Thursday, July 8, 2021

iTunes Store: Top 25 Books in Religion & Spirituality 2021-07-08

Priscilla Shirer - Discerning the Voice of God artwork Discerning the Voice of God
How to Recognize When He Speaks
Priscilla Shirer
Genre: Christianity
Price: $2.99
Publish Date: January 01, 2012
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Seller: Moody Bible Institute

Do you feel that the ability to hear God's voice is for other people and not for you? Is it only for people who lived in Biblical times? Not at all! The God who loved you enough to die for you loves you enough to talk to you. And wherever you are in your spiritual walk, God will find a way to speak to you in a way you will understand. Become acquainted with the Voice that has spoken from a fire and a cloud; with visible signs and an invisible Spirit; through a burning bush and burning hearts. Hear from some of the most well-known Christians in history about how God speaks to them—and discover for yourself how you can discern the voice of God.

Norman L. Geisler - If God, Why Evil? artwork If God, Why Evil?
A New Way to Think about the Question
Norman L. Geisler
Genre: Bibles
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: February 01, 2011
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
Seller: Baker Book House Company

Bestselling author and apologist takes on one of the most difficult questions Christians face. How can an omnipotent, loving God preside over a world filled with evil and suffering? The author's approach is concise, systematic, and clearly communicated, just what Geisler fans have grown to expect. In addition to relying on time-tested solutions to the problem of evil, the author also presents a compelling new way to think about this puzzle.

A. W. Tozer - The Pursuit of God artwork The Pursuit of God
The Human Thirst for the Divine
A. W. Tozer
Genre: Christianity
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: April 01, 2015
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Seller: Moody Bible Institute

Tozer's bestseller, this book has been called "one of the all-time most inspirational books" by a panel of Christian magazine writers . Sometimes the voices that speak most clearly in the present are those that echo from the past. So it is in this Christian classic by the late pastor and evangelist A. W. Tozer. Tozer brings the mystics to bear on modern spirituality, grieving the hustle and bustle and calling for a slow, steady gaze upon God. With prophetic vigor and flowing prose, he urges us to replace low thoughts of God with lofty ones, to quiet our lives so we can know God’s presence. He reminds us that life apart from God is really no life at all.  Tozer writes from his knees, a posture fit for presenting the character of God in all its demanding grandeur. "Arise, O sleeper!" is his word to us, and yet if we heed the call, we will see that to arise is not to stand, but to kneel before the God of heaven in humble contemplation. To pursue God is to know Him, and in our knowing be drawn in.

Mandy Hale - Don't Believe the Swipe artwork Don't Believe the Swipe
Finding Love without Losing Yourself
Mandy Hale
Genre: Christianity
Price: $1.99
Publish Date: April 20, 2021
Publisher: Revell
Seller: Baker Book House Company

Don't let the swipe rule your life Online dating. Dating apps. Texting. Social media. Endless swiping in search of forever love. It seems like the more ways technology offers to "connect" us, the less connected we actually are. Modern dating is not for the faint of heart!  Don't Believe the Swipe is not your mother's dating guide. It isn't about "landing a man" or learning to "think like a man" or "getting any man to fall in love with you"; it's about falling in love with yourself and then extending that love to every aspect of your life--including your love life. It's about learning to date without surrendering your power. It's about choosing yourself, regardless of whether someone swipes right or swipes left.  Funny, fresh, and relevant to today's crazy dating world, this book is sure to become your go-to modern dating guide. New York Times bestselling author Mandy Hale draws on her own hilarious and often jaw-dropping experiences to illustrate what it means to stop believing the swipe and start finding love without losing yourself.  There is a way to date with dignity, to refuse to let the swipe rule your life, to stand confident in your worth, and to not settle for less than you deserve. This book is that way. "I am so happy to have this new book by Mandy Hale to help me think and laugh my way to finding the love of my life."-- Yvette Nicole Brown , actress, comedian, writer, and TV host  "Where has this book been all my life? It's seriously the last dating book I'll ever need."-- Krista Allen , actress, comedian, recovering believer in the swipe "This book cuts through the fog of modern dating and reconnects us to our single most important relationship--the relationship we have with ourselves."-- Devyn Simone , celebrity matchmaker, dating expert, and TV host

Lee Strobel - The Case for Christ artwork The Case for Christ
A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus
Lee Strobel
Genre: Christianity
Price: $8.99
Publish Date: September 06, 2016
Publisher: Zondervan
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! OVER 5 MILLION COPIES SOLD!  Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? Former atheist and Chicago Tribune journalist Lee Strobel takes an investigative look at the evidence from the fields of science, philosophy, and history.  In this revised and updated bestseller, The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools such as Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis, asking hard-hitting questions--and building a captivating case for Christ's divinity. Strobel asks challenging questions like: How reliable is the New Testament?Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible?Is Jesus who he said he was?Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event? Winner of the Gold Medallion Book Award and twice nominated for the Christian Book of the Year Award, Strobel's tough, point-blank questions read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it's not fiction. It's a riveting quest for the truth about history's most compelling figure. This edition includes scores of revisions and additions, including updated material on archaeological and manuscript discoveries, fresh recommendations for further study, and an interview with the author that tells dramatic stories about the book's impact, provides behind-the-scenes information, and responds to critiques of the book by skeptics. Also available: The Case for Christ Spanish edition, kids' edition, and student edition. Plus, be sure to check out Lee Strobel's entire collection of Case for... books: The Case for a Creator explores the scientific evidence for GodThe Case for Grace uncovers the "how" and "why" behind God's amazing graceThe Case for Faith responds to eight major objections about Christianity . . . and more!

Christine Caine - How Did I Get Here? artwork How Did I Get Here?
Finding Your Way Back to God When Everything is Pulling You Away
Christine Caine
Genre: Christianity
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: June 08, 2021
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

Do you feel lost? Disconnected? Like you’re just going through the motions? When you don’t know the next step to take, God’s grace empowers you with a way forward. His hope offers an anchor for the soul and a way to get back on track. His faithfulness declares that wherever you are now, he is always ready to bring you home. As a respected Bible teacher, author, and activist, Christine Caine knew that Jesus was her only anchor. But after an especially difficult season, she found herself drifting, unsure if she wanted to keep going the way she always had and asking, “How did I get here?” as she struggled to return to the steadiness of God’s purpose for her. Where she once wanted to take ground, she now just wanted to take cover. It was a bewildering and disorienting place to be—one you may also have found yourself in before. With refreshing candor and relatable humor, Christine offers biblical insights helping you identify nine signs you are drifting off course and realign with God’s purpose;ask the right questions about your relationships with God, others, and your own heart so you can stay anchored in truth despite the world’s shifting currents;move from a what-if faith to an even-if faith as you discover how to trust God more deeply; andwrestle honestly with your soul’s longings so we can respond to all the ways God answers—even when it feels like he doesn’t. Writing for all who feel empty of the spiritual passion they once knew, Christine vulnerably shares her journey of turning her eyes back to Jesus in her thoughts, prayers, actions, and the hard questions she asked along the way.

Fabrice Hadjadj - Être père avec saint Joseph artwork Être père avec saint Joseph
Petit guide de l’aventurier des temps postmodernes
Fabrice Hadjadj
Genre: Christianity
Price: $7.99
Publish Date: June 21, 2021
Publisher: Magnificat SAS
Seller: DIY Media Group DBA BookBaby

Une méditation brillante et profonde sur saint Joseph, sa paternité extraordinaire et la Sainte famille. Dans un texte frais, un peu provocateur et surtout très profond, Fabrice Hadjadj donne à la vie de saint Joseph une prise directe sur notre vie quotidienne et le monde contemporain à travers les Écritures et son expérience personnelle.

David W. Daniels - New King James The Bridge Bible artwork New King James The Bridge Bible
David W. Daniels
Genre: Bible Studies
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: May 26, 2020
Publisher: Chick Publications, Inc.
Seller: Chick Publications, Inc.

Is The New King James Bible Just An Updated King James? It promised to be a 5th edition of the KJV, preserving the originally intended meaning of every verse. Did publishers and translators keep their promise? Author David Daniels shows us in this book that the classical language (including the thees and thous) is not all that was changed.  In fact, this Bible is not a King James at all!  Some of the updates actually change doctrines! “I’M NOT SAYING WHAT COULD HAPPEN. I’M SHOWING YOU WHAT DID HAPPEN.” – DAVID W DANIELS It cannot be a true King James, if salvation is changed from a finished work to an unfinished process (1 Corinthians 1:18). How can you know you are saved? Or in Matthew 7:14 where it says, Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life…? God did not make the way difficult. Salvation is as close as our mouth and our heart! These tiny changes, as well as others like it, have made a big difference, moving people from faith to doubt in God and His words. But there’s more.  The publishers of the New King James said, themselves, that their goal was to provide a “transitional bridge” to a modern Bible (and they sell plenty of them).  As people get used to seeing words changed in their Bible, they soon will accept a Bible that changes even more!  Eventually, you have a Bible with wording vague enough, in many key areas, that all the world’s religions will be able to “fit” their doctrines into it.  This is actually part of the larger plan for everyone to accept one world Bible for the Antichrist’s coming one world religion. How do we counter this? By teaching our children how to read the clear words of the King James, we can bring faith and not doubt to the next generation. In fact, as you will see in this book, if previous generations had done this, the New King James would never have been made.

Jaime García - Prier 15 jours avec Hildegarde de Bingen artwork Prier 15 jours avec Hildegarde de Bingen
Un livre pratique et accessible
Jaime García
Genre: Christianity
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: February 14, 2018
Publisher: Nouvelle Cité

Un recueil de textes commentés pour découvrir ou redécouvrir la pensée chrétienne à travers l'un de ses guides. Hildegarde de Bingen est peut-être l’une des femmes mystiques les plus appréciées aujourd’hui. Elle a excellé dans tous les domaines : la botanique, la médecine, la théologie, la musique, la cuisine... Hildegarde est une mystique d’un type particulier, c’est une visionnaire. Elle a marqué son époque, le XIIe siècle. Ses visions lui ont donné d’agir sur l’Église et la société de son temps, pour lesquelles elle a été, en quelque sorte, une prophétesse. Hildegarde a été proclamée docteur de l’Église le 7 octobre 2012. Se ressourcer et apprendre pendant quinze jours en compagnie d'un maître spirituel. EXTRAIT Depuis l’âge de cinq ans, en effet, elle avait des visions, or c’est seulement à quarante-deux ans, suite justement à cette vision, qu’elle peut en parler ouvertement et en rendre compte. C’est pour elle l’occasion de s’expliquer, ce qui la libère. En même temps, elle s’inscrit, sans le vouloir, dans le renouveau évangélique du XIIe siècle, et renouvelle, à sa manière, l’ordre bénédictin. Comme elle l’indiquera plus tard dans Le livre des œuvres divines , la voix qu’elle entend lui dit en effet : « Pour le service des hommes, transcris ce qu’ont vu tes yeux et ce qu’ont perçu tes oreilles intérieures ! Que les hommes accèdent à la connaissance de leur créateur, qu’enfin ils consentent à l’adorer dans la dignité, et à le vénérer » (LD pp. 117-118). À PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR Marie-Anne Vannier , professeur à l’Université de Lorraine (Metz), a une double formation en philosophie et en théologie. Directrice de l’Équipe de recherche sur les mystiques rhénans, elle s’intéresse depuis longtemps à la théologie et à la spiritualité d’Hildegarde de Bingen. Elle est membre de l’Institut universitaire de France. À PROPOS DE LA COLLECTION La collection Prier avec , ce sont : • Des livres sources – pour passer quinze jours en compagnie d’un maître spirituel à la manière de ces temps de retraite qui ouvrent une brèche dans notre univers quotidien. • Des livres pratiques – un rappel biographique en début de volume; – un itinéraire balisé en introduction; – une entrée dans la prière répartie sur les quinze chapitres de l’ouvrage; – pour aller plus loin, une bibliographie expliquée. • Des livres accessibles – un ressourcement qui va à l’essentiel pour des chrétiens actifs; – une information donnée de l’intérieur pour un public plus large.

David John Seel Jr. - The New Copernicans artwork The New Copernicans
Millennials and the Survival of the Church
David John Seel Jr.
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Price: $8.99
Publish Date: January 16, 2018
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

"Our millennial children, as well as nonchurchgoing millennials, are both the church's greatest challenge and its most exciting new opportunity." —John Seel, PhD Warning: There is a fundamental frame of reference shift in American society happening right now among young adults. You may think of this group as millennials—those born between 1980 and 2000—but millennials resist this label for good reason: the national narrative on them is pejorative, patronizing, and just plain wrong. Here's what we do know: Of Americans with a church background, 76 percent are described as "religious nones" or unaffiliated—and it's the fastest growing segment of the population.Close to 40 percent of millennials fit this religious profile.Roughly 80 percent of teens in evangelical church high school youth groups will abandon their faith after two years in college. It's unlikely that the evangelical church can survive if it is uniformly rejected by millennials, and yet: Millennial pastors and youth ministers are disempowered; their perspective is often not taken seriously by senior church leadership.Most millennial research is framed in categories rejected by millennials; that is, left-brained, analytical communication is lost on right-brained, intuitive millennials.Evangelicals' bias toward rational left-brained thinking makes the church seem tone-deaf. What's next? Read on. John Seel suggests survival strategies—communication on-ramps for genuine human connection with the next generation. It can be done.

Peter Scazzero - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality artwork Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Unleash a Revolution in Your Life In Christ
Peter Scazzero
Genre: Christianity
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: May 09, 2011
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

What Are You Missing? Peter Scazzero learned the hard way: you can’t be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. Even though Pete was pastor of a rapidly growing church, he did what most people do: avoid conflict in the name of Christianityignore his anger, sadness, and fearuse God to run from Godlive without boundaries Eventually God awakened him to a biblical integration of emotional health, a profound relationship with Jesus, and the historical practices of contemplative spirituality. It created nothing short of a spiritual revolution, utterly transforming him and his church. In this best-selling book Pete outlines his journey and the signs of emotionally unhealthy spirituality. Then he provides seven biblical, reality-tested ways to break through to the revolutionary life Christ meant for you. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality is presently used in more than twenty-six countries to equip churches in a deep, beneath-the-surface spiritual formation paradigm that truly transforms lives.

Andy Stanley - Louder Than Words artwork Louder Than Words
The Power of Uncompromised Living
Andy Stanley
Genre: Christianity
Price: $13.99
Publish Date: April 30, 2004
Publisher: The Crown Publishing Group
Seller: Penguin Random House Canada

Your character, more than anything else, will impact how much you accomplish in this life. It is more important than your talent, your education, your background, or your network of friends. Andy Stanley helps you chart a course toward becoming a man or woman of character. You'll discover a definition of character that will inspire you for a lifetime, the external and internal benefits of strong character, the six false beliefs behind negative behaviors, and more. Using practical insights, biblical exposition, and engaging stories, Stanley guides you step-by-step in setting the personal goals that will build the foundation for true success. The Secret to a Life with No Regrets How important is your character? It determines everything about you! How much you will accomplish in life, and whether you are worth knowing. How you will respond to success, and how you will weather the inevitable storms of life. This is a book about uncompromised living. It is about choosing every day to be a man or woman of integrity, a person whose actions speak louder than words. Bestselling author Andy Stanley challenges you to become what you were meant to be: a person whose commitment to doing the right thing, whatever the cost, will inspire others and change your world. Story Behind the Book As a pastor, I spend a substantial amount of my time with people who are digging themselves out from personal environmental catastrophes—circumstances that were often years in the making but “took them by surprise.” Another group of people have faced, or are facing, storms of life that are not of their own making, storms created by the character deficits of others—storms that are a natural part of a fallen world. There, in the midst of unjust treatment and seemingly undeserved pain, the true character of a man or woman is revealed. What you see in such moments is what was really there all along. This book is about change. It’s about the process of taking raw materials and molding them, shaping them, and refining them into a finished product. Whether you know it or not, that process is happening in you. Your character, not your accomplishments or acquisitions, determines your legacy.

Macrina Wiederkehr - A Tree Full of Angels artwork A Tree Full of Angels
Seeing the Holy in the Ordinary
Macrina Wiederkehr
Genre: Christianity
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: January 10, 2012
Publisher: HarperOne
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

The Benedictine tradition and practice of divine reading made accessible for everyone.

Jimmy Swaggart - The Expositor's New Testament artwork The Expositor's New Testament
Jimmy Swaggart
Genre: Bible Studies
Price: $14.99
Publish Date: August 01, 2003
Publisher: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries
Seller: DIY Media Group DBA BookBaby

A study Bible like none other.  Commentary notes are placed within or at the end of the verses, making study easier. Scripture text is in black. Rev. Swaggart's commentary notes are in red, making it very easy to read. Commentary on virtually every scripture in the Bible. King James Version

Stéphane Allix - Le Test artwork Le Test
Une expérience inouie : la preuve de l'après-vie ?
Stéphane Allix
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: October 01, 2015
Publisher: Albin Michel

Lorsque mon père est décédé j'ai placé des objets dans son cercueil. Je n'en ai parlé à personne. Puis j';ai interrogé des médiums qui disent communiquer avec les morts. Découvriront-ils de quels objets il s'agit ? C'est le test. Peut-on parler avec les morts ? Des femmes et des hommes le prétendent et en font même profession. Des milliers de gens les consultent. Ces capacités sont-elles réelles ou sont-elles une illusion ? Pour répondre à ces interrogations, Stéphane Allix a interrogé six médiums. Les résultats sont stupéfiants et confirment ce que révèlent les recherches scientifiques menées sur ce sujet : la vie après la mort est aujourd'hui une hypothèse rationnelle. Comment devient-on médium ? Est-ce un don ou une malédiction ? Comment décrire ce qui se passe lors de la mort ? Où va-t-on après ? Consulter un médium peut-il aider au processus de deuil ? Comment éviter les charlatans ? Autant de questions que ce livre aborde, nous entraînant à la découverte d'une réalité à la fois simple et vertigineuse : il est possible de communiquer avec ceux que nous aimons au-delà de la mort.

Charles F. Stanley - God Has a Plan for Your Life artwork God Has a Plan for Your Life
The Discovery that Makes All the Difference
Charles F. Stanley
Genre: Christianity
Price: $4.99
Publish Date: June 08, 2008
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

While you may not understand all the twists and turns of life, you can be sure of one thing: the same God who created you, loves you. God’s personal promise to you is one of extreme hope and potential (Jeremiah 29:11). He also has an awesome strategy for your future. No matter what failure you have experienced in the past, you can learn how to make right choices at every juncture in your life.   In God Has A Plan for Your Life, Dr. Charles Stanley explains that there is no such thing as coincidence, luck, or good fortune. God is sovereign, and He has a course that He wants you to follow. He opens and closes exciting doors of opportunity, but it is up to you to step through each one by faith. You don’t have to miss another exciting moment. You can live each day with a sense of hope and assurance that whatever comes your way has passed through God’s omnipotent, loving hands. This book outlines the exact steps that will lead you to discover His plan for your life.

Gleason L. Archer, Jr. - New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties artwork New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties
Gleason L. Archer, Jr.
Genre: Bible Studies
Price: $11.99
Publish Date: April 19, 2011
Publisher: Zondervan Academic
Seller: Harper Collins Canada Limited

Did God approve of Rahab’s lie? Why are many of the Old Testament quotes in the New Testament not literal? Does the Bible class abortion with murder? Where did Adam and Eve’s sons get their wives? Does 1 Corinthians 7:10–16 authorize divorce for desertion? What do you make of the difficult areas in the Bible—those puzzling passages that make you stop and scratch your head? The seeming contradictions and inconsistencies of Scripture actually have sound explanations. But unless you’re a Bible scholar, you probably don’t know about them. That’s why you need the New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties. It gives you informed answers to your most troublesome questions. Some of the solutions seem obvious—after you’ve read them. But most include an eye-opening look at linguistic, cultural, numerical, relational, and other considerations of which most Bible readers are unaware. Referencing both the New International Version and the New American Standard Bible, this helpful resource makes scholarly insights accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a student, pastor, everyday Bible-lover, or even a skeptic, the New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties will show you why the Bible is believable and dependable, with a message you can live by. 

Sheila Gregoire - Great Sex Rescue artwork Great Sex Rescue
The Lies You've Been Taught and How to Recover What God Intended
Sheila Gregoire
Genre: Christianity
Price: $10.99
Publish Date: March 02, 2021
Publisher: Baker Books
Seller: Baker Book House Company

What if it's not your fault that sex is bad in your marriage? Based on a groundbreaking in-depth survey of 22,000 Christian women, The Great Sex Rescue unlocks the secrets to what makes some marriages red hot while others fizzle out. Generations of women have grown up with messages about sex that make them feel dirty, used, or invisible, while men have been sold such a cheapened version of sex, they don't know what they're missing. The Great Sex Rescue hopes to turn all of that around, developing a truly biblical view of sex where mutuality, intimacy, and passion reign. The Great Sex Rescue pulls back the curtain on what is happening in Christian bedrooms and exposes the problematic teachings that wreck sex for so many couples--and the good teachings that leave others breathless. In the #metoo and #churchtoo era, not only is this book a long overdue corrective to church culture, it is poised to free thousands of couples from repressive and dissatisfying sex lives so that they can experience the kind of intimacy and wholeness God intended.

Zach Neese - How To Worship a King artwork How To Worship a King
Prepare Your Heart. Prepare Your World. Prepare The Way.
Zach Neese
Genre: Christianity
Price: $18.99
Publish Date: September 01, 2015
Publisher: Charisma House
Seller: INscribe Digital

Worship is more than music. It is the impetus for everything we do as Christians.  It is expressed through every action of our lives and helps us become more Christlike. When we learn to worship God through our life, we become better Christians, ministers, musicians, parents, and mechanics. Transform every area of your life through worship. This book unfolds a holistic view of worship so that you can experience peace, joy, and the richness of living in God’s presence. Be drawn to the heart of God as you explore answers to important questions such as:What are praise and worship, and what is my part in them?  If I’m not a musician or singer, how can I be a worship leader?What does the Bible teach about how we come into the presence of God and how we lead other people into the presence of God?

Aubrey Malphurs and Will Mancini - Building Leaders artwork Building Leaders
Blueprints for Developing Leadership at Every Level of Your Church
Aubrey Malphurs and Will Mancini
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Price: $14.99
Publish Date: March 01, 2004
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
Seller: Baker Book House Company

Some Lead, Others Follow Strong leadership can be the difference between a church that flounders and one that thrives. And to build strong leaders you need the right training. Church leadership expert Aubrey Malphurs knows how to get the job done and offers you his expertise on training people to move your church from maintaining the status quo to making a difference for Christ.

Hamza Yusuf - The Prayer of the Oppressed artwork The Prayer of the Oppressed
Hamza Yusuf
Genre: Islam
Price: $4.99
Publish Date: March 30, 2012
Publisher: EBooks2go
Seller: eBooks2go Inc

The Power of this prayer of Imam Muhammad al-Dar'i lies in its simplicity, its purity, and its sincere supplication. It is essentially a plea to God that our transgressions be overlooked, that divine mercy be bestowed upon us, that social justice be restored in spite of us, that wrongs be righted, and that righteousness reign once again in our lands, so that the destitute may no longer be in need, the young may be educated, the animals' purpose fulfilled, rain restored, and bounties poured forth. It is a plea to be freed from the aggression of foreigners in lands over which they have no right - a plea much needed in our modern world, rampant as it is with invasions and territorial occupations. Ultimately, it asks not that our enemies be destroyed, but simply that their plots, and the harm they cause, be halted. Its essence is mercy, which in turn is the essence of the Messenger of God, Muhammad (peace and blessing of God be upon him): "And We have only sent you as a mercy to all the worlds."

R.C. Sproul - ESV Reformation Study Bible artwork ESV Reformation Study Bible
R.C. Sproul
Genre: Bible Studies
Price: $32.99
Publish Date: March 19, 2020
Publisher: Reformation Trust Publishing
Seller: Ligonier Ministries

The Bible is not like any other book because its ultimate Author is God. As the psalmist prayed in Psalm 119:18, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law,” the Reformation Study Bible emphasizes the need for the grace of God to lead out of darkness and into the light of Scripture. The 2020 edition of the Reformation Study Bible ebook provides an enhanced reading and study experience with improved navigation tools, in-text pop-up windows for study notes and references, embedded maps, and much more. You can also increase or decrease font size, add highlights, and write your own notes to keep for later reference. Trustworthy Scholars & Commentary      • Theological notes from general editor, R.C. Sproul      • Commentary from 75 distinguished theologians from around the world      • Topical articles to enrich additional study of Scripture Expansive Study Aids & Tools      • Over 1.1 million words of verse-by-verse and topical explanations      • Over 20,000 new, revised, or expanded study notes      • Historical creeds and confessions from 2,000 years of church history      • Concordance, table of weights and measures, and more New eBook Features      • ESV 2016 text      • In-text pop-up windows for study notes and references      • Embedded maps to provide quick references as you read      • Enhanced navigation between books, chapters, and notes Additional Details      • ePub: 20.8 MB

Jonathan Landaw, Stephan Bodian & Gudrun Buhnemann - Buddhism For Dummies artwork Buddhism For Dummies
Jonathan Landaw, Stephan Bodian & Gudrun Buhnemann
Genre: Buddhism
Price: $18.99
Publish Date: August 07, 2019
Publisher: Wiley
Seller: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.

Your hands-on guide to this widely practiced and ancient religion Buddhism, one of the world's most widely practiced religions, is a fascinating yet complex eastern religion that is rapidly spreading throughout western civilization. What does it mean to be a Buddhist? What are the fundamental beliefs and history behind this religion? Buddhism For Dummies explores these questions and more in this updated guide to Buddhist culture. You'll gain an understanding of the origins of this ancient practice and how they're currently applied to everyday life.  Whether you're a searcher of truth, a student of religions, or just curious about what makes Buddhism such a widely practiced religion, this guide is for you. In plain English, it defines the important terms, explains the key concepts, and explores in-depth a wide range of fascinating topics. New and expanded coverage on all the schools of Buddhism, including Theravada, Tibetan, and Mahayana The continuing relevance of the Dalai Lama Updated coverage on daily observances, celebrations, styles, practices, meditation, and more  Continuing the Dummies tradition of making the world's religions engaging and accessible to everyone, Buddhism For Dummies is your essential guide to this fascinating religion. P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you're probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Buddhism For Dummies (9781118023792). The book you see here shouldn't be considered a new or updated product. But if you're in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We're always writing about new topics!

Jimmy Swaggart - The Expositor's Word for Every Day artwork The Expositor's Word for Every Day
Jimmy Swaggart
Genre: Christianity
Price: $12.99
Publish Date: March 17, 2020
Publisher: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries
Seller: Family Worship Center Church

This is, we believe, the most unique Daily Devotional in the world today. All 366 Messages, one for each day of the year (including leap year), in some way deal with the Cross of Christ. Consequently, the wealth of Doctrine, help, strength, encouragement, and blessing carried in this Volume is, we think, exceptional. It addresses modern-day problems, which can be solved only by the age-old remedy of the Word of God.

David Phillips - Headcovering Throughout Christian History artwork Headcovering Throughout Christian History
David Phillips
Genre: Christianity
Price: $3.99
Publish Date: March 07, 2015
Publisher: David Phillips
Seller: Smashwords, Inc.

Have you ever wondered why Christian women, just two or three generations ago, often wore some type of covering on their heads while in church? -- And why men always took off their hats when it was time to pray? It is well-documented throughout Church history that the use of headcoverings was the norm for Christian women during times of prayer. Additionally, the widespread practice for Christian men -- since the beginning of the Church -- has been to remove their hats whenever they gathered for prayer. Among the churches in Western society, these practices have greatly declined (and often ceased) only within the last century. The Bible itself provided for the longevity of these symbolic actions. In the book of First Corinthians, the Apostle Paul explained the meaning of the unique practice of Christian headcovering. Countless pastors, theologians, and other Christians throughout history have studied (and written about) Paul's instructions about headcovering. "Headcovering Throughout Church History" provides an overview of the Church's response to 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 across the last 2000 years of Christianity. It features the writings of the Early Church, Augustine, Martin Luther, John Bunyan, Charles Spurgeon, and many others. It also documents contemporary theologians & denominations that endorse the Church's historical stand on this passage of Scripture. Now in Kindle format, this book contains the most comprehensive research currently available on the topic. Carefully referenced quotations allow you to hear from well over 50 theologians, pastors, and other Christian writers throughout Church history. __________________ = = Book Excerpts = = "A man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God. But the woman is the glory of man... Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head... We have no other practice, nor have the churches of God." // The Apostle Paul, 1st Century AD “Indeed, the man's head ought not to be hidden, for the glory of God is seen in the man. A woman ought to cover her head in church out of reverence.” // Ambrosiaster, 4th Century AD "A woman praying in church without her head covered brings shame upon her head, according to the word of the Apostle... [and] the Apostle forbids men to pray in Church with covered head.” // Synod of Rome, 8th Century AD “It pertains to a man's dignity not to wear a covering on his head, to show that he is immediately subject to God; but the woman should wear a covering to show that besides God she is naturally subject to another.” // Thomas Aquinas, 13th Century AD “No man shall cover his head in the church or chapel.” // The Church of England, 17th Century AD “During my high school years, I never saw a woman in my mainline church whose head wasn't covered with a hat or a veil. That is one of those customs that has simply disappeared for the most part from Christian culture.” // R.C. Sproul (contemporary pastor & theologian) “It is only in the past three or four decades [since the 1960's] that its observance has slipped away — particularly in Western society.” // Mary Kassian (professor, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) ======= This book is a companion volume to the book, "Covered Glory: 1 Corinthians 11 & The Christian Use of Headcoverings."