. Lisa Mosconi, whose research spans an extraordinary range of specialties including brain science, the microbiome, and nutritional genomics, notes that the dietary needs of the brain are substantially different from those of the other organs, yet few of us have any idea what they might be. Her innovative approach to cognitive health incorporates concepts that most doctors have yet to learn. Busting through advice based on pseudoscience, Dr. Mosconi provides recommendations for a complete food plan, while calling out noteworthy surprises, including why that paleo diet you are following may not be ideal, why avoiding gluten may be a terrible mistake, and how simply getting enough water can dramatically improve alertness. Including comprehensive lists of what to eat and what to avoid, a detailed quiz that will tell you where you are on the brain health spectrum, and 24 mouth-watering brain-boosting recipes that grow out of Dr. Mosconi's own childhood in Italy, Brain Food gives us the ultimate plan for a healthy brain. Brain Food will appeal to anyone looking to improve memory, prevent cognitive decline, eliminate brain fog, lift depression, or just sharpen their edge.

David Hui, Alexander A. Leung & Raj Padwal - Approach to Internal Medicine artwork Approach to Internal Medicine
A Resource Book for Clinical Practice
David Hui, Alexander A. Leung & Raj Padwal
Genre: Medical
Price: $39.99
Publish Date: October 01, 2015
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Seller: Springer Nature B.V.

This book offers an integrated symptom- and issue-based approach to internal medicine. Fully updated and revised, the Fourth Edition provides clinicians and trainees with a high-yield, evidence-based, and concise resource for everyday use, bedside teaching, and examination preparation. It presents over 250 internal medicine topics classified under 17 subspecialties. For each topic, differential diagnoses, investigations, and treatments are outlined. Comparison tables aimed at highlighting the distinguishing features between various clinical entities are featured and numerous clinical pearls and mnemonics enhance understanding of the topics. The book covers many highly important topics in medicine; for example, smoking cessation, obesity, transfusion reactions, needle stick injuries, code status discussion, interpretation of gram stain, and palliative care.  Approach to Internal Medicine , Fourth Edition, continues to serve as an essential reference for every medical student, resident, fellow, practicing physician, nurse, and physician assistant.

Debbie Corso - Healing from Borderline Personality Disorder: My Journey Out of Hell through Dialectical Behavior Therapy artwork Healing from Borderline Personality Disorder: My Journey Out of Hell through Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Debbie Corso
Genre: Medical
Price: $12.99
Publish Date: October 01, 2012
Publisher: Debbie Corso
Seller: Smashwords, Inc.

ABOUT THE BOOK: Healing From Borderline Personality Disorder: My Journey Out of Hell Through Dialectical Behavior Therapy chronicles two years of the author navigating DBT, the treatment of choice for those diagnosed with BPD. It is a compilation a selection of the author’s first 100 posts at her popular personal mental health blog, and more. At the urging of her readers worldwide, this book was born out of the need of many seeking hope and direction as they cope with a diagnosis once thought to be hopeless, even among the most qualified psychiatric professionals. In addition to the blog posts are never before published retrospective commentaries from her new perspective at her second year through DBT, a never before published autobiographical sketch, answers to questions submitted by her blog readers, a resource section, and more. Corso lights the way of hope and recovery for a severely emotionally wounded community. Introduction by Kiera Van Gelder, MFA and author of The Buddha & The Borderline. ABOUT DEBBIE: Debbie Corso is a mental health blogging pioneer, courageously chronicling her journey while lighting a torch to provide hope to a severely emotionally wounded community. She has a Bachelor’s Degree from New York Institute of Technology in Interdisciplinary Studies in English, Communications, and Behavioral Science and a certificate in Early Childhood Development. Her work as an Intake Coordinator and Case Manager at a non-profit organization, working closely with children at risk for abuse and neglect, was the catalyst that propelled her to document and share her powerful journey through her blog and now this book. She lives in sunny Northern California in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Polyglot Planet Publishing - Apprendre l'espagnol - Texte parallèle - Contes Simples - MP3 (Espagnol - Francés) artwork Apprendre l'espagnol - Texte parallèle - Contes Simples - MP3 (Espagnol - Francés)
Polyglot Planet Publishing
Genre: Education
Price: $6.99
Publish Date: May 03, 2014
Publisher: Polyglot Planet Publishing
Seller: Smashwords, Inc.

Apprendre l'espagnol avec notre méthode est le moyen le plus gratifiant et le plus efficace d’apprendre une langue. Vous révisez le vocabulaire que vous connaissez déjà et mettez immédiatement en pratique les nouveaux mots que vous apprenez. Recommandé pour les débutants en espagnol ou les personnes ayant un niveau intermédiaire ou recherchant un cours de remise à niveau. La méthode est si facile et plaisante que même les grands débutants qui n’ont aucunes connaissances préalables peuvent l’utiliser pour commencer leur apprentissage. Bien que nous estimions que n’importe qui, quel que soit son niveau, puisse travailler avec notre méthode, nous recommandons toutefois un niveau de base de compréhension de l'espagnol pour obtenir un maximum de résultat et avec un maximum de plaisir. Nos histoires divertissantes font référence à la culture et à des personnages européens. Nos livres sont amusants à lire, de sorte que vous restez concentré et motivé pour apprendre facilement.

Edmonton Catholic Schools - FOCUS on Self Regulation artwork FOCUS on Self Regulation
Regulating the body, mind and emotions through movement and mindfulness activities for ages three to eight.
Edmonton Catholic Schools
Genre: Education
Price: $24.99
Publish Date: January 08, 2018
Publisher: Genesis Publications
Seller: Edmonton Catholic Schools

The FOCUS on Self-Regulation resource uses activities and games to teach body-based and social-emotional strategies to children. The first section of the resource provides the theoretical background on self-regulation skills, developmental domains, the stress response and the role of the co-regulator. The second section introduces 12 Concepts in Action using 31 flexible activities to build self-awareness, expand emotional vocabulary, and learn Tools to support regulation. The keystone of this resource is the unique FOCUS Sequence: a quick and engaging sequence of research-based activities that can be done by anyone, anywhere, anytime in about 5 minutes! Access to digital supporting materials included within the eBook. For PERSONAL use only.

Edmonton Catholic Schools - Universal Designs for Learning in the Early Learning Context artwork Universal Designs for Learning in the Early Learning Context
Edmonton Catholic Schools
Genre: Education
Price: $9.99
Publish Date: August 01, 2014
Publisher: Genesis Publications
Seller: Edmonton Catholic Schools

Edmonton Catholic Schools values the growth and development of each and every child within an  inclusive context. As we program and meet the needs of all children, it is important to embrace Universal Designs for Learning (UDL). Through UDL we are able to target specific goals and intentional strategies for students with identified needs, but also recognize that many of the strategies are excellent for all, wherever children are on the learning continuum.

Ronit Bird - Exploring Numbers Through Dot Patterns artwork Exploring Numbers Through Dot Patterns
Dyscalculia and Dyslexia Friendly Games and Activities
Ronit Bird
Genre: Education
Price: $14.99
Publish Date: March 17, 2013
Publisher: Ronit Bird
Seller: Ronit Bird

Written by dyscalculia expert Ronit Bird, this is a book for parents who are looking for practical ways of helping their child to develop a feel for numbers.  The book is about teaching for understanding through numeracy games and hands-on experience of concrete materials, all based on familiar dot patterns such as those found on dice and dominoes. There are no tricks or shortcuts, no rote learning, no songs, no drill and repetition and absolutely no worksheets. The ideas have been designed specifically for children who struggle with maths but they would be equally suitable for teaching the basics of numeracy to any child, either at home or at school.  An e-book format is ideal for focusing on exactly the kind of visual approach to learning that best suits most dyscalculic children. The author has taken full advantage of the unique capabilities of an e-book, as compared to a print book, by not only including colourful illustrations on virtually every page but also embedding more than 20 short demonstration videos into the text. Each teaching video clearly demonstrates what to do and what to say as you help your child learn the essential facts and number connections that will lead to the development of simple and effective calculation strategies.

WAGmob - Biology and Human Body Anatomy artwork Biology and Human Body Anatomy
simpleNeasy Book
Genre: Education
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: October 26, 2013
Publisher: WAGmob
Seller: Wag Mobile Inc.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★  WAGmob: Over One million Paying Customers from 175+ Countries. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ WAGmob brings you simpleNeasy, on-the-go learning book for "Biology and Human Body Anatomy". The app provides:  1. Snack sized chapters for easy learning. 2. Bite sized flashcards to memorize key concepts. 3. Simple and easy quizzes for self-assessment. Designed for both students and adults. This book provides a quick summary of essential concepts in Biology and Human Body Anatomy by following snack sized chapters:  "Biology" includes: Introduction, Chemistry of Life, Cell and Cell Theory, Mitosis and Meiosis, Cell Components, Cell Powerhouse, Cell Metabolism, Cell DNA, Photosynthesis, Evolution, Genetics, Ecology, Anatomy Basics, Body Planes. "Human Body Anatomy" includes: Anatomy Basics, Tissues  and its Types, Cardiovascular System, Cardiovascular Illustrations, Digestive System, Endocrine System, Human Reproductive System, Integumentary System, Lymphatic and Immune System, Muscular System, Nervous System, Respiratory System, Respiratory Illustrations, Bones and Body Cavities, Skeletal System, Urinary System, Body Planes. About WAGmob book: 1) A companion app for on-the-go, bite-sized learning. 2) Over One million paying customers from 175+ countries. Why WAGmob book:  1) Beautifully simple, Amazingly easy, Massive selection of book. 2) Effective, Engaging and Entertaining book. 3) An incredible value for money. Lifetime of free updates! WAGmob Vision : simpleNeasy book for a lifetime of on-the-go learning WAGmob Mission : A simpleNeasy WAGmob book in every hand. Visit us      : Please write to us at We would love to improve this book.

Kim Addonizio & Dorianne Laux - The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry artwork The Poet's Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry
Kim Addonizio & Dorianne Laux
Genre: Language Arts & Disciplines
Price: $16.99
Publish Date: November 22, 2010
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Seller: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.

From the nuts and bolts of craft to the sources of inspiration, this book is for anyone who wants to write poetry-and do it well. The Poet's Companion presents brief essays on the elements of poetry, technique, and suggested subjects for writing, each followed by distinctive writing exercises. The ups and downs of writing life—including self-doubt and writer's block—are here, along with tips about getting published and writing in the electronic age. On your own, this book can be your "teacher," while groups, in or out of the classroom, can profit from sharing weekly assignments.